Bristol STW Regional NEWS : 8th November 2004 : (VIRTUAL Version)
Bristol Stop-The-War | 07.11.2004 23:09 | Anti-militarism
[South West, Wales & West Midlands] Please send us your events.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a monthly newsletter. To publicise events which
come to light between newsletters please use the forums in Section 12.


PLEASE NOTE: This is a monthly newsletter. To publicise events which
come to light between newsletters please use the forums in Section 12.
FALLUJA : Bristol Stop-The-War Coalition calls on everyone to join the nightly Bristol
Peace Vigil to show opposition to the all-out assault on the citizens of Falluja. (See
Section 11 for the Bristol Peace Vigil venue & times).
The PEACE JUKEBOX is now playing hours of anti-war music for free! This is the most
prolific period of protest song-writing in history.
FREE DOWNLOAD: A magazine-style version of the newsletter is available.
Please print out copies & give or sell them to people who don't have email.
CONTENTS CODE : * New Section... ^ Updated Section...
~ Bristol / Regional Events... + National / International Events...
02) *~ Theatre: 'Poets Of War' : 11-13th Nov
03) ^~ Bristol STW Open Discussions : Nov-Jan
04) * + Report: IFTU / Stop The War Statement
05) *~+ Festival : 'FennerFest' : 13-27th Nov
06) *~+ 'Peace Direct' Conference : 19-20th Nov
07) *~ Report: Bristol Dissent! Group Update
08) *~ MORE Bristol & Bath Events In November
09) *~ MORE Regional Area Events In November
10) ^~ News: 'Fallujah & The Reality of War'
11) ~ Local Peace Vigils & Planning Meetings
12) ^ Suggested Links & Message Boards
Bristol STW Coalition produces this newsletter to publicise events & activities in
opposition to the so-called 'war on terror'. We are composed of groups & individuals with
a wide variety of political & religious views. We are politically non-aligned, but we are also committed to oppose any racist backlash.
Bristol STW is not a 'membership' organisation. Any one or group opposed to the 'war on
terror' can consider themselves part of Bristol STW, or can continue to be publicised by
us while choosing to organise independently of the Coalition.
We don't claim (or seek) a monopoly over anti-war sentiment & activity in the city &
recognise that many groups & individuals have their own ways of opposing the 'war on
terror'. We are also dependent on individual donations for our funding, so if you are able to make a donation please send a cheque or postal order, payable to:
Bristol Stop The War Coalition. Post: Box 45, Greenleaf Books, 82 Colston St, Bristol,
BS1 5BB. Or you can email us privately :
Related Links: &
INTRODUCTION: "On Oct 28th, Bristol STW Coalition were joint-sponsors of a report
back meeting to discuss the European Social Forum in London last month. 100 people
attended the meeting. Groups discussed the main themes of the ESF - such as globalisation, debt relief, war & imperialism, the environment - as well as how the ESF
had been organised, & plans for mobilising in Bristol against the G8 being held in
Scotland next July (see Section 7 for a related project). Everyone agreed it was important to continue working together on these issues locally. As part of this, some people were keen on establishing a Bristol Social Forum."
THE NEXT MEETING: "The next meeting to discuss plans for the creation of a Bristol
Social Forum will take place on Tue 7th Dec, 7:00-9:00pm, at the CEED centre (opposite
the corner of Dean St & Wilder St). Free Entry. MAP BELOW:
Due to the diversity of Bristols political groups, & the often complex relationships
between them, there is currently no set agenda or timetable to formally launch the Bristol Social Forum. This meeting will instead be for initial open discussions."
BACKGROUND: "This initiative arises out of the 3rd European Social Forum, held in
London on 15-17 October (as well as the Beyond ESF) which together attracted more
than 20,000 people from nearly 70 countries. Participants converged on Alexandra Palace
in North London, & Bloomsbury in central London, to discuss with passion & enthusiasm
how to make Another World Possible."
ONLINE DISCUSSIONS: "An e-group has been formed to hopefully help people get a
rough idea of the most pressing issues for the next meeting. No decisions will be made
on this e-group, out of recognition of the exclusion of those without email.
To join send a blank email to:
Or join on-line by visiting:
02) THEATRE : 'POETS OF WAR' : 11th - 13th NOVEMBER
All Profits Will Be Donated To Bristol Amnesty International.
Local Link:
DATE: 11/12/13 November. TIME: 7:30-9:30. TICKETS: £6 / £4
(All Tickets Must Be Booked In Advance) Tel. 0117 9677812
Tickets must be collected on the door no later than 15 minutes prior to start.
VENUE: St.Aidan's, Fir Tree Lane, St. George, Bristol BS5. MAP BELOW:
REVIEW: "This theatrical event has taken the words of the poets & attempted
to bring them to life in imaginative & creative ways using colour, sound, physicality &
voice. The piece simply offers an invitation to share in the experience & provides an
opportunity to pause & reflect on the beauty of the human soul in the context of the death & destruction of war." Quoted from Julie Nicholson, the Minister at St. Aidan'. 'As soon as war is declared it will be impossible to hold the poets back. Rhyme is still the most effective drum'. Quote from French Playwrite Giandoux.
BRISTOL AMNESTY CONTACTS: Margaret Hodson - Tel. 0117 975 6684
Join the mailing list:
Send a blank email to:
ABOUT AMNESTY: "Amnesty International (AI) is a worldwide movement of people who
campaign for internationally recognized human rights. AI’s vision is of a world in which
every person enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights & other international human rights standards. AI is independent of any government, political ideology, economic interest or religion. It does not support or oppose any government or political system, nor does it support or oppose the views of the victims whose rights it seeks to protect. It is concerned solely with the impartial protection of human rights."
ANOTHER POETRY COMPETITION: "Iraq Occupation Focus are holding a poetry
competition, with the entry fees used to help offset the costs of organising a Day
Conference on the Occupation of Iraq on 5th Dec in central London. Entry fee is £3 for the
first poem & £2 for each subsequent poem. 1st prize is £100, the 2nd prize is £50, &
there are two 3rd pizes of £25. Please pop into your nearest internet cafe, & visit the
website below, as there isn't enough room to detail all the rules of entry.
Main Link:
a) ^~ 11th Nov : Palestine Eyewitness Talk & Discussion
b) ^~ 9th Dec : Trades Union Iraq Delegation Discussion
c) ^~ 13th Jan : Congo Eyewitness Talk & Discussion
INTRODUCTION: These monthly discussions are an informal opportunity for people to discuss pressing issues of our time, & to find out more about the diverse range of campaigns, projects & actions which make up the anti-war movement. All are welcome, & entrance is free. VENUE: All events are at St. Mary on the Quay Hall, City Centre, Colston Ave, BS1. (Opposite the War Memorial). MAP BELOW:
a) PALESTINE EYEWITNESS TALK : Thur 11th November : 7:00-8:45pm. Roger Howell & Candia Barman have recently returned from an International Solidarity Movement (ISM) visit to Palestine. Come & hear a first hand account of conditions in Palestine as the illegal Wall goes up. ISM:
b) TRADES UNION IRAQ DELEGATION : Thur 9th December : 7:00-8:45pm. Alex
Gordon of the RMT (Rail, Maritime & Transport Workers) trades union visited Iraq as part
of a trades union delegation. Come & hear about conditions in Iraq & what trades unions
here can do to support workers in Iraq. TUC:
c) CONGO EYEWITNESS TALK : Thur 13th January : 7:00-8:45pm. Antoine Lokongo is a Congolese journalist currently living in London. He will talk about the unreported civil
war in his home country & the general situation in sub-Saharan Africa. This is particularly important at a time when Bush & Blair are trying to soften opinion up for intervention in the Sudan.
NOVEMBERS FEATURE: "Roger Howell - who was part of a group that went with ISM to
Palestine this summer - will give a public talk, sponsored by Bristol STW. Roger will talk about his experiences of 2 weeks with the ISM in Tulkarem & the village of Marda (where the huge illegal Jewish colony of Ariel has been built, & the villagers experience daily harassment). Roger will talk about what local people in Tulkarem & Marda are doing to survive, & the efforts of international peace activists to support them - also about what WE can do to help - both in Britain & in Israel/Palestine. Roger will also describe his efforts (& those of other local Quakers) to get his home village in Gloucestershire twinned with a village in Palestine. Some people are contemplating a similar initiative for a suburb of Bristol.
Related Link:
REPORT BY JEREMY CLARKE: The following report by Jeremy Clarke, of Bristol
STWC, should be read in relation to the STWC National statement on this issue, which
can also be read in edited form below, or in full by visiting the link above.
"Before the Labour Party conference at the end of September, all the signs were that the
large trades unions would back a resolution calling for early withdrawal of British troops from Iraq. In the end, the party leadership produced a representative of the Iraqi
Federation of Trades Unions (IFTC) who spoke in the debate, arguing that such a
withdrawal was not in the interests of Iraqis & not what Iraqis wanted. The main TU
leaders used this as an opportunity to reverse the positions adopted by their own
