UK Newswire Archive
A Soros opportunity
17-09-2007 22:35
No report on the collapsing of Capitalism, and the stupid response of politicians trying to shore it up. The terms in shoring up one Bank could endanger others and the Government.Oaxaca Info Night Held In Liverpool
17-09-2007 22:17

Drunk In Charge
17-09-2007 21:57
This story is being posted on the national site for the simple reason no publicity is forthcoming in Merseyside.Hopefully it may be picked up by more responsible publications and journalists.And something will be done about himThis article is posted free of copyright with the kind permission of the
Save Tara: Roestown Site Invasion, 17/08/07
17-09-2007 21:41

Liverpool Indymedia night this Wednesday!
17-09-2007 21:24
The Indymedia info night on Wednesday will consist of ashort presentation introducing Indymedia, and then give people a chance to
try out posting articles to Indymedia, with advice & help on hand from the
Liverpool Indymedia volunteer collective.
BALOCHISTAN : "Holistic approach" for development or exploitation ?
17-09-2007 20:19

Update from Syria of Attack by Israel
17-09-2007 18:31
Some lies about Syrian nuclear program and nuclear plant exposedEDO Corp To be Bought Out By Nazi Conglomerate ITT
17-09-2007 18:10
After paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments to the PMA group a US lobbying firm linked to corrupt US politicians, warmongers EDO Corp have pulled out of their 2006 year of disaster to receive billions in new contracts from the US govt.Reports today show that newly reanimated EDO has caught the eye of massive corporation ITT who intend to buy it for 1.8 billion dollars next year.
News Digest from 4WardEver
17-09-2007 17:29

Keep Informed - Keep up the Struggle!
Protestors Demand Freedom for the Cuban 5
17-09-2007 16:51
LONDON, Saturday 15 September 2007. Members of Rock around the Blockade, a campaign of the Revolutionary Communist Group, held a lively rally in Trafalgar Square in the centre of London to call for the immediate release of the Cuban 5, prisoners of US imperialism (see
Bonnie & Clyde Night - Something for your diaries
17-09-2007 16:03

Full article | 3 additions | 1 comment
John Bowden & The Battle Of Lewisham
17-09-2007 15:19

More details: Feminist Fightback conference, 20 October 2007
17-09-2007 15:15
More details of the second Feminist Fightback conference, which takes place at the University of East London on Saturday 20 October 2007.International Non Violence Day
17-09-2007 15:12
A proposal to bring awareness to individuals and groups about International Non Violence Day, on October 2nd, Gandhi´s birthday, as agreed by a resolution of the United Nations.Lone protester enters DSEi courtyard
17-09-2007 14:02

Rossport Solidarity Picket in Reading
17-09-2007 13:56
On Friday 14th September, Reading Grassroots Action and others from around Reading took part in a picket of a lcoal Shell garage. This picket was made in solidarity with the anti-pipeline/refinery community struggle taking place in Rossport, Ireland.We protested for about an hour on the forecourt, giving out many leaflets to drivers. The Police arrived just as we left.
The Bubble as the Work of Criminals
17-09-2007 13:33
A conscious and organized deceit, a criminal fraud, is perpetrated on investors when speculators create marketable securities out of bad mortgages on an overheated real estate market.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
The Gatwick No Border Camp forced to change location after police harassment
17-09-2007 13:24
Due to constant police harassment and pressure, the owner of the No Border Camp site has decided to pull out from renting his land. However, a new site has now been rented near the village of Balcombe, West Sussex.For directions:

The Student Climate Project Launch Gathering Nov 30/Dec 2
17-09-2007 13:16
An exciting new student activist project is being launched later this year. The “Student Climate Project” is being set up by students to contribute to the building of a mass student anti-climate change movement. What sort of action do you want to take on Climate Change? Is there any issue that is more important? Students have driven social change in the past. Now we must rise to the greatest challenge humanity has ever faced.