UK Newswire Archive
You can help the world's women get equal rights
17-02-2005 20:02
Your action is urgently needed to encourage the US to join other nations around the world in advancing women's equality.Direct Action Trainers workshop
17-02-2005 19:18
training coming up for activists from South of England, helping share tips on doing direct action trainings, in run up to G8 - limited places filling fast.International Greenpeace Kyoto Action Reports + Pics
17-02-2005 18:34

Seeking a Theology for Another Possible World
17-02-2005 18:21
"The other world we are thinking of is the one we have, not a world beyond," said Rev. Orlando Santos de Oliveira.Nursery Party 2Morrow
17-02-2005 17:54
The Nursery Social Centre is handing over use of the building.Final Weekend Party - live music and information.
black writers
17-02-2005 16:55
A new network to encourage multi-ethnic diversity in publishing was launched last week in London. Author Diran Adebayo who opened the event observed that "there were nuances and expressions of life in the UK that could only be expressed through black British eyes."Hunting - what the public really think?
17-02-2005 16:48
Just so you know what "the majority of the public" really think.....if you happen to be planning some dumb anti-toff action on Saturday
P.Tatchell-Annual Rpt+2005 Ball.
17-02-2005 16:33
Human Rights Campaigner Peter Tatchell publishes his 2004 Annual Report and notice of the 2005 Tatchell Ball- 14 MarchLatest about Cuba
17-02-2005 16:20

Monday 21 February 7.30pm, Simunye Café, 229 London Rd
With Geraldine Lievesley, Manchester Met University, author of The Cuban Revolution: Past, Present and Future Perspectives.
Hedben bridge anti council sell offs noise demo and march sat 19th feb
17-02-2005 14:38
Anti council sell offs noise demoThe Killing of Dorothy Stang in Brazil and the Regierung Lula, Rossetto
17-02-2005 13:45
Am letzten Samstag, den 12. Februar, wurde None Dorothy im Auftrag von Großgrundbesitzern und großen Holzproduzenten aus dem Gebiet von Anapú, Bundesland Pará, von Killern durch 6 Schüsse aus nächster Nähe brutal ermordet.Rotten Borough of Lewisham
17-02-2005 13:30
Lewisham councillors and officials caught with their snouts well and truly firmly in the trough.Wishlist for this weekend at Leeds' new social centre
17-02-2005 12:23
We are getting into a new social centre and need help setting up, cleaning and decorating.Fri 6-10pm, Sat and Sun 12-6pm
23-25 Wharf St Leeds LS1
Yesmen in London Cinemas!
17-02-2005 09:40

In London, it is shown in UGC Haymarket, Barbican Odeon, Camden Town, Coronet Notting Hill and Ritzy Brixton.
nano links and open sourcing
17-02-2005 03:29
follows is a's not comercial but it is in the world..
it concerns open sourcing. both in principle and actualy..
Ballsy Article Re: Media Iraq Censorship
17-02-2005 03:16
"Most Americans also don't know there are four permanent U.S. military bases in Iraq, with the Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown and Root diligently constructing 10 others"McDonalds, Nottingham. :: Celebrating the McLibel Two
17-02-2005 01:13

Critical Mass Bike-About in Nottingham
17-02-2005 00:43

UNISON Branch Secretaries worried about delayed pensions ballot
17-02-2005 00:28
UNISON United Left General Secretary candidate and Lambeth Branch Secretary Jon Rogers writes: