UK Newswire Archive
09-02-2006 20:02

EAT 2006 course with Starhawk
09-02-2006 19:42
Earth Activist Training 2006 permaculture course details:15th-29th July, Gloucestershire
Instructors: Starhawk, Penny Livingston-Stark
Here's LIST of CIA Torture Planes, Culprits--Here's PROOF that EU DENIES
09-02-2006 19:27

Full article | 1 addition | 6 comments
Food Not Bombs this Saturday 11th February
09-02-2006 19:15

Free food will be served to homeless people and anyone else who wants to come along, or even get involved.
Demonstration against xenophobia
09-02-2006 17:24
The Muslim Council of Britain called on Monday, 6th of February 2006, for a rally against the rising xenophobia in Europe. The protest will take place on Saturday at 1pm in Trafalgar Square in London.War On Terror: The Board Game
09-02-2006 17:12
Not strictly news, but on sale now and just looks ace:The Ultimate Treachery
09-02-2006 14:35

Insulting Islam
09-02-2006 13:19
During the invasion of Iraq, a western journalist, writing in the middle of the hadean onslaught of bombs, tank fire, destruction, from a shaking, windowless, glass strewn hotel room, wrote of the all pervading fear Iraqis, she and her colleagues from across the globe lived with, every minute.Full article | 1 addition | 10 comments
09-02-2006 13:13

17 year old rape victim to be hanged
09-02-2006 12:26
An Iranian court has sentenced a teenage rape victim to death by hanging after she weepingly confessed that she had unintentionally killed a man who had tried to rape both her and her niece.GEORGE GALLOWAY MP TO BACK khoodeelaar NO TO CROSSRAIL HOLE BILL CAMPAIGN
09-02-2006 10:00
The Brick Lane London E1 Area campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill
The UK House of Commons hybrid Bill – the Crossrail Bill – is due to be the centre of George Galloway’s next scheduled speech at a meeting to be held in the Bethnal Green and Bow constituency at the weekend. Galloway spoke on the Bill during its formal SECOIND READING on 19 July 2005. At the weekend, Galloway is set to lend his support to the KHOODEELAAR campaign against the Crossrail hoe |Bill.
KHOODEELAAR DEMOSNTARTED AGAINST Tower Hamkest Council on Wednesday 8 February 2006. This is the second part of the factual report for the record.
Sacked for wearing Union Badge - 1000s worldwide join campaign
09-02-2006 09:11

09-02-2006 02:36
The Bush Administration is preparing for an eventual nuclear war with an expressed preemptive first strike option against even non-nuclear countries.Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?
09-02-2006 00:55
Ionatron that was a CIA investment that was 'touted' or promoted over the internet to increase demand and price of its shares that the CIA employee-investors then dumped on the market thus decreasing other investors share price,basically defrauding them...If the CIA wishes to use 911 to promote lesser civil liberties from now into the future perhaps they should at least pledge not to invest in and thus tamper with our stock markets.a call to arms
09-02-2006 00:50
a call for the formation of a colonial guard to protect and defend those who no longer have a voice in WashingtonCambridge Forum on the Arms Trade
09-02-2006 00:04
How many people are aware that their taxes are going to fund a government department that specifically promotes arms sales worldwide ? - including to regimes, such as that of Indonesia, with absolutely terrible records on human rights. Come and learn more on Tuesday February 21st. There will be the usual opportunity at the end of the evening for questionsand discussion.
08-02-2006 23:25

Let us rephrase that out of Neo Labour speak and into English.
"War with Iran is inevitable."
08-02-2006 23:23
Andrew Patrick Kirk has been sentenced to an outrageous three months in prison. He is autistic. Those of us who have campaigned with him are worried he will not be able to cope inside prison.