conferences & the resolution was lost. The Labour Party conference is left supporting a
position that the occupying armies should stay until asked to go by an Iraqi government -
not a very likely scenario. The STWC, locally & nationally, take the view that the
presence of US & UK troops is part of the problem, not part of the solution. This seems
to be the position of the majority of Iraqi people. The IFTC do not take this view. In Britain, the IFTC are being used to confuse & split the anti-war movement. We must do all we can to prevent this happening."
Related Story:,,1336687,00.html
EDITED NATIONAL STWC STATEMENT: "In recent weeks the representative of the IFTU
in Britain has urged that the Labour Party conference welcome the puppet Iraqi premier
Allawi, & subsequently, energetically lobbied the trade union affiliates of the Labour Party to oppose a motion, reflecting the unions' own agreed policies, calling on Blair to set an early date for the withdrawal of British troops from Iraq.
In this last undertaking the IFTU representative worked as the direct instrument of the
government & the Labour Party apparatus, which prepared & distributed his statements
to delegates. Indeed the statement by the IFTU representative issued by the Party was
not merely supportive of the continued military occupation of his country, but could also
be read as supportive of the original invasion of Iraq. There is little doubt that this
intervention played a significant part in persuading some major trade unions (& perhaps
constituency delegates too) to abandon their agreed policy on the occupation (affirmed at
the TUC just 2 weeks earlier).
The IFTU is one of a number of trade union & workers' organisations in Iraq, distinguished from others by its support for the Allawi government &, it is now apparent, for the foreign occupation on which that government depends for its existence. The IFTU has attempted to divide the anti-war movement from the trade unions by taking advantage of the goodwill towards it shown by a number of unions for honourable reasons of solidarity.
The STWC hopes that the leading unions will restate their previous policy of an end to the occupation. The STWC condemns the IFTU's political collaboration with the British
government, exemplified at the Labour Party conference, & its view that genuinely
independent trade unionism in Iraq can develop under a regime of military occupation
(including the daily bombardment of major Iraqi cities) by the USA & Britain. The STWC
reaffirms its call for an end to the occupation, the return of all British troops in Iraq to this country & recognises once more the legitimacy of the struggle of the Iraqi people to secure such ends."
Festival Website:
INTRODUCTION: "A 2 week celebration of the life and legacy of Fenner Brockway.
Featuring talks from international experts on the world around us, & some of the best
entertainment ever to come to Slough! Who was Fenner Brockway? Fenner Brockway was MP for Slough & Eton 1950-64, he co-founded CND & the Movement for Colonial Freedom, was imprisoned as a conscientious objector, & worked tirelessly to improve the lives of ordinary people."
TWO WEEK LINE UP IN A NUTSHELL: Please pop into your nearest internet cafe, &
visit the website above, as there isn't enough room to detail everything here.
See 'Festival Venues' below this calendar for addresses of all venues.
ENTERTAINMENT... a) Sat 6th: Play: 'Sikhs in the City'. Profits donated to Sikh charity.
£8. From Herschel Arms. Time: 8pm, PG. Venue: West Wing Arts Space.
b) Tue 16th: 'Friendly Bombs Theatre Company'. Tickets: TBC. Time: 7pm, all ages.
Venue: St Mary’s Church.
c) Tue 16th: Nic Turner (of Hawkwind). Tickets: £5. Available from Herschel Arms. Time:
8pm-midnight, over 21’s only. Venue: Vikram’s Occasions Palace.
d) Thu 18th: Open Mic Poetry. Tickets: Free. St Mary’s Church.
e) Tue 23rd: Local band night, with Yap. Tickets: £3. Venue: Vision.
f) Sat 27th: Closing Party. Tickets & Venue Top Secret. TBA on the day!
COMMUNITY EVENTS... a) Sun 14th: Three-sided Football. Venue: TBA
b) Sun 21st: Multi-Faith Service. Tickets: n/a. Venue: St Mary’s Church
CHILDREN'S EVENTS... a) Sat 13th: Family Storytelling: 'The Lion's Whisker' Time:
2pm, all ages. Venue: Ottakers Bookstore, Queensmere Shopping Centre.
b) Sat 20th: Family Storytelling: Followed by audience opportunity to paint. 2pm, all
ages. Venue: Ottakers Bookstore, Queensmere Shopping Centre.
EXHIBITIONS... a) Tue 16th - Sat 27th: 'The other way' & 'Stories from Slough' - A series
of 60 art prints from Israel. Tickets: n/a. Venue: St Mary’s Church.
TALKS AND LECTURES... a) Wed 17th: 'Justice For Iraq's Detainees'. Peggy Gish &
Milan Rai Tickets: Free. 7:30pm. Venue: Slough Friends Meeting House.
b) Fri 19th: Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Activists recently returned from Palestine
bring us an update. Free. Time: 7:30pm. Slough Friends Meeting House.
c) Sat 20th: Play: 'Herschel & Mosley' with Patricia Fara & Anne de Courcy.
Tickets: Available on the door. Time: 8pm, all ages. Venue: Baldwin Institute.
d) Mon 22nd: Fair Trade. Slough World Development Movement set out the alternatives.
Free. Time: 7:30pm, all ages. Venue: Slough Friends Meeting House.
e) Wed 24th: SAIN: Alternatives to Waste. It’s not enough to say “no new incinerators”.
Tickets: Donation. Venue: Slough Friends Meeting House (Quakers).
f) Thur 25th: Fenner Brockway Memorial Lecture: Michael Meacher (former Environment
Minister). Tickets: Free/Donation. Venue: St Mary’s Church.
FESTIVAL VENUES: Please refer back to this venue listing for each event listing.
a) Baldwin Institute, Eton Court, High St, Eton, SL4 6BQ.
b) Herschel Arms, 22 Park St, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 1PS. 01753 524089.
c) Queensmere Shopping Centre, Slough, SL1 1DG.
d) Slough Friends Meeting House, 74 Ragstone Rd, Slough, SL1 2PX.
e) St Mary's Church, Church St, Slough, (off the A412)
f) Vision Nightclub, Buckingham Court/Buckingham Gdns, Slough, SL1 1HP.
g) Vikram's Occasions Palace, 15 - 23 Church St, Slough, SL1 1PL.
h) West Wing Arts Space, Arbor Vale School, Stoke Rd, Slough, SL2 5AY.
Organisers Link:
For details of venue, accommodation, & cost, see the section below this message.
ABOUT THE CONFERENCE: "Peace Direct is arranging a Linking Conference on 19-20 Nov in Rugby, the Midlands. It is aimed for people who are keen on doing something positive for peace. Both individuals & established groups are welcome to share views & experience at this event. Peace Direct has a 'Link Group Programme' aiming to connect groups in the UK with peace groups or individuals working for non-violence around the world for mutual support & co-operation.
The programme is in its early stages so we very much value support & suggestions.
Together we will examine & understand how linking initiatives can help & support those
who strive for non-violent resolutions of conflict & how we could work together. A keen
interest & enthusiasm is all that is needed to come along. Guest speaker will be Ann
Pettifor (Jubilee 2000 Campaign). It will be a mixture of interactive sessions to share
knowledge, to look at ways forward as well as a chance to network & establish
SPEAKER NOTE: "Jubilee 2000 (now Jubilee Research) is a well known debt cancellation campaign which advocates cancellation of unpayable & uncollectable debts of developing countries; with a particular reputation for providing up-to-date, accurate research, analyses, news & data on international debt & finance."
Related Link:
MORE CONFERENCE DETAILS: "The event will be held near Rugby, starting on 19th Nov at 6 pm & ending on the 20th at 6pm. Each participant will be asked to contribute a subsidised cost of £25 (this includes full board at the conference centre & conference materials). Please visit the website, or use the contacts below, for up to date information on the venue, booking, & programme.
CONTACTS: Post To: Madeleine Clarin, Peace Direct, Development House, 56-64
Leonard St, London EC2A 4JX. Tel: +44 (0)845 456 9714 Fax: +44(0)20 7549 0286.
NEWSLETTER: To submit news about events, campaigns, conferences, publications, etc, please email: or
Related Links: &
INTRODUCTION : "In 1990 the then G7 held its meeting in London. It passed by quietly with no protests & no 'red zones'. 8 years later 400 social movements from around the world co-ordinated resistance to it. In the UK 50,000 people came together to resist the G8 meeting in Birmingham. In 2005, the G8 returns to the UK. As, to many, the 'war on
terror' increasingly resembles a new corporate carve up of the world, the G8 also attracts resistance from within the anti-war movement."
ABOUT BRISTOL DISSENT! : "The Bristol Dissent! Group aims to mobilise in preparation
for the return of the G8 to the UK in July 2005 (the expected venue is Gleneagles in
Scotland). Some of the additional aims of the group are: 'To educate ourselves, & the
wider public, about the G8. To identify how the G8 affects us in Bristol on a day-to-day
basis. To reject the destruction of the environment by wars & exploitation. To encourage
& promote local resistance & alternatives to the G8, globalisation & capitalism. To work
with like-minded local groups & individuals. To provide support to people arrested at local or national events & actions. To take our resistance beyond the G8, as part of the
ongoing struggle against capitalism. To work individually & collectively in the spirit of the PGA Hallmarks (see links above)."
BRISTOL DISSENT! MEETINGS: Anyone interested in getting involved is welcome to the
monthly meeting, held on the last Tuesday of each month. (Tue 30th Nov). TIME:
7.30-9:00pm. VENUE: Kebele, 14 Robertson Rd, Easton, BS5. MAP:
