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Is the United States Killing 10,000 Iraqis Every Month? Or Is It More?

16-07-2007 12:20

While the atlantist media is reporting more than 3 000 GI’s killed in Iraq and many civilian victims of inter-confessional violences, it looks away from the daily slaughter of civilians by US patrols conducting their search operations for suspects. Professor Michael Schwartz estimates that their number reached 10 000 a month in the first 3 years of occupation. And much more since Bush ordered his surge of operations.

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property damage against arms company

16-07-2007 12:20

An arms company was attacked in Scotland

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Back to The Roots (Sharrow Festival - another report)

16-07-2007 12:16

An estimated 5000 plus people visited The 10th Sharrow Festival, for the organisers and helpers it all began at 8am in the morning. Following weeks of rain, plus
floods (see: there was some concern about the soaked ground of Mount Pleasant Park, this Saturday turned out to be a wonderful day of warm sunshine.

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New Israeli President

16-07-2007 11:58

Can't rape anyone while in office

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Save the autonmous centre of edinburgh - updated objection address!

16-07-2007 11:22

the autonmous centre of edinburgh is under threat of closure.
we need you woo write/ email the planning department by friday 20th/ monday 23rd or friday 27th july at the absolute latest.
(the last post had an old address)

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Steven O'Doherty - a racist in charge of deaths in police custody?

16-07-2007 11:16

Attention to the Jean Charles family. This man was found guilty of victimization on a racial ground in court and yet he leads the team which investigates deaths in police custody - primarily black and Asian.

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No Inquest into the Death of Dr. David Kelly

16-07-2007 11:14

The Elephant in the Living Room of the United Kingdom

"Where the law ends, tyranny begins" Henry Fielding

Just as Uncle Sam is busy shredding the constitution, so too is John Bull over here in the UK. But there is little concern being registered in the mainstream media, which subtly reinforce casual disregard for our laws.

Dr David Kelly was found dead on Harrowdown Hill four years ago. This is made prominent by the recent "abdication" of Mr Anthony Blair, and the publication of the diaries of his aide, Mr Alastair Campbell, seemingly transcribed and selected by the author himself. The death is spoken of as 'suicide' by almost all servants of the fourth estate. That the inquest was adjourned and never completed is not a cause for any wavering. The verdict has been assumed and so it stands.

There are many instances of this slide towards the whisper and the nods of ignorant agreement. The night after 52 persons met their deaths by bombing in London two years ago, Anthony Blair declared at the G8 summit that "a public inquiry would be ludicrous". Really? There has been no judicial response to these four atrocities, and yet it is widely accepted, including by "civil rights" spokespeople, that "radicalised" Muslims were the culprits.

The piece below underlines some central facts in the United Kingdom's handling of Kelly's high profile and unnatural death. Nothing was right about the ensuing investigation.

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Brighton Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group Appeal for Funds

16-07-2007 10:56

The Brighton Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group
aims to create links between grassroots groups in Tubas, Palestine and
Brighton, UK. It was launched in 2005 and since then has worked with
diverse groups in Tubas and Brighton to create sustainable initiatives. A
delegation of 17 people from Brighton visited Tubas in March 2007. Since
then the University of Sussex student union has affiliated to Al Quds Open
University in Tubas and plans to provide scholarships for Palestinian

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Sir Ian Blair - "Pick on someone your own size - pr*ck!"

16-07-2007 10:52

Sir Ian Blair - I Charity Sweet will have your guts for garters mate!

YOU will be attending the Hague in the near future with your war criminal buddies.

Mark my words!

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Sharrow Festival: sun sounds and smiles

16-07-2007 10:49

Catherine Cookson kicks off the festival
Sharrow festival lucked out with the weather for the 10th year in a row, dry and at times beautiful sun, shining on a day squeezed between two days of downpours.

