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End Torture Flights Action on Saturday 24th June

18-06-2006 20:56

"People kidnapped by the US are being shuttled around the world for
interrogation, often to places where torture is practiced – and the US
administration doesn’t deny it. This is called extraordinary rendition”

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Rossport Solidarity Camp Gathering

18-06-2006 19:52

This wooden cottage, called ‘the communal’, served as an info centre
Report about a major gathering at Rossport Solidarity Camp, which is a protest camp that is part of a community based defence of part of Ireland’s Atlantic coast under threat from Shell, Statoil, Marathon, and the Irish state.

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Rahimi Family Must Stay! - Public Meeting

18-06-2006 19:21

How small a cage is for a bird!
How boring a fish bowl is for a fish!
How scary and dark a grave is for a living and breathing boy!
How ugly detention is for a child!
Hand cuffs, iron locks, closed doors, fences
I was just six years old.
I felt great sorrow, as I had been doing very well at school And they
didn't permit me to go to school
when they took me to Yarlswood prison
For what crime? I don't know.
We came from a far land
with exhausted feet,
to this strange land
I want to smell calming flowers,
I want to search for secure moments,
I wish that I could fly!

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Qaradawi again threats gays...

18-06-2006 13:59

Ken Livingstone's apparently 'fave' muslim cleric Sheik al-Qaradawi has called for gays to be burned!!

Ken should repudiate and disassociate himself from this cleric now !

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More corporate ethicswash??

18-06-2006 13:53

Article in The Obserber- business June 18th on who corporations are supposedly sooo worried out their eco etc image they're upping there ethical creds.... (as if...)

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ADSA pulls out of Queens mkt redev(east London)

18-06-2006 13:49

Article in The Guardian business June 17th

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ISM Freedom Summer Campaign Approaches - Slander Campaign Against ISM Stepped-Up

18-06-2006 13:40

Freedom Summer 2006 is nearly here. Palestinians are continuing to employ a greater variety of creative, non-violent resistance to the occupation and you’re invited to participate.

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East kent fascists-expose themselves !

18-06-2006 13:23

Two letters in a local newspaper reveal two BNP supporters. Anti fascists take note....

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Solidiarity with the Teachers of the Other Mexico

18-06-2006 10:27

The teachers of Oaxaca are resisiting the authoritarian state of Mexico, while elsewhere the repression from the governor Ulises Ruiz continues.

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FBI says, it has "No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11"

18-06-2006 08:52

Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI, asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden’s 'Most Wanted' web page: "He has not been formally indicted and charged in connection with 9/11 because the FBI has no hard evidence connected Bin Laden to 9/11.”

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Sir No Sir, A Film Review

18-06-2006 07:10

A review of the documentary that addresses the US antiwar movement among Vietnam era soldiers, and its implications for today.

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Birmingham Guantanamo Campaign vigil, 17 June 2006

18-06-2006 01:08

Guantanamo vigil, High Street, Birmingham
At 1pm on Saturday 17 June 2006, Birmingham Guantanamo Campaign held a vigil on High Street in the city centre following reports of the deaths in Guantanamo of three prisoners - named on a placard as Yassar Al Zahrani, Mani Al Utaybi and Ali Abdullah Ahmed.

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Pakistan Earthquake Play - Nottingham

18-06-2006 00:44

Deep In The Frozen Night
Mona Media in partnership with The Lord Mayor’s Earthquake appeal are delighted to announce an exclusive performance of ‘Deep in the Frozen Night’ at the Theatre Royal Nottingham – for one night only on Tuesday, July the 18th at 7.00 pm.

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BYU Physics Prof Finds Thermate in WTC Physical Samples, Building Collapses an I

17-06-2006 23:50

author: Jacob Hamblin
Based on chemical analysis of WTC structural steel residue, a Brigham Young University physics professor has identified the material as Thermate. Thermate is the controlled demolition explosive thermite plus sulfur. Sulfur cases the thermite to burn hotter, cutting steel quickly and leaving trails of yellow colored residue.

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Killing season in the Philippines

17-06-2006 23:16

The escalating repression taking place now in the Philippines is no coincidence. Twenty years since the end of the dictatorship and three "people's power" uprisings later, Philippine society is hugely polarized.

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17-06-2006 22:09

London Rising Tide brought to life the image used to publicise its Art Not Oil 2006 exhibition outside the National Portrait Gallery (NPG) on the night of the ceremony for the BP Portrait Award. The Nick Turner image is a petroleum-based version of the iconic Vietnam photograph depicting a brutal assassination, this time with a nozzle replacing the gun, and with the action taking place in front of a BP logo. It took on three dimensions outside the gallery as a simple, powerful way to convey the murderous impact of BP and the entire oil industry, an impact that is brilliantly obscured by cultural sponsorship.

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Radio University Oaxaca closed down by the police

17-06-2006 21:03

Oaxaca June 14 (CIMAC)-
Students from the university went on air in Radio University to give voice to the teachers and the civil society in Oaxaca after the ateempted eviction of the teachers concentrating in the city centre by the police. The police forcely closed down the radio.

Autor: Cimac translation John D
Soledad Jarquín Edgar, correspondent

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Denouncement of aggression at Zapatista bases the hands of OCEZ-Casa del Pue

17-06-2006 20:42

Denouncement of aggression at Zapatista bases at the hands of OCEZ-Casa del Pueblo

San Christobal de las Casas 10th June 2006.

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Oaxaca: Informative Bulletin from the Sixth Commission of the EZLN

17-06-2006 20:35

An Urgent Call to All Adherents at the National and International Levels to Condemn this New Demonstration of State Repression

By Subcomandante Marcos

The Other Mexico

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Teachers Repel 3,000 Police from Oaxaca’s Historic Center

17-06-2006 20:31

Thousands of Police Surround the City Center as Strikers Hold Their Ground
By Geoffrey Harman

The Other Journalism with the Other Campaign in Oaxaca

June 14, 2006, OAXACA CITY:
In a scene that is starting to look all too familiar in Mexico, the police attempted to disrupt the Oaxaca teachers strike in downtown Oaxaca City this morning. At roughly 3 a.m. a police helicopter flew low over the tent city where the teachers have been camped for the past 23 days and shot canisters of tear gas.
Meanwhile, 3,000 state police armed with riot shields and clubs entered the chaos and tore apart the roughshod shelters where the teachers had been staying. During the course of the six-hour police intervention three people were reported to have been killed, two women and one child.
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