UK Newswire Archive
The Endless Effort Towards Revolution...
08-11-2011 15:44
THE ENDLESS EFFORT TOWARDS REVOLUTIONExcerpts from the book “La democracia y el triunfo del estado” (Democracy and the triumph of the State) by the Spanish author Felix Rodrigo Mora.
Sydney - police thugs move in
08-11-2011 14:34
OCCUPY protesters in Sydney, Australia, have been evicted from a disused building by a gang of 100 police thugs with dogs.Seven Billion ... And Rising
08-11-2011 13:18

Facing Up To Mike Weatherley's Fearsome Gauntlet
08-11-2011 13:03
I take your gauntlet and use it to apply a slap across your filthy chops, Mike.November 30 Strike Day Solidarity Planning Meeting
08-11-2011 12:53

20yrs of depleted uranium dumped on MoD's doorstep
08-11-2011 12:20

Smash EDO: Event dates in North of England and Scotland coming up
08-11-2011 11:44
Next week and the first week in December speakers from Smash EDO will be touring the north of England and Scotland to tell people about the summer of resistance.The following dates and venues are confirmed - please spread the word and join us if we are coming to you.
Smash EDO: Summer of Resistance 2012
08-11-2011 11:15
Join us for a summer of resistance against Brighton's very own peddlers of death. Start working on your cunning plans now and join in!How to get involved:
1.Talk to your mates/your group and think of ideas for action
2.Pick a date in the summer months of 2012
3. Email/call the campaign
When Speaking the Truth Becomes a Crime,
08-11-2011 10:51
Robert Green stands ALONE in a Stonehaven Court accused of "breach of the peace"for reporting the TRUTH. If you can get there please attend your presence
and support is NEEDED in this landmark case
Smash EDO: RIP Mark Rivers
08-11-2011 10:42
Long term Smash EDO campaigner Mark Rivers tragically died in a fire athis flat in Brighton in the early morning on Sunday, 6th of November at
the age of 51.
A big noise demo in Mark's honour will be announced shortly.
EDL leader continues to reveal his disturbing attitudes
08-11-2011 10:29
A series of facts are continuing to come to light, revealing the full scale of English Defence League leader Stephen Yaxley-Lennon aka “Tommy Robinson’s” disturbing attitudes on a range of matters. Yaxley-Lennon’s self-incriminating statements demolish the EDL’s official claims about these issues.Black Bloc: the culture of coercion and poor strategy at mass actions needs an overhaul
08-11-2011 09:14