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Industrial Action at Crown Post Offices Today

16-07-2007 10:03

Post Office Counters to be sold off to WH Smith
On 9th July, the Communication Workers Union announced a further two dates of strike action at all Post Office Limited Crown Post Offices.The first strike will begin today, Monday 16th July, starting at 14:30 and finishing at 19:00. The second strike is on Thursday 19th July, starting at 6:00 and finishing at 12:00 p.m.

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Regurgitating Osama’s Greatest Hits

16-07-2007 08:41

In the wake of the Dorgan and Conrad amendment designed “to double the reward for information leading to the capture or death of Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks,” as KXMB in North Dakota puts it, a “new” Osama video has surfaced, prompting the corporate media to circle like a brood of hungry vultures.

It remains to be seen if “al-Qaeda” or its purported “home-grown imitators” will strike this summer. No doubt, as usual, it will depend on political expediency, especially now that even neocon-friendly Republican Congress critters are weary of the neocon “effort” in Iraq.

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Mark Thompson asks for help to get liars out of the BBC

16-07-2007 01:11

Can we have a bit more of the old educate, inform and entertain please and less of the lies? Read the following memo from Mark Thompson, the Director-General of the BBC, to all BBC employees very carefully. Everyone who has evidence of BBC inaccuracy should contact him in the next 24 hours to make him aware of any programs which have mislead the general public. I believe his email address is: and the BBC's tel. no. at Television Centre is 0208 743 8000.

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William Rodriguez - inside the World Trade Centre during the 9/11 attacks

15-07-2007 23:52

William Rodriguez with
Witness interviewed - from inside the World Trade Centre during the 9/11 attacks

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Solidarity with the Posties!

15-07-2007 22:59

Postal workers across the country went on a second 24-hour strike on Thursday 12th June. This was in response to the Royal Mail management's refusal to negotiate a decent pay award for postal workers and if their so-called 'business plan' is realised then that will result in 40,000 job losses. The company met with the Communication Worker's Union (C.W.U.) the day before and just re-stated it's 'business plan' that effectively puts the interests of corporations and profit before postal workers and a decent postal service in Britain. Unless the company sees sense and comes back to the negotiating table then further industrial action in the form of strikes is inevitable.

In addition, there are two further strikes taking place this week in Post Office Counters, which is a distinct business unit but part of the Royal Mail Group. This is in protest at plans to 'franchise' 85 offices to WH Smith and a three year pay freeze to be imposed on those postal workers.

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Astonbrook: another asylum-profiteering company exposed

15-07-2007 22:30

Astonbrook's logo.. slightly modified

Police have raided Birmingham-based asylum accommodation provider Astonbrook Housing Association after it emerged that the 'charity' had been, among other things, inventing asylum seekers to claim millions from the Home Office and the City Council. Two years ago, another housing provider contracted by the Home Office, the Angel Group, was being investigated for fraud.

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A.C.E under threat

15-07-2007 21:53

ACE is under threat from the landlord. We have 12 days to submit objections to the planning department.
please circulate widely and respond asap.

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What If...We All Stopped Breathing?

15-07-2007 21:46

Breathing might be the one form of carbon dioxide production humans carry out that is unavoidable, but that doesn't mean we all have to create the same emissions every time we do it.

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Iran and Beyond: Total War is Still on the Horizon

15-07-2007 21:32

An invasion of Iran is imminent, because that is the only solution the Bush gang and the corporate mafia it serves can conjure to rally the American people behind their quest for global dominance. The Democratic Party is one with the Republicans in the mission to subjugate Tehran. Although the Iraq war failed to establish a New American Century, the century ain't over, and the imperial ambition remains. Barack Obama stands in the wings with a proposal to add 100,000 new troops to the military - reinforcements for a depleted and overspent machine that has been ground to a halt by Iraqi nationalists. When the ruling class demands unity of the people, they call for war. The next one will be against Ayatollahs whose names none of us can even pronounce.

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Footprints for Peace visit Rolls Royce at Derby

15-07-2007 21:09

Rolls Royce in Derby has been visited by the peace group because of there involvement in the arms trade making the nuclear reactors cores to power the trident submarines which carry Britain’s nuclear weapons of mass destruction.
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