Email: or pop into Kebele where info is available.
ABOUT THE G8: "G8 stands for ‘Group of 8 major industrial democracies’, (but not necessarily the 8 richest, nor the most democratic!) It started life as the G6, in France in 1975, as the world was gripped by an oil crisis (déjà vu anyone?) amid fears of worldwide recession & depression. The UK, in a financial crisis, had just received a major loan from the IMF (International Monetary Fund). Canada was invited in 1976 at the USA’s request as it felt outnumbered by Europe.
The aim was to deal with the major economic & political issues of the day, to ensure a
growing global economy & increasing global profits – the management of capitalism. The
G8 has no HQ, offices, constitution, rulebook, nor legal standing. It is an ad hoc club for the world’s ruling elite, attempting to dictate the course of world events & enforcing its will upon the world’s economy.
With the collapse of the Soviet Bloc, Russia was allowed in from the cold as an observer
from 1991, & full club member in 1998. Russia will take its turn to host the G8 in 2006.
Host status among the G8 rotates annually, with the host acting as chair. Confusingly
the G8 has a 9th member, the EU (a 25 country bloc) in recognition of its economic
power, although it cannot have ‘host’ status."
a) *~ 11th Nov : 'Colombia Rap Group' Talk
b) *~ 11th Nov : 'Che Guevara' Discussion
c) *~ 13th Nov : 'Iraq Peace' Benefit Night
d) *~ 15th Nov : 'Justice For Iraq's Detainees' Tour
e) *~ 16th Nov : WDM - ESF Report Back
f) *~ 25th Nov : Eliminating Violence Against Women
g) *~ 2nd Dec : 'Myths Of Zionism' Meeting
h) *~ Bethlehem Link Christmas Cards
a) 'COLOMBIA RAP GROUP' TALK : Thu 11th November
Organisers Link:
Date: Thu 11th Nov. Time: 8:00-9:45pm. Free Entry.
Venue: St. Werburghs Community Centre, Horley Road, St Werburghs. Map:
"Zona Marginal are a rap group from the severely impoverished Aguablanca district of
Cali, in Southwestern Colombia. Their music is deeply political. Their message is one of
resistance & social justice, a stark contrast to mainstream US hip hop expounding a
sexist, individualist & materialistic way of life. They will talk about their experiences, the state repression they face, & how through the youth centre & pirate radio station they have set up, they are affecting positive social change."
ABOUT CSC: "Colombia Solidarity Campaign campaigns for a socially just & sustainable
peace in Colombia, & calls for an end to the collusion between the Colombian government, the armed forces & the paramilitary death squads."
b) 'CHE GUEVARA' TALK & DISCUSSION : Thu 11th November
Organisers Link:
Date: Thu 11th Nov. Time: 7:00-8:45pm. Free Entry.
Venue: Cafe Orozu (ex-Bristolian), Picton St, Montpelier. Map:
Title: 'Che Guevara - From Rebel To Icon'. "Now that Bush has declared Cuba part of the
'Axis of Evil', this events is all the more pertinent. Che Guevara's image is prominent on placards, posters & t-shirts. He has once again become an icon of resistance for the anti-capitalist movement north & south. However, can we simply appropriate his ideas? What did Che stand for? What did he achieve? What is his legacy? Do his ideas & methods
have relevance today for the movement's resistance to the neo liberal agenda?" More Info:
c) 'IRAQ PEACE' BENEFIT NIGHT : Sat 13th November
Organised By Southville Stop-The-War. For advance tickets: 0117 963 1330
Date: Sat 13th Nov. Time: 7:00pm - Close. Tickets: £10 / £5 concessions.
Venue: Holy Cross & Southville Social Club, Dean Lane, Bristol BS3. Map:
MUSIC: 'The Mysterious Wheels'+ 'Avon (Karvavena Records)'+ 'Electric Dog' +
Disco hits hour. SPEAKER: Jo Wilding - Bristol based peace activist & independent
journalist who was in Iraq for 6 months from Nov 2003 to mid May 2004. BENEFIT FOR:
'Union of the Unemployed of Iraq' (UUIRAQ) & 'Organisation for Women's Freedom in Iraq'
(OWFI). OWFI: "Women are victims of violence & backward religious traditions in Iraq, &
in desperate need of shelter & protection." ' UUIRAQ: "Facing widespread unemployment,
deprivation, hunger & indifference of the US, on 1st May 2003 the UUIRAQ was founded.
Over 150,000 have joined."
Links: &
Organised by the Sedgemoor Peace Group & the Bristol Quakers
Email: Link:
Date: Mon 15th Nov. Time: 7:30-9:15pm. Free Entry.
Venue: Broadmead Baptist Church, The Horsefair, Bristol. Map:
"Peggy Gish is co-ordinator of the Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) in Iraq. The CPT has been working in Iraq since October 2002, & focussing on the issue of detainees since July 2003. Peggy has spent more than 11 of the past 18 months there."
Tea, coffee & biscuits will be available from 7:00pm.
e) WDM - ESF REPORT BACK : Tue 16th November
(WDM) World Development Movement. Link:
Date: Tue 16th Nov. Time: 7:30-9:15pm. Free Entry. (Non-Members Welcome)
Venue: Victoria Methodist Church (Bottom of Whiteladies Rd.) Map Below:
"Report back on the European Social Forum (ESF). Includes preparation for next year's
campaigning around the Global Week of Action (April 10-16), the UK Presidency of the
EU, & the G8 meeting in Scotland in July 2005."
More Info: Tel. 01275 462083. Email:
Related Link:
"A day of events aimed at bringing awareness to the issue of violence against women,
whether committed through war, or domestic & criminal violence."
CANDLELIGHT VIGIL: "6.30pm - Candlelight vigil from The M32 Junction 3 Roundabout
(aka the Time Tunnel) to the Cube Cinema - chosen because it is the site of violence
against women including rape & a death recently." Map:
CUBE CINEMA EVENTS: Dove Street South. Kings Square (Off Jamaica St.) Map: INFO: Tel: 0117 9074190
"7.30pm onwards. £3 / £2 (nobody turned away due to lack of funds). Short Films +
speakers: Women from Nicaragua speak on their lives & concerns. Including a selection
of uplifting & inspring shorts to finish the night off in style!"
For more info: or contact
g) 'THE MYTHS OF ZIONISM' MEETING : Thu 2nd December
Organisers Link:
Date: Thu 2nd Dec. Time: 7:30-9:30pm. Free Entry.
Venue: Training Rm 1, Youth Hostel, Farrs Lane (nr Arnolfini). Map:
"John Rose, author of 'The Myths of Zionism' (Pluto, £14.99) will be speaking. This book
examines how cultural myths have been used to justify the expulsion & persecution of
Palestinians. There will also be eye-witness reports from Palestine."
"Bethlehem Link was established in Bath in 1998 following a visit by Nina Beaven to the
West Bank in 1997. She met the Director of the Children's Cultural Centre in Bethlehem
who asked if she could make a link with a school in Bath. Bethlehem Link' now provides
the opportunity for cultural exchanges between Palestinian children (many of whom live in
refugee camps), & school children in the West Country. The organisation has no religious
affiliation & is non-political."
CHRISTMAS CARDS: "This years Christmas card, illustrated by a child from Bethlehem
Children's Cultural Centre, in packs of 10 with envelopes. The picture is a view of Manger Square from the Church of the Nativity. This year we are asking for donations rather than specifying a price. (1st class post for a pack of 10 cards is 60p)." For more info: Tel. 01225 314517 / 329659 Mob: 07761 097 324.
Or write to: Bethlehem Link, 21 Innox Grove, Englishcombe, Bath BA2 9DX
Or email: Registered Charity No: 1100058.
a) *~ Report: Welsh Councillor Jailed For Actions
b) *~ 12th Nov : Coventry 'Child Victims' Benefit
c) *~ 15th Nov : Swansea 'Palestine Aid' Benefit
d) *~ 16th Nov : Dorset 'Iraq Detainees' Tour
e) *~ 18th Nov : Swansea CND Public Meeting
f) *~ 21st Nov : Plymouth 'Stop Trident' Meeting
g) *~ 21st Nov : Reading 'Iraq Detainees' Tour
h) *~ 23rd Nov : Somerset 'Women In Black' Talk
i) *~ 26th Nov : Aberystwyth 'Impeach Blair' Tour
j) *~ 27th Nov : Exeter University 'Palestine Day'
Link: "Caerphilly councillor & anti-nuclear activist, Ray Davies, was sentenced to 28 days in prison (5th Nov), for refusal to pay fines of over £2000 - incurred while taking non-violent direct action at the nuclear submarine yard in Plymouth & the nuclear bomb factory at Aldermaston (near Reading). When asked why
he refused to pay the fines, Ray - a member of Trident Ploughshares - said: 'To pay these
fines would be to condone the deaths of 100,000 Iraqi civilians, & the deaths of British & American soldiers." Ray is in Cardiff prison. Mail can be sent to: Ray Davies, HMP
Cardiff, Knox Rd.
Organised By Coventry Peace House. Email:
Tel: 02476 663031. Related Link:
Date: Fri 12th Nov. Time: 8:00-11:30pm. Tickets £5 / £3.
Venue: West Indian Centre, Spon St. CV1 3BB. Map Below:
"Seize the Day will be playing. 'Child Victims Of War' work with local communities to
monitor children's rights; research environmental effects of war; support advocacy
campaigns, & to help equip medical & rehabilitation centres."
Supported by Welsh Writers Against War. Email:
Date: Mon 15th Nov. Time: 8:30pm onwards. Venue: Taliesin Arts Centre, University of
Wales, Swansea. The main campus lies within Singleton Park along the sweep of Swansea Bay. Box Office 01792 602060 / 296883. For Directions:
"Gilad Atzmon & the Orient House Ensemble will be playing to raise funds for medical aid for Palestine. For info, or to make a donation, contact 01792 842441.
Contact: 01300 345 109. Related Link:
Date: Tue 16th Nov. Time: 8:00-9:45pm. Free Entry.
Venue: Methodist Church Hall, Cheap St, Sherborne, Dorset. Map:
"Peggy Gish is co-ordinator of the Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) in Iraq. The CPT has been working in Iraq since Oct 2002 & focussing on the issue of detainees since July 2003. Come & hear the testimony of one inspiring woman."
