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This Was Forever, a film about the Allotments in the Olympic Games pathway.

15-09-2007 18:34

On September 23, Manor Garden Allotments will be bulldozed to make way for a pathway for the Olympic Games in 2012. The site in Hackney Wick, next to the River Lee, has been there for 100 years and was originally bequeathed as a gift to local people to grow their own food. The local community is now scattered and has lost a great resource. Over the past year, film maker Mark Aitken and a group of teenagers have produced a film in tribute to the plot-holders and this special place.

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Berlin: 10 000 protest against the german troops in Afghanistan

15-09-2007 18:27

In Berlin thousands took to the streets to protest against the ongoing war in Afghanistan. They want the german army to leave Afghanistan.

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Is Eva Hermann, former NDR a NEO NAZI?

15-09-2007 18:04

Eva und Eva
Is the german TV hostess EVA Hermann a NEO nazi??

She has spoken very positiv about "Old Adolf"
and the situation of the families in "the god old NAZI days"!!

NO the nazi was S H I T!!

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Israel neonazis and museum

15-09-2007 17:34

Israel is neonazi
Israel es un estado neonazi. Ya se que esto les escandaliza pero es que a los judíos-sionistas no les gustan los espejos para comprobar en lo que se han convertido. (Sorry for spanish)

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rossport solidarity action london

15-09-2007 15:38

activists in london took action at irish embassy in london in solidarity with blockaders at Bellanaboy, County Mayo, Ireland

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Costa Nothing strikes again!

15-09-2007 15:13

More coffee, tea and cake handed out by the caffeinated crew

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Shell to Hell, Leeds Banner Hang

15-09-2007 14:56

Stop Shell Hell in Ireland
Yesterday morning at 8am, a banner was hung over the A58 /Leeds Inner Ring Road in solidarity with the day of action against Shell's plans for a gas pipeline & refinery in Mayo, Ireland.

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Monopoly game hits wood green

15-09-2007 12:52

cinema mergers get nasty

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The Fast War Nation: Iran War Campaign in High Gear

15-09-2007 12:23

In US progressive circles, we were warned by honorable activists that after Labor Day weekend a systematic propaganda will start in the form of a New Product Introduction (NPI) process preparing and testing the public for this latest product namely a new war on Iran. The coming months are crucially important for those Americans who are actively fighting against such a planned onslaught on Iran. The Fast War Nation is being prepared once again to deal with the consequences of the cultural urge for rapid delivery.

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An Evening With M - Oaxaca Talk At The Sumac

15-09-2007 11:09

So I made my way to the Sumac Centre last night, where some people from the southern region of Oaxaca in Mexico would be speaking. I'd read quite a few things about what is going on in Oaxaca in this last year. The Oaxacians are trying to get rid off their governer who, after a teacher strike last year, has come down very heavy handedly on any form of dissent in the region. The teacher strike marked the start of what was to become the biggest popular uprising the world has seen in the last 10 years orso, with many dissapearences and deaths still happening under the regime of Federal Police. So I read some stuff on Indymedia and know a couple of people that have visited Oaxaca in the past and were inspired by its community spirit (and food!). Apart from that, I was eager to learn more...

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Rossport solidarity demo in bristol

15-09-2007 10:58

Bristol Rising Tide do a solidarity demo at a Shell garage on the day of international action.

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DSEi protest: Downing Street blockaded, pensioner and legal observer arrested

15-09-2007 10:14

More police misbehaviour as a female pensioner and her legal observer were arrested during a lone silent vigil and blockade of Downing Street in protest at the DSEi arms fair.

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The United States are now targeting Syria.

15-09-2007 09:24

Coming war against Syria

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Poll: More Americans Support Iraq Occupation and Mass Murder

15-09-2007 09:21

A recent Wall Street Journal-NBC News poll “suggests” Bush “may have a little more maneuvering room at a critical point in debates over war costs and troop levels... The poll shows an uptick in support for the president’s handling of the war as well as a small increase in the proportion of Americans who believe the troop surge is helping and that victory remains possible.”

If we can trust the numbers cranked out by the War Street Journal and NBC-GE, the coming attack directed against Iran—next week, next month, certainly before the decider-commander guy leaves office—will not be a cakewalk, but rather a piece of cake, as the American people are easily swayed, or at least half of them are, by neocon manufactured “new realities” enthusiastically marketed by a corporate media with a vested interest in continued mass murder and misery.

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Sign petition to demand high-level diplomatic teams to negotiate on Darfur

15-09-2007 01:07

For four years, Sudan's military ruler, General Omar Bashir, has organized brutal militias to murder over 200,000 of his own citizens in the region of Darfur, all because a few of them dared to oppose his rule. After a massive global outcry, the killing has decreased and the UN has authorized peacekeepers - but what peace will they have to keep? Our leaders can seize this chance to press for the fair and lasting peace that the people of Darfur want, or they can appease Bashir, seek peace on the cheap, and abandon millions of Sudanese to the whims of a genocidal regime.

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YOU Could Be An Indymedia Journalist

14-09-2007 23:21

It isn't that hard being an Indymedia journalist. YOU could do it easily. All you need is:

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Beware if the Irish Residential Institutions Redress Board.

14-09-2007 23:17

Might Australia take on a Redress System like the Draconian Irish Board? I hope not.

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SOCPA Court report - Case dismissed

14-09-2007 22:31

The SOCPA case against five activists who took part in the No More Fallujahs Weekend of action last October collapsed today at Horseferry Road Magistrates Court when judge Quentin Purdy found no case to answer and dismissed all charges against the five at the end of a protracted and at times farcical hearing which lasted almost four hours.

Previous court reports for cases related to the No More Fallujahs weekend here:

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Palestinian Child Political Prisoners

14-09-2007 22:07

The arrest, interrogation and imprisonment of Palestinian children in the West Bank by Israeli military forces, police officers and other Israeli security personnel, is not a new phenomenon. Israel has been continuously arresting and prosecuting children since its occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967.

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‘Lancet’ report, meat = environmental threat!

14-09-2007 22:02

Lancet medical journal report highlights ‘meat footprint’ issue.
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