A week of London protests - pics (31 Oct - 6 Nov)
08-11-2011 08:55
Selected images from eight demos that took place last week (Monday, 31st October to Sunday, 6th November 2011).
Many more images from each of these protests can be viewed here:
All images are Copyright (c) 2011 D. Viesnik. They may be reproduced free of charge for non-commercial use if credited. For larger, high resolution versions, please e-mail.
Many more images from each of these protests can be viewed here:
SOAS protest trials collapse after video shown
08-11-2011 02:55
Video and photo evidence that came to light at the last minute directly contradicts police statements causing the collapse of cases brought against three demonstrators at an event addressed by David Willetts at SOAS in June.
Two more cases collapsed at Highbury Corner Magistrates' Court on Monday, 31 October when police offered no evidence against student demonstrators following the acquittal of a third protestor the previous week.
Aaron Peters and Ashok Kumar, both PhD students, had the cases against them dismissed after dramatic video and photo evidence was presented in a related case against Simon Behrman on 27 October.
The footage and photos found on the Internet by Kumar's solicitor, Matt Foot, directly contradict the witness statements of six police officers. "Five arrests were instigated by primarily one police officer who basically lied,"* said Peters in an interview with this writer.
The arrests were made at a demonstration against David Willetts, the universities minister, who gave an address at an event on the campus of the School of African and Oriental Studies on 13 June. The 2010 Higher Education Act, enabling universities to charge fees of up to £9000 per year, became law under the direction of Willetts.
Scotland Yard told this reporter: "Between 100 and 150 people attended a demonstration and additional police officers were called to attend after a number of protestors entered the building to gain access to the buildings' basement."
In a video clip uploaded to YouTube on 20 August, police constable Paul McAuslan who is clearly identified by his shoulder ID number, "PC 138 EK"*, is seen initiating a physical altercation with a demonstrator before pinning him to the ground amid outcries from fellow protestors.
Guy Aitchison, who is a friend of Peters and Kumar, was in court on 31 October and tweeted: "The officer in question had said he was assaulted by Ashok. The video showed it was the other way round." Scotland Yard did not comment on the video and photo evidence in its statement, confirming only that it had not offered any evidence against either Peters, Kumar or Behrman.
Peters and Kumar were charged with obstructing and resisting PC McAuslan in the execution of his duty, however Peters says Kumar was initially charged with "assaulting a police officer"*. Behrman was charged with the more serious offence of Violent Disorder under Section 4 of the Public Order Act.
Peters believes he has good grounds for bringing a case against the police for malicious prosecution and said he and the other acquitted parties will be seeking legal advice in this matter.
Bike projects hoping to change the World
08-11-2011 00:56
A gathering of radical bike projects happen in Bristol over the weekend 5/6 Nov. The gathering brought together ~20 people involved in spaces which in some way link politics and bicycles together. The last gathering was in Manchester.
Topics discussed ranged from "How to include politics into the work we do with Bikes" where different ways of getting messages across and learning from each other were discussed to "Kids, cycling and Education" where questions about different aims about working with children were mentioned.
Members of bicycle gropus in northern cities were from
Pedallers Arms in Leeds which is a co-operative of people aiming to build strong communities through bike maintenance. They run drop in bike workshops with a membership scheme. Running for a year with ~8 volunteers.
Freewheelers who have set up recently in Lancaster by three female mechanics.
In Hebden Bridge there is CycleRecycle based in the Alternative Technology Centre with 3 workshop spaces and 7 volunteers.
Groups from outside the North are mentioned below.
In Warrington is an attempt to set up a bike recycling workshop with a focus on working with people who have disabilities.
Bicyology has been running for 7 years and they focus on linking activism with cycling and challenging car. They have run bike rides interspersed with events in public spaces.
56a Bike Worksop has been running for over 15 years as a do-it-together on Wednesday - Saturday afternoons. They feel that running a drop-in session empowers people to fix bikes and to take hopefully take this to other aspects of our lives. 56a bike space runs on donations and contributes around £50 a month rent with ~10 volunteers.
Cycle Trainers UK mainly based in London and were set up in 1998 is a non-hierarchical organisation and became a co-op in 2001. It has 47 members who are contracted on equal pay to teach cycle skills with the majority of the work coming from local councils. They have recently developed a scheme training HGV drivers how to ride a bicycles in the hope of making them aware of the experience cyclist have of HGVs.
Cranks in Brighton run drop-in workshops on Tue, Fri and Sat. Been running for 6 years with ~12 volunteers. Survive fully on donations to pay the rent.
Kebele Bike Woskshop has been running since 1997 and has a drop-in session on a Wednesdays 12-5 staffed by up to 5 volunteers. It is solely funded by donations and selling second-hand bikes for around ~£50. The Bristol Bike Project has been running for 3 years and started out from Bristol Refugee Rights with the aim of giving refugee's a bike gives them greater freedom and some then have become involved in fixing bikes. They work with about ~30 organisations (such as homeless charities and the NHS) and they then receive referrals for bikes. As the people refereed don't have much money then they found it important to have one maintenance day for people who have been given a bike.
Help needed at Occupy Sheffield!
08-11-2011 00:54

Tightening the Noose: The IAEA report on Iran's nuclear program
08-11-2011 00:20

On the diplomatic front, the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is about to release its latest report on Iran's nuclear program, a program Iran insists is solely designed to produce electricity and not atomic or nuclear weapons, as is claimed by the United States and other Western powers.
According to a Nov. 6 story by the Reuters news agency, the report is tentatively scheduled to be submitted to IAEA member states on Nov. 9. That report “is expected to give fresh evidence of research and other activities with little other application than atomic bomb-making, including studies linked to the development of an atom bomb trigger and computer modeling of a nuclear weapon.”
Such “evidence” would give the U.S. ammunition to pressure the U.N Security Council to impose a fifth round of economic sanctions against Iran, or even help justify a military attack by Israel, the United States, the United Kingdom or all three countries, all of which have developed contingency plans for just such an attack.
Chaos in The Countryside
07-11-2011 23:54
A week after falsely blaming hunt saboteurs for the death of one of their hounds, the attached video shows the Cotswold Vale Farmers Hunt casually risking the lives of their hounds