On November 30th make your way to Canary Wharf!
Occupy Canary Wharf | 09.11.2011 09:36
On November the 30th make your way to Canary Wharf. The owners of Canary Wharf have took out an injunction to ban protests on their property without permission from them so lets show them what we think of their trampling on democratic rights to protest. Lets get 20,000 people to march on their office complex !
Also there are open spaces not far from Canary Wharf in Poplar and on the Isle of Dogs which would be suitable for setting up an occupy camp. Just as the injection took out by the owners of Paternoster Square failed to stop an occupy camp being set up nearby so the injunction took out by the owners of Canary Wharf will not stop another occupy camp being set up close to it.

Occupy Canary Wharf