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British academics warn US is preparing “shock and awe” attack on Iran

11-09-2007 12:22

An 80-page study written by two British security analysts and released on August 28 makes a chilling estimation of the overwhelming force that the US would use in the event of any attack on Iran. “The US has made military preparations to destroy Iran’s WMD, nuclear energy, regime, armed forces, state apparatus and economic infrastructure within days, if not hours, of President George W. Bush giving the order,” the paper declared.

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No Borders Wales Defy Home Office

11-09-2007 12:17

Activists from No Borders Wales held a demo outside the Home Office building in Cardiff today, pointing out the racist nature of the immigaration machine.

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Britain's Detention Estate

11-09-2007 11:54

Thousands of refugees and migrants are locked up in special prisons, disguised under various names, for committing the 'crime' of fleeing wars or persecution or wanting to improve their lives. Without trial and with no automatic bail review, they can face months and years of incarceration before being forcibly deported to unsafe countries. Detention has become an integral part of the UK immigration system and is certainly one of its most brutal and dehumanising aspects, whereby innocent and vulnerable people are interned in prison for political ends.

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Media Training Makes A Difference

11-09-2007 11:52

Britain's youth is often dismissed as delinquent, riding roughshod over local communities, vandalising and victimising to its heart's content. But by providing the opportunity to make their voices heard in the local community, Halton Access to Media (HAM) is empowering them to become confident, articulate and productive individuals.

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Durham Working Class bookfair November 3rd 10-5pm

11-09-2007 11:49

North East Working Class Bookfair
St Nicholas Church, Market Place, Durham City.
Saturday November 3rd 2007, 10-5pm

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Leeds ABC - Annual Report

11-09-2007 11:45

A report on the work this year of Leeds Anarchist Black Cross.

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Scottish Judicial Meltdown

11-09-2007 10:16

In October of 1977 two young women were murdered in Edinburgh. This week their murderer, Angus Sinclair, was cleared of killing them. Evidence that strongly linking him to the murders of four other women wasn't presented in court. This is a clear sign of high-level interference to avoid embarrassing the Scottish judiciary before the Lockerbie retrial.

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Freedom for Catalonia!

11-09-2007 10:12

Catalan Countries are a little nation without sovereignty, in the east of the Iberian Peninsula and south of the Pyrenean mountain range. There are 4 important capitals: València, Palma de Mallorca, Perpinyà and Barcelona.

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The Next Attack Is Coming: 6 Years after 911

11-09-2007 09:23

There in the streets of Seattle, and later in the streets of many other cities in the US and around the world, was a crystalization of the battle for the hearts and minds of the people of the world.

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Action against the arms trade in Manchester

11-09-2007 08:56

In the early hours of Tuesday, 11 September a group blockaded the entrance to the BAE Middleton factory carpark in conjunction with the day of action against the DSEi (Defence Systems and Equipment International) arms fair in London.

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Every Tree Counts

11-09-2007 08:51

Every trree counts..ancient apple tree deemed for destruction!

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Women in Black: anti-arms fair vigil

11-09-2007 08:18

Women in Black anti-arms fair vigil: Wednesday 13 September, 6.00 to 7.00, Edith Cavell Statue, St Martin's Lane, just above Trafalgar Square, London

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DSEi: Activists have entered the Excel complex

11-09-2007 06:57

A group of about 20 activists have entered the Excel complex where the DSEi Arms Fair is being held.

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Man arrested at Atomic Weapons Establishment on eve of major arms fair

11-09-2007 06:47

On the eve of the MoD-sponsored DSEi arms fair in east London, there was one arrest at AWE (Atomic Weapons Establishment) Aldermaston in Berkshire, where supporters of the Block the Builders campaign had gathered on Monday morning.

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The Petraeus Report

11-09-2007 06:29

To understand the Petraeus report to congress it is important to also understand the subsequent report to be given by President Bush. Bush will brief the US congress with regard to the eighteen benchmarks that the congress has set as a measure of the performance of the Iraqi government.

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Khalid Awan is facing a modified, Bogus, Conspiracious, Fabricated, Preplaned case .

11-09-2007 03:38

Khalid Awan is facing a modified, Bogus, Conspiracious, Fabricated, Preplaned case in USA since 9/11, he is still in the Back of MDC Jail's Wall. Because he is Canadian Muslim.

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Utah Gov Jon Hunstman,Securities Fraud, Stormy Simon Striptease,Bloody Murder

11-09-2007 01:00

Below is from the murder trial of Stormy's boyfriend, lover,and wife murderer David Meade and below that some strange comments about 'gay bathhouses',
'cocaine' ,'naked shorting' etc. by 'CEO' Patrick Byrne.In effect Stormy Simon and the Utah Republican Moron Governor Jon Huntsman Jr.,whose father plastics billionaire Jon Huntsman has been a financial backer of Moron Republican Mitt Romney , have one thing in common.They have both prostituted themselves to Overstock.con's Patrick Byrne and his NCANS 'naked short' lie and fraud used to distract from his and others fraudulent stock manipulations and crimes.

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EDM 1763 Unlocking Democracy

11-09-2007 00:54

Please support EDM 1763

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RG360 WPC Knowles - Stalking activists to keep us all safe

10-09-2007 22:43

RG 360 - a number
After a policefull demo outside the Radisson Edwardian Mayfair Hotel, in Stratton Street W1, WPC Knowles and her Sargeant buddy then followed protestors to the pub, on a train and into a hospital.

We left without them.
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