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UK Newswire Archive

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Cops Hide ID Numbers at N9 Demo

09-11-2011 20:23

During today's Nov 9 protest by electricians, students and taxi drivers in central London, at least 2 mounted cops hid ID numbers by pulling metal numerals off their shoulders or by wearing yellow hi-vis webbing over their epaulettes to cover-up the numbers on their epaulettes -

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Occupy London - Solidarity with Census Refuser Judith Sambrook

09-11-2011 19:30

Banners at Finsbury Square
I spent yesterday afternoon and evening at Occupy London talking with people about Judith Sambrook who appears in court in Wrexham on Friday on a charge of failing to complete the 2011 Census. Those census resisters targeted for prosecution in the coming months need our support and solidarity, starting with Judith in Wrexham on 11/11/11.

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#sparks morning demo pics part2

09-11-2011 18:18

few pics from this mornings sparks demo, after visiting several sites, we marched to st paul's before heading on to the farringdon site and marching on the start of the unite demo at the shard. throughout there were calls to continue blockading construction sites, and to support the students on the streets this afternoon rather than march to a lobby of parliament.


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N9 Student Demo at Malet Street/Gower Street

09-11-2011 18:18

I managed to get down to Malet Street around 12pm for the start of the N9 Student Ant-cuts Demo. The mood was good, but given the very obvious police presence, there was clearly a tension in the air. Police horses 'led' the march in front of a thickish blue line.

Let's see how things progress over the day...

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Photos of student #Nov9 march to the city

09-11-2011 18:18

Loud and proud demo today of thousands and thousands with people quite happy to push through police lines and past mounted police officers. A quite amazing number of side streets within the city were fully blocked off with riot police with round and full shields, and some plain clothes snatch squads,  horses, dogs, and massive city lockdown. They're really quite worried...


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6pm OLD STREET, London

09-11-2011 16:52

Converge and Occupy Old Street roundabout.

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cops closing in on trafalgar square camp

09-11-2011 15:04

Sounds like the campers in Trafalgar Sq need support...

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Pics: #Sparks and students take the streets

09-11-2011 10:56

this morning starting at 7am sparks, students and their supporters took the streets outside the pinnacle building site before marching to the cannon st construction site - they refused to be stopped by police and pushed through police lines to reach cannon st - leaving there just after 9am

earlier speakers urged people to join the students in marching later in the day


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London Demonstrators Defy Police Intimidation

09-11-2011 10:54

Hundreds of electricians briefly blocked the City of London this morning
Students, electricians and cab drivers are all demonstrating in London today. Above all, they are demonstrating that they will not be intimidated by police scare tactics, which are aimed at deterring those want to fight for their futures.

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Early morning electricians demo around the City of London

09-11-2011 10:04

Students & Workers Unite banner, Bishopsgate
Report of the electricians demo early this morning that started of today's (9 November) day of action

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On November 30th make your way to Canary Wharf!

09-11-2011 09:36

On November the 30th make your way to Canary Wharf. The owners of Canary Wharf have took out an injunction to ban protests on their property without permission from them so lets show them what we think of their trampling on democratic rights to protest. Lets get 20,000 people to march on their office complex !

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Ground the Drones: Protest the Drones Industry - Wed 16 Nov, London

09-11-2011 08:54

As unmanned drones become the latest 'must have' weapon, and drone strikes become an almost daily occurrence, the drone industry will be gathering together in central London.

Protest: Wednesday, 16th November, 12noon-2pm, Copthorne Tara Hotel, Scarsdale Place, Kensington, London, W8 5SR
(nearest tube High Street Kensington)

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New Dan Glass Plane Stupid Interview

09-11-2011 07:42

Famous Plane Stupid activist Dan Glass, interviewed in Vancouver, Canada while on the Aviation Justice Tour to link up activism in the UK with expanding airports in North America. We talk climate change, health impacts, and suppression of civil rights by police and secret services. Bonus audio from Radio Ecoshock 111109 32 minutes.

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Occupy Notttingham: 4th week & onwards .....

09-11-2011 00:55

Tuesday 8th November 2011 Day 25 and beyond ....

The occupation of the Market Square in Nottingham, continues through the 4th week ......

Despite the weather and a number of threats the camp is not only continuing, but is in fact growing.

Earlier reports on the camp .... on the posting from last Tuesday at:

Nottingham Occupation: Tuesday Day 18


Nottingham Indymedia have added a few features with more links ......


Nottingham is occupied [1st Feature]


Nottingham Occupation Continues [2nd Feature]


Occupy Notttingham: Moved but still in occupation [3rd Feature]


Occupy Notttingham: Still there [4th Feature]



Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham.  UK



Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]


"It is not enough to curse the darkness.

                                   It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"



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Occupy Notttingham: Still there

08-11-2011 22:55

While the London-centric mainstream media has continued to focus on the occupation next to St Pauls, other occupations continue around the country, including in Nottingham, where those occupying the Market Square are now entering their fourth week. Despite the weather and a number of threats the camp is not only continuing, but in fact growing.

