UK Newswire Archive
pictures of the arrest today in croydon's no borders demo
21-09-2007 18:41
from indymedia svizzera italianaHands Off Iraqi Oil in Cardiff
21-09-2007 18:39
This will be an important meeting to join the international campaign against the Hydrocarbon law that aims to give control of Iraq's oil for the next 30 years to foreign multinationals.Introduction to Anarchism in Liverpool
21-09-2007 16:35
Yet another fantastic night at Next To Nowhere on Thursday, as twenty-five people attended an 'Introduction to Anarchism' discussion.Group 4 blockaded
21-09-2007 16:23
As part of the No Borders week of action the Group 4 offices near crawley have been blockadedJohn Bowden Update
21-09-2007 14:19
John is being moved to the open prison HMP Noranside, intead of Castle Huntly where he was held before the smear of Matthew Stillman that anarchism=terrorism.Call for still or moving images from this morning arrest
21-09-2007 13:39
An asylum seeker was arrested this morning in a horrible mannerKLibera: Life's not cheap in Che(a)pyuk?
21-09-2007 13:28

largest squat Kibera reveals the west side of Kenya's hoodless generation next.
suicider worlds end, or . . . . we remember EACH of us. "CYBERBULLYING". "stop".
21-09-2007 12:50
latest news, suicide from tower overlooking hyde park, london, 10.30 a.m, eye witness thoughts about stopping this happening, with reference to latest news about the world waking up to the effect of "cyber-bullying" - a worlwide factor, but also a metaphor for all of us, the way tech is getting used against peoples happiness - by a few inadequate bullies, cheats or frauds sacrificing others to cover-up their lack of thought - for others - the worlds - or for their own imminent future -France Calling: Stop harassing the Popov family!
21-09-2007 11:52

Help bring a smile to an orphan's life
21-09-2007 11:43

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Activists protest against Virgin in Crawley
21-09-2007 11:21
Anti-deportation campaigners today 'paid a visit' to Virgin Holidays, Richard Branson's Tour Operator business in Crawley town centre in protest at Virgin's involvement in forced deportations of rejected asylum seekers to unsafe countries. The Home Office regularly books seats on Virgin Atlantic flights to countries such as Nigeria to forcibly remove people from the UK. The action coincided with the Gatwick No Border Camp, a protest camp running between 20 and 23 September near Balcombe, West Sussex, as part of a campaign against a new immigration detention centre that is being built at Gatwick Airport.Noborders Demo, Crawley
21-09-2007 10:13

Length 2:49
Quicktime MP4, H264
No Border campaigners to protest in Croydon today
21-09-2007 08:56
Campaigners from the Gatwick Area No Border Camp will today gather in Croydon from 10am to 2pm to protest against the mistreatment of refugees and asylum seekers at the hands of the UK immigration authorities. They will be joined by other protesters from London, Brighton and elsewhere at Lunar House in East Croydon, which houses the headquarters of the Border and Immigration Agency and its principal asylum screening unit, where people first go to make an asylum application.The Police State Is Right Here, Right Now
21-09-2007 06:07
As nightfall does not come all at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged. And it is in such a twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air-however slight-lest we become unwilling victims of the darkness.~Justice William O. Douglas~
The Sumac Centre Reopens After Radical Revamp
20-09-2007 23:06

Crimes of the empire
20-09-2007 22:22
THERE is something surreal about Gordon Brown mounting his high horse and telling European and African government leaders that they must choose between his attendance and that of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe at a summit in Lisbon on December 8-9.Greenspan, Kissinger: Oil Drives U.S. in Iraq, Iran
20-09-2007 22:00
Alan Greenspan had acknowledged what is blindingly obvious to those who live in the reality-based world: The Iraq War was largely about oil.