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Supposed video of attack on UK troops in Iraq

08-11-2004 01:01

Below find internet address to video of attack on UK troops that killed four

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Dear Michael Moore,

08-11-2004 00:24

Dear Michael Moore,
I am writing you this “open letter” in friendship and solidarity. You are famous, rich and powerful. I am none of the above. But we both belong to the anti war movement and both are working to contribute to a better and more just world. I have recently read your last two posts in your website.

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State of emergency: Allawi 'killer of saints'

08-11-2004 00:19

Allawi's order supposedly sustains the illusionary propaganda for some in the International Community (with rose coloured glasses). Who apparently are supposed to see this decision coming from an interim Iraqi Government perspective? However in reality it's clearly giving the US occupiers some illusionary "legitimate" right to impose curfews set up checkpoints, and search and detain subjects, preceding an "invasion" on any resistance.

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Bristol STW Regional NEWS : 8th November 2004 : (VIRTUAL Version)

07-11-2004 23:09

[South West, Wales & West Midlands] Please send us your events.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a monthly newsletter. To publicise events which
come to light between newsletters please use the forums in Section 12.

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photos from alley cat race (manchester)

07-11-2004 22:54

An alley cat race is where cyclists navigate from checkpoint to checkpoint around the city. It was originally imported from bike courier culture in america in the mid 90's.
If you've found critical mass a bit slow, this might be your thing, fast racing where everyone is welcome to participate... each checkpoint tells you where to go next, it might be to the top of a multistory carpark, it might be down some alley ways, or on a main road. The main thing about these races are that they are fun, it doesnt really matter who wins or looses...its just about riding together in a group around the

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The more people you kill the more votes you get!

07-11-2004 22:41

War is peace, slavery is freedom, attack is defence

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Bristol STW Regional NEWS : 8th October 2004 : (PRINTER Version)

07-11-2004 22:30

Welcome to the November version of Bristol-Stop-The-War News. This downloadable version is part of a tactical response to the gap between the amount of info we've been able to send those with email, & those without. Please read on to find out how you can help us close this information gap.

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M.P.s sign petition in support of IMC-UK

07-11-2004 22:22

After a posting 'Petition by MP's over Indymedia, GATS, Venezuela and Colombia' detailing the parliamentary petitions that his local MP sent him one indy contributer sent me the list of M.P.s that have signed it
the wording of the petition is
'this house expresses deep concern at the seizing of web servers belonging to he independent media organisation Indymedia; request that the Home Secretary explains under what authority their wholly independent news service was prevented from functioning; and expresses its disquiet at this attack on freedom of speech via the internet'.

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More photos of white flowers and sit down protest for Fallujah

07-11-2004 22:13

Iraqi exile Haifa Zangana lays flowers at the cenotaph.
Photos of anti war protesters laying white flowers at the cenotaph, and holding sit down protest.

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Photos of white flowers at cenotaph and sit down protest re Fallujah

07-11-2004 21:44

Iraqi exile Haifa Zangana lays flowers at Cenotaph
Photos of anti war protesters laying flowers at the Cenotaph and holding sit down protest to oppose attacks of Fallujah

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Internet, a Weapon to Destroy Communication Monopolies

07-11-2004 21:18

Fidel Castro: "Internet, a Weapon to Destroy Communication Monopolies"

During a meeting with Cuban journalists in Havana, the revolutionary leader said public opinion was the "key tool" to stop the war in Iraq. Castro believes that media monopolies manipulate people's minds, but Internet could play a decisive role to offset media power. The idea, to organize the anti-war movement from the cyberspace.

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Nottingham Emergency Demonstration against an attack on Falluja

07-11-2004 20:30

Nottingham Stop the War has called for people to demonstrate from 5pm onwards on the day that a massive final attack is launched on Falluja. Meet in the Market Square from 5pm on the day of any attack. Phone 0777 932 8418 for more information.

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London Fallujah Demo Report

07-11-2004 19:39

Report on the November 7 London Demo against the attacks on Iraq's cities (In particular, Fallujah)

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Fallujah: have water supplies been cut off?

07-11-2004 19:35

Water supplies to Fallujah may have been cut off for several weeks, according to media reports and accounts from civilians leaving the city. This follows a patttern of cutting off water which is becoming accepted among some circles within the US military, and has been applied already in Samarra and Tall Afar. It is in direct breach of the Geneva Conventions.

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Protester dies under atomic train Protestor dies under atomic train

07-11-2004 19:34

A anti-nuclear protester has died after his leg was severed by a train carrying atomic waste from France to Germany

(from BBC website:

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Anti nuke activist dies in path of nuclear train

07-11-2004 18:49

See the bbc piece here in which it says a 23 year old has died when hit by train carrying nuclear waste.

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07-11-2004 18:26

Code Pink lead the march to the Cenotaph
In a clear signal that public patience is wearing thin, protesters today blockaded Whitehall after laying wreaths and flowers at London’s cenotaph.

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Anti Nuclear-Waste activist killed by train.Germany/France

07-11-2004 18:26

-Breaking news-
A 23-year-old man has died in France as he protested against the Castor train taking nuclear waste to Germany. The train cut off both his legs.

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Media cheers while killing machine unfolds once again in Fallujah

07-11-2004 18:20

Once again the mainstream media tries to rope us into cheering for the American troops and pretends that the damage that the massive army attacks make are purely technical whereas the attacks of the resistance are bloody and deadly. Just looking at the following two articles on bbc made me want to vomit. It is truly disgusting.

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Boycott Marks and Spencers campaign. Brighton.

07-11-2004 18:12

Marks and Spencers fund the state of Israel this has been one of their main objectives from its start.

They sell illegal goods off of the Israeli illegal settlements and make statements such as Palestinians should be expelled to countries like Iraq.
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