e) SWANSEA CND PUBLIC MEETING : Thur 18th November
Title: 'The Abolition Of Nuclear Weapons'. Link:
Date: Thur 18th Nov. Time: 7:30-9:15pm. Free Entry.
Venue: Gloucester Room, Brangwyn Hall, Guildhall, Swansea, SA1 4PE. Map:
Anti-nuclear campaigner Bruce Kent, & Jill Evans - MEP & Chair of CND Cymru.
Organised By:
Date: Sun 21st Nov. Time: 2:00-4:00pm. Free Entry.
Venue: Unitarian Church, Notte St, Plymouth. Map:
"This meeting will be attended by the Chair of CND, Kate Hudson, and is intended to
organising in Plymouth against the Trident nuclear submarine programme."
Related Link:
Date: Sun 21st Nov. Time: 7:00-8:45pm. Free Entry. Venue: Friends Meeting House, 2
Church St, Reading. Phone For Directions. Contact: 0118 967 1362.
"Peggy Gish is co-ordinator of the Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) in Iraq. The CPT has been working in Iraq since Oct 2002 & focussing on the issue of detainees since July 2003. Come & hear the testimony of one inspiring woman."
h) SOMERSET 'WOMEN IN BLACK' TALK : Tue 23rd November
Organised By South Somerset Peace Group. Tel: 01460 53165
Email: Link:
Date: Tue 23rd Nov. Time: 7:30 onwards. Free Entry. Venue: Minster Rooms, Court
Barton, Ilminster TA19 0DU (behind the Dolphin Pub). Map:
"Women in Black is a network committed opposed to injustice, war, militarism & other
forms of violence. Come along to this evening of Talks, video & discussion."
Organised By Plaid Cymru. Related Link:
Date: Fri 26th Nov. Time: 7:00-8:45pm. Free Entry.
Venue: Old College, King Street, Aberystwyth, SY23 2AX. Map:
"A group of MPs have declared their intention to bring a motion of impeachment against
the Prime Minister for High Crimes & Misdemeanours in relation to Iraq."
Organised By Exeter PSC. Related Link:
Date: Sat 27th Nov. Time: 10am-4pm. Free Entry. Venue: Arabic & Islamic Studies
Institute, Stocker Rd (on the University campus). Map:
"A full day event looking at the culture, products & crafts of this troubled region.
There will also be poetry, music, food, films, children's activities. There will also be
workshops on peace activism, issues of the conflict, & EU Trade sanctions."
Adapted from an article to Rahul Mahajan, Counterpunch, 6th Nov 2004
Full Story:
"The assault on Fallujah has started. It is being sold as liberation of the people of
Fallujah; it is being sold as a necessary step to implementing 'democracy' in Iraq. These
are lies. I was in Fallujah during the siege in April, & I want to paint for you a word picture of what such an assault means. Fallujah is dry & hot; like Southern California, it has been made an agricultural area only by virtue of extensive irrigation. It has been known for years as a particularly devout city; people call it the City of a Thousand Mosques. In the mid-90's, when Saddam wanted his name to be added to the call to prayer, the imams of Fallujah refused.
U.S. forces bombed the power plant at the beginning of the assault; for the next several
weeks, Fallujah was a blacked-out town, with light provided by generators only in critical places like mosques & clinics. The town was placed under siege; the ban on bringing in food, medicine, & other basic items was broken only when Iraqis en masse challenged the roadblocks. The atmosphere was one of pervasive fear, from bombing & the threat of more bombing. Noncombatants & families with sick people, the elderly, & children were leaving in droves.
After initial instances in which people were prevented from leaving, U.S. forces began
allowing everyone to leave except for what they called 'military age males,' men usually
between 15 & 60. Keeping noncombatants from leaving a place under bombardment is a
violation of the laws of war. Of course, if you assume that every military age male is an
enemy, there can be no better sign that you are in the wrong country, & that, in fact, your war is on the people, not on their oppressors, not a war of liberation.
The main hospital in Fallujah is across the Euphrates from the bulk of the town. At the
beginning the Americans shut down the main bridge, cutting off the hospital from the
town. Doctors had to leave the hospital, with only the equipment they could carry, & set
up in makeshift clinics all over the city; the one I stayed at had been a neighborhood
clinic with 1 room that had 4 beds, & no operating theater; doctors refrigerated blood in a soft-drink vending machine. This hospital closing (not the only such that I documented)
also violates the Geneva Convention.
In addition to the artillery & the warplanes dropping 500, 1000, & 2000-pound bombs, &
the murderous AC-130 Spectre gunships that can demolish a whole city block in less
than a minute, the Marines had snipers criss-crossing the whole town. For weeks,
Fallujah was divided by the no-man's-lands of sniper fire paths. Snipers fired
indiscriminately, usually at whatever moved. Of 20 people I saw come into the clinic I
observed in a few hours, only 5 were 'military-age males.' I saw old women, old men, a
child of 10 shot through the head; terminal, the doctors told me, although in Baghdad
they might have been able to save him.
The best estimates are that 900-1000 people were killed directly, blown up, burnt, or
shot. Of them, my guess, based on news & observation, is that 2/3 were noncombatants.
But the damage goes far beyond that. You read about precision strikes, & it's true that
America's GPS-guided bombs are very accurate. The 80-85% of the time that they work,
their targeting radius is 10 meters. Even the smallest of them, however, the 500-pound
bomb, has a blast radius of 400 meters; every single bomb shakes the whole
neighborhood, breaking windows & smashing crockery. A town under bombardment is a
town in constant fear.
The first assault on Fallujah was a military failure. This time, the resistance is stronger, better-armed, & better-organized; to 'win', the U.S. military will have to pull out all the stops. There will be international condemnation, as there was the first time; but our government won't listen to it; aside from the resistance, all the people of Fallujah will be able to depend on to try to mitigate the horror will be us, the antiwar movement. We have a responsibility, that we didn't meet in April & we didn't meet in August when Najaf was similarly attacked; will we meet it this time?"
a) THE DAILY BRISTOL PEACE VIGIL: The Independent Bristol Peace Vigil is an open
space for discussion, as well a crucial focus to Bristol's campaigns. We've kept vigil
every night (except Sundays) since a few days after 11th Sept 2001, & we'll keep Vigil
onwards into the future, but we do need your support to keep our flame alive. If you can
only make it for 15 minutes, or a couple of times a month, please still come. Everyone's
welcome at the Bristol Peace Vigil.
TIMES: MON-FRI 5:30-6:30pm & SAT 3:00-4:00pm. PLACE: City Centre.
(Opposite The Hippodrome. St. Augustines Parade). MAP BELOW:
b) EASTON PEACE VIGIL: Every Friday. 5:00pm-6:00pm.
Corner of Robertson Rd & Stapleton Rd. MAP BELOW:
c) BATH PEACE VIGIL: Every Saturday 11.30am-12.30pm. Bath Abbey. (Off York
Street. From the Station walk up Manvers St). Please come & support this regular, long-
established & powerful witness to the futility of war. MAP BELOW:
d) THE BRISTOL-STOP-THE-WAR PLANNING GROUP: Everyone's welcome. We hold
a Bristol-Stop-The-War meeting every week, as a forum for local groups to inform each
other of their intentions, of finding people to work together on projects, & as a venue
where large scale Bristol Demos are agreed & planned. We don't vote at these meetings,
as we're not here to force adherence to a consensus view. We do instead discuss issues
until we reach broad consensus.
DATE: Every Thursday. TIME: 7:00-8:30pm. PLACE: St. Mary on the Quay
Hall. City Centre. Colston Ave. (Opposite War Memorial). MAP BELOW:
e) BATH-STOP-THE-WAR: Hold Regular Meetings. For Details Tel: 01225 315480
Email: Visit:
Each month we will give you a link to a website that we hope you will find interesting.
These links won't be repeated, so if you like the site save the link somewhere. If you
would like to suggest a link email:
A group of MPs have declared their intention to bring a motion of impeachment against
the Prime Minister in relation to the invasion of Iraq. This website gives details of the case they are compiling. Some may think this sort of legal challenge doesn't stand much
chance of success, or doesn't do much for the beleaguered citizens of Iraq. But anything
that ensures that the issues are kept in the public eye is worthwhile. Especially if it helps harass Blair & prevents him getting away without paying the political price for this adventure.
MESSAGE BOARDS: There's also at least 7 public forums, & an Indymedia in Bristol.
Please make use of these forums, & please also visit our Links Pages:
To join email:
Submit your own news of relevance to Bristol & the South West.
To join email:
To join email:
You don't need to join to post messages. Just email the above address.
To join email:
You do need to log-in to post. Post articles, events, or have discussions.
To join email:
"The corporate revolution will collapse if we refuse to buy what they are selling - their
ideas, their version of history, their wars, their weapons, their notion of inevitability. Remember this - we be many and they be few. They need us more than we need them. Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing." Arundhati Roy.
Peace Vigil to show opposition to the all-out assault on the citizens of Falluja. (See
Section 11 for the Bristol Peace Vigil venue & times).
The PEACE JUKEBOX is now playing hours of anti-war music for free! This is the most
prolific period of protest song-writing in history.