On the newswire: Occupy Nottingham Statement | V for Vendetta : Happy Guy Fawkes day | Nottingham Occupation: Day 21 | Today’s Occupation Quote: ‘hungry people dont stay hungry’ | Old Market Square protesters determined … | Nottingham Occupation: Tuesday Day 18 | Sunny Occupy Nottingham | Nottingham Occupation: Saturday Day 15 | Alien Invasion @ Occupy Nottingham. should we be alarmed? | Critical Mass rides about a bit again in Nottm | Lost my job …. found an Occupation | Characters I’ve met during Cuts & Occupy Campaigns | Nottingham Occupation continues: Thursday Day 13

Previous feature: Occupy Notttingham: Moved but still in occupation | Nottingham Occupation Continues | Nottingham is occupied

There have been some threats to the camp and on Sunday, a firework was thrown into the camp, before those responsible were chased off.

Despite the problems, the response to the camp has been overwhelmingly supportive. The camp has been visited by Nottingham’s Critical Mass, Robin Hood and Maid Marian, "aliens" and even health and safety officials whose inspection they passed.

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Hope Not Hate & Searchlight: civil war?

08-11-2011 21:37

In the last few weeks there have mean major cracks developing between Searchlight magazine & their cash-cow dummy front organisation 'Hope Not Hate'. Clearly, arguments about money are not exclusive to the BNP...

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IWW London Guildhall Cleaner's Solidarity protest in Birmingham

08-11-2011 18:57

Yesterday West Midlands Industrial Workers of the World staged a two hour picket outside the Birmingham Children's Hospital in support of the IU640 Cleaners Branch protest at Guildhall in London and part of the International Day of Action against SODEXO.

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Don't be intimidated! See you on the streets!

08-11-2011 18:55

Following on from today's news that MET police have sent letters out to people who were arrested at previous 'austerity related' demonstrations and the much publicised statement that plastic bullet baton rounds have been authorised for use if needed, Fitwatch have published the article below.

The letters [pic] were sent out to people who had even had all charges against them dropped including youth defendants in the Fortnum and Mason occupation court cases - see also guardian article. The letters warned:

"It is in the public and your own interest that you do not involve yourself in any type of criminal or antisocial behaviour. We have a responsibility to deliver a safe protest which protects residents, tourists, commuters, protesters and the wider community. Should you do so we will at the earliest opportunity arrest and place you before the court."

Don't be intimidated! See you on the streets!

From Fitwatch:

On the eve of the mass education/sparks/cabbies protest on 9th November, it is clear the state are trying to intimidate us.

From the news today that the police have written to protesters arrested at previous demonstrations warning them off protesting (see picture), to the “total policing” of the last couple of weeks witnessed at the squatting demoand deaths in custody march (amongst others), the message is clear; attempt to protest and the state will clamp down, act violently, and make arbitrary arrests. And, if you’re unlucky enough to get caught, the courts are making sure long deterrent sentences are passed, regardless of how insignificant the individual action, in attempt to scare us away from future protest.

However, whilst even seasoned activists have admitted to being a little scared at the current state of policing, it’s not all doom and gloom, and we mustn’t be tricked into feeling intimidated. It’s nearly the anniversary of the Met’s attempt to silence Fitwatch for giving common sense advice to the Millbank protesters. This is still recommended reading, as is this Fitwatch call to action.

Above all, we should be applying the lessons we have learnt on the streets over the last year. When we don’t just ‘walk on by’, and act in solidarity with each other, we are stronger; when we act as fast mobile blocs, we are more effective and harder to contain; when we sit down or put our hands in the air, we are fodder for baton strikes and kettling; when we refuse to play the divide and rule game and condemn fellow protesters, we are more threatening.

And finally, and perhaps most importantly, when we mask up, and make no comment to police questioning, we are harder to convict and lock up.

See you on the streets!

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Video interviews from 2011 Anarchist Bookfair

08-11-2011 16:55

The 29th London Anarchist Bookfair has come and gone, packed with thousands of people flicking through over a hundred stalls, attending a comprehensive program of meetings and talks on current issues, watching films & cabaret, catching up, networking, planning and plotting. Along side our stall, Indymedia London and Be The Media interviewed and talked politics with many of the speakers of the day. So if you missed the Bookfair, or couldn’t attend all the talks and meetings, here are eleven recorded video interviews from the day.

Click on the links to watch the videos:

Counterpower with Author Tim Gee
Solfed on Anarchy in the Workplace
Beyond Capitalism with Richard Barbrook
Luddite Bicentenary with Jim from Advisory Service
Reclaim Our Media by Donnacha DeLong
New Nuclear Energy: An Anarchists Nightmare
Stuart Christie Interview Lessons To Be Learned
Becky Hogge discusses her book Barefoot Into Cyberspace
Patrick talks about Bicycology the Cyclists' Collective
Capital Expansion In China by Pun Ngai
Matt Salusbury on Police Databases

For previous years reports, audio and video: 2008 | 2009 | 2010 |

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Palestine Today 11082011

08-11-2011 16:06

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Tuesday November 8, 2011

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