UK Newswire Archive
Homage to Mussolini troops fans Italy fascist row
08-09-2008 17:27

London fare rises pay for city rail scheme Crossrail - Mayors new Olympic tax
08-09-2008 17:18
The present Mayor of London Boris Johnson may be trying to blame previous Mayor Livingstone but the fare rises is down to the fact that he is doing the bidding of the City and commuters not Londoners. Crossrail is a scheme that will benefit the City and Canary Wharf and commuters coming into London and yet Londoners will be left paying for it both in cost and harm. The City thinks ordinary Londoners should pay for it. The Mayor agrees but do the people? If you do not think your fares should increase to pay for a rail scheme that will benefit the richest part of London, find out more about the Crossrail scheme and find out if your local politician supports it? London never wanted the Olympics and got it thanks to the companies who want it but why should the public pay for it. Below is how much you have been signed to pay for in fares forever thanks to Mayor Boris Johnson and Livingstone, both of these idiots have left Londoners to underwrite Crossrail so if anything goes wrong, you as a taxpayer are liable. The Mayor has not told you how much your taxes will go up by ...Antifa - Cable Street Anniversary Gig 2008
08-09-2008 16:21

Direct Action; UK, USA, Spain, Mexico
08-09-2008 16:11

Bristol Anarchist Bookfair - full programme
08-09-2008 16:00

A printed bookfair programme will be available on the day, but you can get all the bookfair details online now at

Waste, recycling and packaging
08-09-2008 15:21

Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
Police attack on Parliament Square Peace Campaign.
08-09-2008 14:58
11 Police have just attacked the Parliament Square Peace Campaigners, fraudulently claiming power under s17 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE).Shell to Sea activists board the Solitaire
08-09-2008 14:22
This afternoon three Shell to Sea activists, one carrying the Tricolour, boarded the Solitaire to hand deliver a letter of protest to the Captain of the ship following his failure to respond to previous communication .Carnival Against Vivisection - Arrest Witnesses Appeal
08-09-2008 12:48
Carnival Against Vivisection - Arrest Witnesses AppealJournalist Gerry Parker on the early days of BBC local radio
08-09-2008 12:40

CUBA: Besieged by hurricanes
08-09-2008 11:03

Around the Campaigns Monday 8th September 2008
08-09-2008 10:43
Alliance Ngondiop didn't fly this morningNever even left Yarl's Wood she was taken to reception at Yarl's Wood in the early hours but told them she wasn't willing to fly, they just took her back to her room.
Background: Alliance Ngondiop Must Stay!

Please give your support to fight injustice against the Kris Family
08-09-2008 09:04

No Nazis In Leeds! - Help oppose the Nazi anti Hip-Hop demo on October 18th
08-09-2008 08:24

Drax coal protestors face persoanl liability claims
08-09-2008 08:16
Whistleblower leaks documents.TONIGHT-Filmmakers Against War/Nick Broomfield/Smash Edo/Andy Worthington
08-09-2008 08:13

As part of Portobello Film Festival

at Inn On The Green, 3-5 Thorpe Close, W10 5XL (2min from Ladbroke Grove Tube)