FREE DOWNLOAD: A magazine-style version of the newsletter is available.
Please print out copies & give or sell them to people who don't have email.

CONTENTS CODE : * New Section... ^ Updated Section...
~ Bristol / Regional Events... + National / International Events...
02) *~ Theatre: 'Poets Of War' : 11-13th Nov
03) ^~ Bristol STW Open Discussions : Nov-Jan
04) * + Report: IFTU / Stop The War Statement
05) *~+ Festival : 'FennerFest' : 13-27th Nov
06) *~+ 'Peace Direct' Conference : 19-20th Nov
07) *~ Report: Bristol Dissent! Group Update
08) *~ MORE Bristol & Bath Events In November
09) *~ MORE Regional Area Events In November
10) ^~ News: 'Fallujah & The Reality of War'
11) ~ Local Peace Vigils & Planning Meetings
12) ^ Suggested Links & Message Boards
Bristol STW Coalition produces this newsletter to publicise events & activities in
opposition to the so-called 'war on terror'. We are composed of groups & individuals with
a wide variety of political & religious views. We are politically non-aligned, but we are also committed to oppose any racist backlash.
Bristol STW is not a 'membership' organisation. Any one or group opposed to the 'war on
terror' can consider themselves part of Bristol STW, or can continue to be publicised by
us while choosing to organise independently of the Coalition.
We don't claim (or seek) a monopoly over anti-war sentiment & activity in the city &
recognise that many groups & individuals have their own ways of opposing the 'war on
terror'. We are also dependent on individual donations for our funding, so if you are able to make a donation please send a cheque or postal order, payable to:
Bristol Stop The War Coalition. Post: Box 45, Greenleaf Books, 82 Colston St, Bristol,
BS1 5BB. Or you can email us privately :

