UK Newswire Archive
Cut The Carbon
17-09-2007 12:59
Well, Christian Aid’s notorious ‘Cut The Carbon’ march made it to Bath on Sunday the 16th, as promised. They rolled in to the Abbey Courtyard around 4.40pm or so, around 20 marchers, and 5 reps from Bath Activist Network went to greet them, along with 4 Bath Greenpeacers plus stall, 3 Bath Quakers, a large local Christian Aid banner and various local dignitaries.Syria's Smoking Gun
17-09-2007 12:48
Brief update from Syria concerning Israel's attack on North Korean nuclear stockpilesBig Green Gathering in crisis and in need of support
17-09-2007 12:41
The Big Green Gathering is in danger of financial collapse and urgently needs to raise funds to be able to stay in business.CWU: No more delay, strike now!
17-09-2007 12:37
After the CWU suspended the postal strike for four weeks of secret negotiations, Royal Mail has broken these off, issuing an ultimatum of outrageous demands and stating it will start imposing major changes without the union's agreement. Here a CWU member outlines the why postal workers need to respond with escalating strike action, and what strategy we need to win.Felicia Sakwe
17-09-2007 12:06

She is currently detained in Yarl's Wood IRC, with removal directions for next Monday 24th September, this will be the second attempt to remove Felicia.
NUJ photographer challenges police
17-09-2007 10:57
Solicitors Hickman & Rose have served papers on Sir Ian Blair the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis for "Battery" (assault) and breaches of the Human Rights Act, relating to freedom of expression and assembly, on behalf of the photojournalist and NUJ member Marc Vallée.Adrian Montague - the man charged with ripping off taxpayers and Crossrail chair
17-09-2007 10:50
Adrian Montague has a history of ripping off taxpayers with Government. Crossrail chairman Adrian Montague produced an ostensibly independent feasibility report on the scheme after being made chairman saying the Crossrail scheme ‘appears to deliver value for money’ even though it will only make £300 million pa nowhere near what is needed to pay for the £30bn scheme + interest for 30 years, for which he will work out the taxpayers liabilities. Montague also led the finance team, which signed the Metronet London Underground Public Private Partnership. Metronet collapsed in July when it maintained nine of the twelve Tube lines badly and also left £2 billion black hole in the budget for upgrading the network. It then performed the Montague trick - Metronet is now asking for taxpayers to bail out the company. In February the appropriateness of allowing Governmen advisers, Sir Adrian Montague, to lead a bid for the company that runs the £5.2bn Channel Tunnel Rail Link. Bob Crow of the Rail, Maritime and Transport Union said: "The last thing we need to see is yet more public money ending up subsidising the profits of the Government's big-business mates" inspired him to profit further by also securing the land value rises of the 120 acres in the Olympic village in Stratford.The public transport scheme for the City:Crossrail - The real cost to taxpayers
17-09-2007 10:34
Taxpayers and tube travellers will be forced to pay for the Crossrail project with higher taxes and higher fares even though the scheme only benefits the City and Canary Wharf, which are the richest parts of London. Crossrail will only alleviate overcrowding on the Central Line. This means tube passengers on the Northern, Piccadilly Line, Bakerloo, Jubilee and Victoria Line will not benefit at all. The City propaganda institution funded by GM proponent Lord Sainsbury called Centre for Cities has been busy publicising a business contribution but have not revealed that this money will ring fenced and only for a specific time period. No such protection is given to taxpayers. Instead the City and the Mayor of London Ken Livingstone want Londoners to fund, pay the operational costs and the interest for the £30 bn Crossrail scheme.The Guardian fails to tell whole story on Crossrail and Metronet tube problems
17-09-2007 10:31
The Guardian story on the tube losing out so that the Government can fund Crossrail omits two vital details that would be of interest to readers. The cost to taxpayers and tube passenger users and the man who helped organise the finances for Metronet, who is the same man behind Crossrail, which wants unlimited underwriting for the Crossrail project. Adrian Montague is the man who helps ensure taxpayers underwrite all bad debts as shown by his PFI schemes. He originally helped privatise British Rail, British Energy, the Channel Tunnel Rail Link, Metronet and now Crossrail. He has been knighted for his services to dodgy Government and was the right hand man to John Prescott.Minot AFB Clandestine Nukes 'Oddities'
17-09-2007 10:20
The following section was compiled by 'The Pundit.'Bush Administration War Plans directed against Iran
17-09-2007 09:55

Quoting official sources, the Western media is now confirming, rather belatedly, that the Bush Administration's war plans directed against Iran are "for real" and should be taken seriously.
The nauseating French leader and Iran
17-09-2007 09:40
The French government under Sarkozy has now become the main European cheerleader for war with Iran. This is the man who was so keen to suck-up to Bush and the neocons that he flew twice across the Atlantic Ocean in one day just to be with him.Red Saunders remembers the battle of lewisham
17-09-2007 08:53
Red Saunders, a founder member of Rock against Racism recounts his experiences of "The Battle of Lewisham" Thirty years ago this year"Slave Trade? Wasnae Us!"
16-09-2007 13:03

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The Amero.
16-09-2007 12:42
America , Canada and Mexico are to join together to form an E.U.typeNorth American Union with a new currency called THE AMERO.
The Dollar exists no more.
Two fatal accidents at construction sites this weekend
16-09-2007 08:32
A 20-year-old man has been killed on a construction site on Plymouth, just one day after a similar accident took the life of an 18-year-old in Scotland.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
There's Next To Nowhere You Can Get Parties Like This...
16-09-2007 07:17

Palestine Solidarity stall in Birmingham city centre
15-09-2007 22:15