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new rainforest reserves in brazil

18-02-2005 16:49

Brazil has created 2 new rainforest reserves with a combined size of 10 million acres in a move aimed to combat out of control ranchers and loggers in the Amazon who are responsible for "violence and impunity associated with illegal occupation of lands and deforestation" in the Amazon.

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This racist appetite will never be sated

18-02-2005 16:18

Some sanity today : "The political bidding war on immigration is unwinnable." -- Diane Abbott.

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Victory to the Intifada

18-02-2005 15:59

Report of the Victory to the Intifada picket of M&S Oxford Street London 17 February 2005

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VTI picket of M&S London 17 February 2005

18-02-2005 15:17

Report of the Victory to the Intifada picket of M&S in London 17 February 2005.

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Israeli Interpol Fugitives Feted in Washington

18-02-2005 15:16

Russian billionaires known as "Oligarchs" who have taken up residence in Israel, wanted by Interpol for bilking millions of Russians out of their life savings, were recently at the national prayer breakfast in Washington DC, attended by George Bush. American media covered this up -- and far more

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E-mail action: Tell Blair - No Detention without Trial!

18-02-2005 14:05

Please write to Tony Blair to demand "No Detention without Trial"

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Millions suffer under Kim Jong-il. We should have stood up to him long ago.

18-02-2005 12:51

We must do more to stop Kim Jong-il's human rights violations and Songun crimes in the DPRK. People in North Korea (DPRK) do not need nuclear weapons agreements, they need human rights.

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Why Should Ken L Apologise?

18-02-2005 12:05

I argue that morally deteriorated leaders often ally themselves with Jewish and Zionist organisations.

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More Fecund Cant - SWP Join Police in denouncing G8 Protests.

18-02-2005 11:46

When a group - no matter how insignificant - claim to be a part of the anti-capitalist movement and repeatedly promote the police’s malicious propaganda against other parts of it, it rankles. Readers of these pages have no doubt had enough of Leninist sect bashing. However, when one of their leading members fires off shots at the anti-capitalist movement, in the capitalist press, Harry Hamlet feels something must be said.

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Summat for the Summit, 10th March

18-02-2005 11:43

Who do the G8 think they are?! Who, in fact, are they?!

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DC Counter-Inauguration Events Overview - Great Video

18-02-2005 08:23

This article is from the Wash. DC IMC posted by

The Mainstream media left out the thousands who protested the re-inauguration of GWBush on Jan20. Pulling in audio and imagery from folks who were there we re-present what happened in DC on January 20. Thanks to all who attended and contributed!

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18-02-2005 04:10

EXOPOLITICS is the evolution of Alfred Lambremont Webre’s groundbreaking work as a futurist at the Stanford Research Institute, where in 1977 he directed a proposed extraterrestrial communication study project for the Carter White House.

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Respect your elders

18-02-2005 01:00

Indigenous australians warn of the serious threat to global stability as more sites of ancient worldly significance come under threat.

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Happy hunt ban

18-02-2005 00:14

Happy hunt ban

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BREAKING NEWS: Iranian state telly reports air strike against nuclear reactor

17-02-2005 23:48

a new phase of America's global war?

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RESIST G8 // 2nd South East Assembly

17-02-2005 23:28

The South East Assebly is a co-ordination of groups and individuals opposed to the G8 and who are mobilising towards the G8 Summit in Gleneagles, Perthshire, Scotland in July 6th-8th.

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How the US murdered a City

17-02-2005 23:22

These are war crimes for which the Bush adminastration should all swing at the end of a rope, and I pray to God they all do soon!

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Demonstrate in support of Freedom of Movement for all people not just the rich..

17-02-2005 22:51

Global economic injustice and inequality is being maintained by the wealthiest economies causing poverty, political instability and wars that force people to flee their home countries. The minority who manage to escape are then persecuted in the countries where they hoped to find refuge.

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Bush in London this weekend?????

17-02-2005 22:34

any other confirmation or rubbishing of this?

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New account adds weight to interrogation claims

17-02-2005 21:29

After ASIO and the AFP made further allegations at the Senate Estimates Committee, pro-govt media done just the same CH/7 accusing Mr Habib of meeting David Hicks in Afghanistan, CH/10 running a flawed poll with it's viewers suggesting 80 per cent say his guilty. Ch/7's flawed poll suggesting 52 per cent of its viewers said it's okay to torture people under certain circumstances? But 48 per cent don't think so.
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