Related Links:

INTRODUCTION: "On Oct 28th, Bristol STW Coalition were joint-sponsors of a report
back meeting to discuss the European Social Forum in London last month. 100 people
attended the meeting. Groups discussed the main themes of the ESF - such as globalisation, debt relief, war & imperialism, the environment - as well as how the ESF
had been organised, & plans for mobilising in Bristol against the G8 being held in
Scotland next July (see Section 7 for a related project). Everyone agreed it was important to continue working together on these issues locally. As part of this, some people were keen on establishing a Bristol Social Forum."
THE NEXT MEETING: "The next meeting to discuss plans for the creation of a Bristol
Social Forum will take place on Tue 7th Dec, 7:00-9:00pm, at the CEED centre (opposite
the corner of Dean St & Wilder St). Free Entry. MAP BELOW:

Due to the diversity of Bristols political groups, & the often complex relationships
between them, there is currently no set agenda or timetable to formally launch the Bristol Social Forum. This meeting will instead be for initial open discussions."
BACKGROUND: "This initiative arises out of the 3rd European Social Forum, held in
London on 15-17 October (as well as the Beyond ESF) which together attracted more
than 20,000 people from nearly 70 countries. Participants converged on Alexandra Palace
in North London, & Bloomsbury in central London, to discuss with passion & enthusiasm
how to make Another World Possible."
ONLINE DISCUSSIONS: "An e-group has been formed to hopefully help people get a
rough idea of the most pressing issues for the next meeting. No decisions will be made
on this e-group, out of recognition of the exclusion of those without email.
To join send a blank email to:

Or join on-line by visiting:

02) THEATRE : 'POETS OF WAR' : 11th - 13th NOVEMBER
All Profits Will Be Donated To Bristol Amnesty International.
Local Link:

DATE: 11/12/13 November. TIME: 7:30-9:30. TICKETS: £6 / £4
(All Tickets Must Be Booked In Advance) Tel. 0117 9677812
Tickets must be collected on the door no later than 15 minutes prior to start.
VENUE: St.Aidan's, Fir Tree Lane, St. George, Bristol BS5. MAP BELOW:

REVIEW: "This theatrical event has taken the words of the poets & attempted
to bring them to life in imaginative & creative ways using colour, sound, physicality &
voice. The piece simply offers an invitation to share in the experience & provides an
opportunity to pause & reflect on the beauty of the human soul in the context of the death & destruction of war." Quoted from Julie Nicholson, the Minister at St. Aidan'. 'As soon as war is declared it will be impossible to hold the poets back. Rhyme is still the most effective drum'. Quote from French Playwrite Giandoux.
BRISTOL AMNESTY CONTACTS: Margaret Hodson - Tel. 0117 975 6684
Join the mailing list:

Send a blank email to:

ABOUT AMNESTY: "Amnesty International (AI) is a worldwide movement of people who
campaign for internationally recognized human rights. AI’s vision is of a world in which
every person enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights & other international human rights standards. AI is independent of any government, political ideology, economic interest or religion. It does not support or oppose any government or political system, nor does it support or oppose the views of the victims whose rights it seeks to protect. It is concerned solely with the impartial protection of human rights."
ANOTHER POETRY COMPETITION: "Iraq Occupation Focus are holding a poetry
competition, with the entry fees used to help offset the costs of organising a Day
Conference on the Occupation of Iraq on 5th Dec in central London. Entry fee is £3 for the
first poem & £2 for each subsequent poem. 1st prize is £100, the 2nd prize is £50, &
there are two 3rd pizes of £25. Please pop into your nearest internet cafe, & visit the
website below, as there isn't enough room to detail all the rules of entry.

