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Cherbal Family Must Stay In Blackburn

15-04-2009 07:07

Ismail Cherbal and Safia Aouf, nationals of Algeria, and their British-born children Sonia aged four and son Aya aged 15 months have lived in Blackburn, Lancashire, for almost five years. They are currently detained in Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre and are due to be forcibly removed from the UK on Thursday, April 16th at 09.45 hours on British Airways flight BA894 to Algeria.

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ITALY Fly with the Fascist to London

15-04-2009 07:04

In the 90 right-wing extremists Roberto Fiore and Massimo Morselli created "Easy London, now try to imitate the acolytes near Gianluca Iannone

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Jean-Loup Lapointe : asesino de Fredy Villanueva

15-04-2009 01:24

Jean-Loup Lapointe : asesino de Fredy Villanueva
N'oublions jamais : Jean-Loup Lapointe a tué Fredy Villanueva impunément

Lest we forget: Jean-Loup Lapointe murdered Fredy Villanueva

No sea que olvidemos: Jean-Loup Lapointe asesinó Fredy Villanueva

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Camp for Climate Action emerges in New Zealand.

15-04-2009 00:01

Camp for Climate Action Aotearoa Gathering
Parihaka, Taranaki 24-26 of April

Building a Peoples Movement addressing the root causes of Climate Change.

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Video Camera`s are cheap on ebay

14-04-2009 23:20

Given the fallout from the G20 protests in London it would appear that we should all be investing in video cameras and stills cameras.

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Cant find transport from your area to World Day for Animals In Laboratories?

14-04-2009 21:52

For those of you who don't have coaches going from your area to London on the 25th of April...

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Massive Tamil Protest Against Sri Lankan Genocide

14-04-2009 21:29

Civilians including babies are killed
The British Tamils Forum organised another massive march in London on Saturday April 11th to protest at the genocide of Tamils taking place in Sri Lanka as government forces close in on the Tamil Tigers. By the time I left around 4.15pm it stretched most of the way from Westminster to Hyde Park.
Pictures Copyright (C) 2009, Peter Marshall, All rights reserved.

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Coach Tickets Left from Bristol to World Day for Animals In Laboratories

14-04-2009 21:09

To mark World Day for Animals in Laboratories, campaigners from all over the UK and beyond will be gathering in London on Saturday 25th April to call for an end to animal experiments. A coach has been booked from Bristol to go to this important march and rally.

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International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian prisoners

14-04-2009 20:26

Support Palestinian prisoners - join Victory to Intifada regular demo outside Marks and Spencer, Oxford Street (nr Marble Arch), London on Thursday 16 April 6-8pm, this week dedicated to the international day of solidarity with Palestinian prisoners.

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March in Memory of Ian Tomlinson, Sat 11 April

14-04-2009 19:46

A marcher argues with police about their behaviour on April 1
Several hundred people marched in silence from Bethnal Green Police Station to Bank to lay flowers where Ian Tomlinson was attacked by police. Pictures (C) Copyright 2009, Peter Marshall, all rights reserved.

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G20 to come to Scotland in November

14-04-2009 19:05

During the G20 summit at the beginning of the month in London heads of state from around the world agreed on an “Action Plan” to try and combat the recent economic downturn [1].

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BNP City Hall official meets neo-fascists at Euro summit

14-04-2009 18:34

fascist activists give Nazi salutes to speakers arriving at the meeting in Milan
A BRITISH National Party official at City Hall came under fire today after he attended a conference where European neo-fascists gave Nazi salutes.

Simon Darby, who works at the Greater London Authority at the expense of the London taxpayer, was pictured at the event in Milan last week.

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U.S. Prisons Used to House Muslim, Animal Rights and Environmental Activists

14-04-2009 18:18

The government is using secretive prison facilities on U.S. soil, called Communication Management Units, to house inmates accused of being tied to “terrorism” groups. They overwhelmingly include Muslim inmates, along with at least two animal rights and environmental activists.

Little information is available about the secretive facilities and the prisoners housed there. However, through interviews with attorneys, family members, and a current prisoner, it is clear that these units have been created not for violent and dangerous “terrorists,” but for political cases that the government would like to keep out of the public spotlight and out of the press.

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Rozbrat Squat, Poznan seeks international solidarity against eviction

14-04-2009 17:29

When the dark clouds over Rozbrat squat have become a real threat we decided to organize the first (but probably not the last) demonstration in defence of our space.

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Earth First! Occupies Director's Office at E.On HQ (Netherlands)

14-04-2009 17:16

Four activists from GroenFront! (the Dutch Earth First!) occupied a director's office at the head office of energy giant E.On today in Rotterdam. The activists told the people working at the office that they were looking for the directors for a 'serious chat' about the planned construction of a new coal fired power station in Rotterdam. Although legal issues should have hindered E.On on starting construction at the site, work has has been pushed ahead regardless. Activist Roos van Dijck: " Building a coal fired power station now is criminal, solving the climate crisis starts with keeping coal in the ground. "

The four activists occupied the room of Chief Financial Officer Markus Bokelmann. Although he has various books on sustainable businessing on his book shelf, he doesn't seem to be able to put this into practice yet. Police arrived after a few hours and arrested the activists. None of the E.On directors were willing to participate in a conversation about the planned construction of the power plant.

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London Visteon Workers need solidarity on picket line

14-04-2009 16:48

Visteon plant under occupation last week
Despite the Visteon workers leaving their occupation of their factory in Enfield last week, help is still needed by them on the 24 hour picket line. The negotiations have been postponed until tomoro (Weds) due to 'security reasons'.


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Dissent from the met

14-04-2009 16:27

An unknown source has obtained material which suggests there are factions within the Metropolitan Police Force attempting to stage a revolt on May the 1st.

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Obama's April 5 speech at Prague Castle's Hradčanské náměstí

14-04-2009 16:19

A Prague resident's personal view -

" ...his main argument was aimed at Czech citizens in an effort to explain and justify the construction of a United States radar station in Czech Republic."

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Mass Arrest of 114 Climate Activists in Raid in Nottingham The pictures 2

14-04-2009 15:37

114 activists were arrested in a 2am police raid on a community centre and school on Sneinton Dale, Nottingham, early on Easter Monday, 13th April 2009.
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