UK Newswire Archive
BLAIR brazenly out of steam in pushing for Crossrail hole on Brick Lane, E1
10-02-2006 18:23
Tony Blair’s terrifying fantasy in Blackpool today [after the Scottish by-election disaster at Dumfrimline, Friday 10 February 2006] echoing the equally chilling Margaret Hilda Roberts’s diabolically hypocritical invocation of Francis of Assisi cannot conceal the emptiness immorality and soullessness that dominate Blair’s agenda of piling deprivation on the already deprived and adding violations on the already violated. Nowhere can that agenda be found to be as wantonly on display as in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, which is being politically decimated by an overly Blarite cabal of sub-democratic touts bent on selling the East End to Big Business and their co-looters travelling in the Crossrail bandwagon towards looting the public purse of £20 billion as their class, coterie and kind had been allowed to do on a smaller scale of a mere £1 billion over the Millennium Dome. The East End is agog with anger against this Blairing Crossrail hole attack.KHOODEELAAR! is the grassroots voice of that anger that the people of the East End feel at the prospect of the Crossrail planned hole right through the moist deprioved part of the inner city London. Transport Secretary Alistair Darling ahs been told today to stop the Crossrail hole plan altogether without delay.
Stop the war before it starts
10-02-2006 18:06
Concerned about an attack against Iran?NEPALESE GURKHA MERCENARIES IN IRAQ TODAY
10-02-2006 16:44
The role of mercenaries in Iraq today.Death in Plumstead. The Muslim demo that the corporate media ignored.
10-02-2006 16:41

Believe as I do, or I shall assassinate you!
10-02-2006 16:30
What do you mean? Freedom of What? In the US a teacher is spending a fortune in legal fees to defend her constitutional right to 'Freedom of Speech': she used the word PEACE. Who decides what you, other people or I can say, ask or think? And why?Colombia Solidarity Oxford Launch!
10-02-2006 15:52

10-02-2006 15:34
The 9 February 2006 statement by President Bush on the foiled attack on the tallest building on the West Coast of the USA is highly inaccurate.Dawn Raids Back in Glasgow: Protest Saturday
10-02-2006 14:02
This week, the first "dawn raid" of 2006 against Glasgow's asylum-seeking population was launched. The victims were the Akyol family, of Kurdish origin, who have lived in Glasgow for five years. Following a pledge to picket after each raid launched from Brand St, Glasgow No Borders is calling for a demo there from 7am on SaturdayArrests in Oxford for using the megaphone
10-02-2006 13:43
Two arrested at the animal lab in Oxford for chanting on the megaphone. Thames Valley police leap forward in attacks on the right to protest.Greens for Buses
10-02-2006 08:27

The campaign was launched on Saturday February 4 2006 with leafleting at bus stops in the city centre.
Quality Bus Contracts are a way to achieve a regulated bus service for Sheffield and the rest of South Yorkshire.
see also

Fur Demo's in Leeds
10-02-2006 07:41

3 authors interviews: The China Factor and the Overstretch of the US Hegemony
10-02-2006 02:57
current global political & economic affairsThe SHORTWAVE REPORT 2/10/06 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY!
10-02-2006 00:37
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Cuba, Spain, and Russia.Listen to the Diversity of Cambridge on 209 Radio
09-02-2006 23:58
Among the various shows on 209 Cambridge Community Radio's FM week is a programme that shows the world really is on your doorstep here in Cambridge.THE MOHAMMED CARTOONS: RECRUITING EUROPE FOR BUSH’S ATTACK ON IRAN
09-02-2006 23:18
Washington DC, Feb. 8 – The NATO intelligence provocation appearing in the guise of the scurrilous Mohammed cartoons published by the reactionary newspaper Jyllands Posten of Denmark, and then by a series of other European publications, has already done much to mobilize the armies, bases, and treasuries of Europe in support of the lunatic plan to the Bush-neocon clique for a nuclear sneak attack and punitive expedition against Iran over the coming weeks or months. As I warned in a red alert for synthetic terrorism issued on and other sites in the late afternoon of Feb. 3, this entire affair has been cynically orchestrated by NATO intelligence agencies to set the stage for a new world war.Where next after ‘Make Poverty History?’
09-02-2006 22:58

Wampum - Fur Scum!
09-02-2006 21:56
Wampum is a small shop in Leeds, advertising itself as a "Native-American trading post" They are currently stocking products containing fox, rabbit and wolf fur.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
The social threat of tracking technologies
09-02-2006 20:06