The nauseating French leader and Iran
unknown | 17.09.2007 09:40
The French government under Sarkozy has now become the main European cheerleader for war with Iran. This is the man who was so keen to suck-up to Bush and the neocons that he flew twice across the Atlantic Ocean in one day just to be with him.
What an amazing turnaround for the French since 2003 when Jacque Chirac stood up to the US demands for a UN resolution to attack Iraq, since that day the writing was on the wall that the French would have a pro-US/Israel puppet as their next leader, and now it has one in the form of Zarkozy.
Despite the complete lack of evidence over an Iranian weapons program and the US's own intelligence estimates that it would take them 5-10 years to make a bomb, the BBC and the propaganda promoting media in general have continuously reported as a fact that the 'program' is a threat to world peace.
Mohammed Al Baradei is the new Hans Blix, the person most qualified to know the facts is being undermined in every way, in every direction by the media so that the neocon/AIPAC killing machine can have it's dirty imperialist war.
The people of France will come to rue the day they voted (if indeed they did) for this little foreigner who's interests have absolutely nothing to do with France or the French people.
It would of course be 'anti-semitic' to mention at this point that Sarkozy is Jewish, but it does make sense of his alignment with the AIPAC supported neocons, and his positioning of France as a US ally when the US has never been more unpopular in France. The French people have well and truly been conned with this man as their leader.
Here's today's journalism-free, anti-Iranian propaganda A.K.A the daily three minutes of hate courtesy of the public funded BBC. The headline reads "France warning of war with Iran", when in fact the story content should render the headline more correctly as "France supports US war with Iran". Perhaps one day the BBC might like to employ some journalists instead of these brain-dead propagandists
Despite the complete lack of evidence over an Iranian weapons program and the US's own intelligence estimates that it would take them 5-10 years to make a bomb, the BBC and the propaganda promoting media in general have continuously reported as a fact that the 'program' is a threat to world peace.
Mohammed Al Baradei is the new Hans Blix, the person most qualified to know the facts is being undermined in every way, in every direction by the media so that the neocon/AIPAC killing machine can have it's dirty imperialist war.
The people of France will come to rue the day they voted (if indeed they did) for this little foreigner who's interests have absolutely nothing to do with France or the French people.
It would of course be 'anti-semitic' to mention at this point that Sarkozy is Jewish, but it does make sense of his alignment with the AIPAC supported neocons, and his positioning of France as a US ally when the US has never been more unpopular in France. The French people have well and truly been conned with this man as their leader.
Here's today's journalism-free, anti-Iranian propaganda A.K.A the daily three minutes of hate courtesy of the public funded BBC. The headline reads "France warning of war with Iran", when in fact the story content should render the headline more correctly as "France supports US war with Iran". Perhaps one day the BBC might like to employ some journalists instead of these brain-dead propagandists

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