Main Link:

a) ^~ 11th Nov : Palestine Eyewitness Talk & Discussion
b) ^~ 9th Dec : Trades Union Iraq Delegation Discussion
c) ^~ 13th Jan : Congo Eyewitness Talk & Discussion
INTRODUCTION: These monthly discussions are an informal opportunity for people to discuss pressing issues of our time, & to find out more about the diverse range of campaigns, projects & actions which make up the anti-war movement. All are welcome, & entrance is free. VENUE: All events are at St. Mary on the Quay Hall, City Centre, Colston Ave, BS1. (Opposite the War Memorial). MAP BELOW:

a) PALESTINE EYEWITNESS TALK : Thur 11th November : 7:00-8:45pm. Roger Howell & Candia Barman have recently returned from an International Solidarity Movement (ISM) visit to Palestine. Come & hear a first hand account of conditions in Palestine as the illegal Wall goes up. ISM:

b) TRADES UNION IRAQ DELEGATION : Thur 9th December : 7:00-8:45pm. Alex
Gordon of the RMT (Rail, Maritime & Transport Workers) trades union visited Iraq as part
of a trades union delegation. Come & hear about conditions in Iraq & what trades unions
here can do to support workers in Iraq. TUC:

c) CONGO EYEWITNESS TALK : Thur 13th January : 7:00-8:45pm. Antoine Lokongo is a Congolese journalist currently living in London. He will talk about the unreported civil
war in his home country & the general situation in sub-Saharan Africa. This is particularly important at a time when Bush & Blair are trying to soften opinion up for intervention in the Sudan.
NOVEMBERS FEATURE: "Roger Howell - who was part of a group that went with ISM to
Palestine this summer - will give a public talk, sponsored by Bristol STW. Roger will talk about his experiences of 2 weeks with the ISM in Tulkarem & the village of Marda (where the huge illegal Jewish colony of Ariel has been built, & the villagers experience daily harassment). Roger will talk about what local people in Tulkarem & Marda are doing to survive, & the efforts of international peace activists to support them - also about what WE can do to help - both in Britain & in Israel/Palestine. Roger will also describe his efforts (& those of other local Quakers) to get his home village in Gloucestershire twinned with a village in Palestine. Some people are contemplating a similar initiative for a suburb of Bristol.
Related Link:


REPORT BY JEREMY CLARKE: The following report by Jeremy Clarke, of Bristol
STWC, should be read in relation to the STWC National statement on this issue, which
can also be read in edited form below, or in full by visiting the link above.
"Before the Labour Party conference at the end of September, all the signs were that the
large trades unions would back a resolution calling for early withdrawal of British troops from Iraq. In the end, the party leadership produced a representative of the Iraqi
Federation of Trades Unions (IFTC) who spoke in the debate, arguing that such a
withdrawal was not in the interests of Iraqis & not what Iraqis wanted. The main TU
leaders used this as an opportunity to reverse the positions adopted by their own
conferences & the resolution was lost. The Labour Party conference is left supporting a
position that the occupying armies should stay until asked to go by an Iraqi government -
not a very likely scenario. The STWC, locally & nationally, take the view that the
presence of US & UK troops is part of the problem, not part of the solution. This seems
to be the position of the majority of Iraqi people. The IFTC do not take this view. In Britain, the IFTC are being used to confuse & split the anti-war movement. We must do all we can to prevent this happening."
Related Story:

EDITED NATIONAL STWC STATEMENT: "In recent weeks the representative of the IFTU
in Britain has urged that the Labour Party conference welcome the puppet Iraqi premier
Allawi, & subsequently, energetically lobbied the trade union affiliates of the Labour Party to oppose a motion, reflecting the unions' own agreed policies, calling on Blair to set an early date for the withdrawal of British troops from Iraq.
In this last undertaking the IFTU representative worked as the direct instrument of the
government & the Labour Party apparatus, which prepared & distributed his statements
to delegates. Indeed the statement by the IFTU representative issued by the Party was
not merely supportive of the continued military occupation of his country, but could also
be read as supportive of the original invasion of Iraq. There is little doubt that this
intervention played a significant part in persuading some major trade unions (& perhaps
constituency delegates too) to abandon their agreed policy on the occupation (affirmed at
the TUC just 2 weeks earlier).
The IFTU is one of a number of trade union & workers' organisations in Iraq, distinguished from others by its support for the Allawi government &, it is now apparent, for the foreign occupation on which that government depends for its existence. The IFTU has attempted to divide the anti-war movement from the trade unions by taking advantage of the goodwill towards it shown by a number of unions for honourable reasons of solidarity.
The STWC hopes that the leading unions will restate their previous policy of an end to the occupation. The STWC condemns the IFTU's political collaboration with the British
government, exemplified at the Labour Party conference, & its view that genuinely
independent trade unionism in Iraq can develop under a regime of military occupation
(including the daily bombardment of major Iraqi cities) by the USA & Britain. The STWC
reaffirms its call for an end to the occupation, the return of all British troops in Iraq to this country & recognises once more the legitimacy of the struggle of the Iraqi people to secure such ends."
Festival Website:

INTRODUCTION: "A 2 week celebration of the life and legacy of Fenner Brockway.
Featuring talks from international experts on the world around us, & some of the best
entertainment ever to come to Slough! Who was Fenner Brockway? Fenner Brockway was MP for Slough & Eton 1950-64, he co-founded CND & the Movement for Colonial Freedom, was imprisoned as a conscientious objector, & worked tirelessly to improve the lives of ordinary people."
TWO WEEK LINE UP IN A NUTSHELL: Please pop into your nearest internet cafe, &
visit the website above, as there isn't enough room to detail everything here.
See 'Festival Venues' below this calendar for addresses of all venues.
ENTERTAINMENT... a) Sat 6th: Play: 'Sikhs in the City'. Profits donated to Sikh charity.
£8. From Herschel Arms. Time: 8pm, PG. Venue: West Wing Arts Space.
b) Tue 16th: 'Friendly Bombs Theatre Company'. Tickets: TBC. Time: 7pm, all ages.
Venue: St Mary’s Church.
c) Tue 16th: Nic Turner (of Hawkwind). Tickets: £5. Available from Herschel Arms. Time:
8pm-midnight, over 21’s only. Venue: Vikram’s Occasions Palace.
d) Thu 18th: Open Mic Poetry. Tickets: Free. St Mary’s Church.
e) Tue 23rd: Local band night, with Yap. Tickets: £3. Venue: Vision.
f) Sat 27th: Closing Party. Tickets & Venue Top Secret. TBA on the day!
COMMUNITY EVENTS... a) Sun 14th: Three-sided Football. Venue: TBA
b) Sun 21st: Multi-Faith Service. Tickets: n/a. Venue: St Mary’s Church
CHILDREN'S EVENTS... a) Sat 13th: Family Storytelling: 'The Lion's Whisker' Time:
2pm, all ages. Venue: Ottakers Bookstore, Queensmere Shopping Centre.
b) Sat 20th: Family Storytelling: Followed by audience opportunity to paint. 2pm, all
ages. Venue: Ottakers Bookstore, Queensmere Shopping Centre.
EXHIBITIONS... a) Tue 16th - Sat 27th: 'The other way' & 'Stories from Slough' - A series
of 60 art prints from Israel. Tickets: n/a. Venue: St Mary’s Church.
TALKS AND LECTURES... a) Wed 17th: 'Justice For Iraq's Detainees'. Peggy Gish &
Milan Rai Tickets: Free. 7:30pm. Venue: Slough Friends Meeting House.
b) Fri 19th: Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Activists recently returned from Palestine
bring us an update. Free. Time: 7:30pm. Slough Friends Meeting House.
c) Sat 20th: Play: 'Herschel & Mosley' with Patricia Fara & Anne de Courcy.
Tickets: Available on the door. Time: 8pm, all ages. Venue: Baldwin Institute.
d) Mon 22nd: Fair Trade. Slough World Development Movement set out the alternatives.
Free. Time: 7:30pm, all ages. Venue: Slough Friends Meeting House.
e) Wed 24th: SAIN: Alternatives to Waste. It’s not enough to say “no new incinerators”.
Tickets: Donation. Venue: Slough Friends Meeting House (Quakers).
f) Thur 25th: Fenner Brockway Memorial Lecture: Michael Meacher (former Environment
Minister). Tickets: Free/Donation. Venue: St Mary’s Church.
FESTIVAL VENUES: Please refer back to this venue listing for each event listing.
a) Baldwin Institute, Eton Court, High St, Eton, SL4 6BQ.
b) Herschel Arms, 22 Park St, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 1PS. 01753 524089.
c) Queensmere Shopping Centre, Slough, SL1 1DG.
d) Slough Friends Meeting House, 74 Ragstone Rd, Slough, SL1 2PX.
e) St Mary's Church, Church St, Slough, (off the A412)
f) Vision Nightclub, Buckingham Court/Buckingham Gdns, Slough, SL1 1HP.
g) Vikram's Occasions Palace, 15 - 23 Church St, Slough, SL1 1PL.
h) West Wing Arts Space, Arbor Vale School, Stoke Rd, Slough, SL2 5AY.
Organisers Link:

