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Solihull's Sandford House Reporting centre picket (June)

01-07-2006 11:34

A report in words and pictures of the ongoing monthly picket by Birmingham NoBorders and Birmingham Anti-Racist Campaign's at the Immigration Reporting Centre in Solihull

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Must the world stage mock explosions on day infants being burnt!

01-07-2006 07:20

The BBC's female news [cue] reader somberly read the lines saying that they had staged mock explosions to commemorate the 90 year old events at the battle of the Somme!

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pics from palestine solidarity demo at parliament square

01-07-2006 00:38

on friday early evening, just under 200 people supported the call from the palestinian solidarity campaign to hold a vigil in parliament square against israeli war crimes including the clear contravention of geneva guidelines in the bombing of a power plant in gaza.

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Sept. 11 claim stirs UW probe

30-06-2006 22:21

The Neo-Fascists responsible for this current Madness have been after this man from day one, because of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance, which seeks to diffuse tensions, promote communication between the faiths, and has been a vocal critic of the Bush/PNAC Regime's illegal military operations.

It's interesting that the university plans to review the professor and his course, rather than investigating the Official Conspiracy Theory of 911, put forth by the LIARS in DC, and why they haven't been able to provide compelling evidence to support their Theory in nearly five years.

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Is the West Experiencing its "Afghanistan"?

30-06-2006 21:55

Captive in its foreign policy loss of reality, the Soviet Union was provoked to invasion, suffered its "Vietnam," lost its respect in Islamic countries and endured a demoralization that led to the collapse of the Soviet Empire.

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Austin Saxby - Mayday 2001 Judgement

30-06-2006 21:43

Complete text of the High Court judgement on the legality of the Met's May Day 2001 Oxford Circus cordon - never freely available online before.

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Israeli assault on Gaza threatens wider Middle East conflagration

30-06-2006 19:31

With each day that passes, Israel’s attempt to justify military aggression as a response to the capture of an Israeli soldier becomes less credible. Tel Aviv has signaled not only its intention to bring down the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority (PA), but also its readiness to inflict massive destruction to Gaza’s infrastructure and heavy civilian casualties in order to do so.

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Yorkshire Forward Nanotech event disrupted

30-06-2006 19:12

mmm - lovely buffet
Sheffield favourite regional development agency Yorkshire Forward held a business meeting on nanotechnology and how it will affect the area.

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Former IDF on Realities of Gaza: it was NOT a kidnapping

30-06-2006 18:31

The selective reporting on recent events in the ME worldwide supports the fact of a pro-Israel bias in the bulk of the world's media. Very few reporters question the official narrative, and even less include the context of earlier, deadlier Israeli incitement and widespread murder of civilians, Opertaion First Rain, nor the fact that these "teenagers" as the media refers to them, were soldiers, acting on behalf of the armchair warriors, who've called for and planned these operations for months.

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MATILDA now YF have it

30-06-2006 17:33

Fat Balding security gaurd says you cant recycle any of this stuff.
yorkshire forward have put in a security guard, cameras, and remote monitoring equipment.

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NoBorders-ARC Picket at Solihull Immigration Centre

30-06-2006 17:31

Birmingham NoBorders and Birmingham Anti-Racist Campaign held their monthly picket today (30 June) at the Immigration Reporting Centre in Solihull. Once again, they were there to protest against the inhumane treatment of asylum seekers throughout the border regime, from the weekly reporting, snatch squads and dawn raids, to deportation and detention centres.

Besides the usual banners and placards, chanting, noise-making and leafleting, there was also a visual consisting of hand-made 'grave stones', from the ARC vigil last week, bearing the details and stories of asylum seekers who took their own lives while awaiting the Home Office's decision or incarcerated in detention centres. Their names were read out and the stories of some were told.

Just before 2pm, two asylum seekers, handcuffed and accompanied by two police officers, arrived and were 'delivered' to Sandford House, in a live demonstration of what this place is all about. They were dressed in white jump suits and the police were carrying their clothes and stuff in clear plastic bags, presumably because they had been nicked whilst working in a factory or something. Obviously the protesters couldn't do more than angrily shout "Let them go" and "Asylum is not a crime".

Previous pickets: May | April | November 2005

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Australia: Bayer´s Levitra marketing criticized

30-06-2006 17:12

YOU might call it a hard bargain. Men who take the impotence pill Levitra but still fail to rise to the challenge will be given their money back.
But a leading specialist says this marketing thrust is unethical because it creates unrealistic expectations about the effectiveness of drugs.

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London CM free to ride

30-06-2006 16:41

Cyclist win a high court decision against the Metropolitan Police

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G8-Xtra newspaper on German preparations for G8 2007

30-06-2006 14:38

The preparations for The G8 2007 in Heiligendamm, Germany are provoking some important re-alignments among the left there.

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Leeds Palestinian Film Nights 5th & 19th July

30-06-2006 14:10

Leeds PSC presents Arnas Children 7pm 5th July and Visit Palestine, 7pm 19th July at The Common Place, Wharf Street (off Kirkgate), Leeds City centre.

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Pedal Powered Social Shimmy

30-06-2006 13:09

Oxford gets its own Critical Mass

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Medics At Russian G8

30-06-2006 12:24

Two medics from the UK are heading to Russia for the G8. They will be training activists there to be medics, and providing cover themselves during the G8. They still need money to help cover equipment costs (and travel if possible) - you can donate at

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7 July 2005 FEAR, TERROR and LIES. There were no suicide bombers.

30-06-2006 11:47

Images of the 'bombed' bus show that it was not a suicide attack. The official narrative is proved to be false.

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Picket of Communication House tomorrow 1st July

30-06-2006 11:17

The Monthly Picket of Communications House
For Freedom of Movement and the Right to Stay
is happening tomorrow 1st July 1-3pm
at Communications House
Old Street (corner with Mallow Street, near the tube)
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