For details of venue, accommodation, & cost, see the section below this message.
ABOUT THE CONFERENCE: "Peace Direct is arranging a Linking Conference on 19-20 Nov in Rugby, the Midlands. It is aimed for people who are keen on doing something positive for peace. Both individuals & established groups are welcome to share views & experience at this event. Peace Direct has a 'Link Group Programme' aiming to connect groups in the UK with peace groups or individuals working for non-violence around the world for mutual support & co-operation.
The programme is in its early stages so we very much value support & suggestions.
Together we will examine & understand how linking initiatives can help & support those
who strive for non-violent resolutions of conflict & how we could work together. A keen
interest & enthusiasm is all that is needed to come along. Guest speaker will be Ann
Pettifor (Jubilee 2000 Campaign). It will be a mixture of interactive sessions to share
knowledge, to look at ways forward as well as a chance to network & establish
SPEAKER NOTE: "Jubilee 2000 (now Jubilee Research) is a well known debt cancellation campaign which advocates cancellation of unpayable & uncollectable debts of developing countries; with a particular reputation for providing up-to-date, accurate research, analyses, news & data on international debt & finance."
Related Link:

MORE CONFERENCE DETAILS: "The event will be held near Rugby, starting on 19th Nov at 6 pm & ending on the 20th at 6pm. Each participant will be asked to contribute a subsidised cost of £25 (this includes full board at the conference centre & conference materials). Please visit the website, or use the contacts below, for up to date information on the venue, booking, & programme.
CONTACTS: Post To: Madeleine Clarin, Peace Direct, Development House, 56-64
Leonard St, London EC2A 4JX. Tel: +44 (0)845 456 9714 Fax: +44(0)20 7549 0286.
NEWSLETTER: To submit news about events, campaigns, conferences, publications, etc, please email:

Related Links:

INTRODUCTION : "In 1990 the then G7 held its meeting in London. It passed by quietly with no protests & no 'red zones'. 8 years later 400 social movements from around the world co-ordinated resistance to it. In the UK 50,000 people came together to resist the G8 meeting in Birmingham. In 2005, the G8 returns to the UK. As, to many, the 'war on
terror' increasingly resembles a new corporate carve up of the world, the G8 also attracts resistance from within the anti-war movement."
ABOUT BRISTOL DISSENT! : "The Bristol Dissent! Group aims to mobilise in preparation
for the return of the G8 to the UK in July 2005 (the expected venue is Gleneagles in
Scotland). Some of the additional aims of the group are: 'To educate ourselves, & the
wider public, about the G8. To identify how the G8 affects us in Bristol on a day-to-day
basis. To reject the destruction of the environment by wars & exploitation. To encourage
& promote local resistance & alternatives to the G8, globalisation & capitalism. To work
with like-minded local groups & individuals. To provide support to people arrested at local or national events & actions. To take our resistance beyond the G8, as part of the
ongoing struggle against capitalism. To work individually & collectively in the spirit of the PGA Hallmarks (see links above)."
BRISTOL DISSENT! MEETINGS: Anyone interested in getting involved is welcome to the
monthly meeting, held on the last Tuesday of each month. (Tue 30th Nov). TIME:
7.30-9:00pm. VENUE: Kebele, 14 Robertson Rd, Easton, BS5. MAP:


ABOUT THE G8: "G8 stands for ‘Group of 8 major industrial democracies’, (but not necessarily the 8 richest, nor the most democratic!) It started life as the G6, in France in 1975, as the world was gripped by an oil crisis (déjà vu anyone?) amid fears of worldwide recession & depression. The UK, in a financial crisis, had just received a major loan from the IMF (International Monetary Fund). Canada was invited in 1976 at the USA’s request as it felt outnumbered by Europe.
The aim was to deal with the major economic & political issues of the day, to ensure a
growing global economy & increasing global profits – the management of capitalism. The
G8 has no HQ, offices, constitution, rulebook, nor legal standing. It is an ad hoc club for the world’s ruling elite, attempting to dictate the course of world events & enforcing its will upon the world’s economy.
With the collapse of the Soviet Bloc, Russia was allowed in from the cold as an observer
from 1991, & full club member in 1998. Russia will take its turn to host the G8 in 2006.
Host status among the G8 rotates annually, with the host acting as chair. Confusingly
the G8 has a 9th member, the EU (a 25 country bloc) in recognition of its economic
power, although it cannot have ‘host’ status."

a) *~ 11th Nov : 'Colombia Rap Group' Talk
b) *~ 11th Nov : 'Che Guevara' Discussion
c) *~ 13th Nov : 'Iraq Peace' Benefit Night
d) *~ 15th Nov : 'Justice For Iraq's Detainees' Tour
e) *~ 16th Nov : WDM - ESF Report Back
f) *~ 25th Nov : Eliminating Violence Against Women
g) *~ 2nd Dec : 'Myths Of Zionism' Meeting
h) *~ Bethlehem Link Christmas Cards
a) 'COLOMBIA RAP GROUP' TALK : Thu 11th November
Organisers Link:

Date: Thu 11th Nov. Time: 8:00-9:45pm. Free Entry.
Venue: St. Werburghs Community Centre, Horley Road, St Werburghs. Map:

"Zona Marginal are a rap group from the severely impoverished Aguablanca district of
Cali, in Southwestern Colombia. Their music is deeply political. Their message is one of
resistance & social justice, a stark contrast to mainstream US hip hop expounding a
sexist, individualist & materialistic way of life. They will talk about their experiences, the state repression they face, & how through the youth centre & pirate radio station they have set up, they are affecting positive social change."
ABOUT CSC: "Colombia Solidarity Campaign campaigns for a socially just & sustainable
peace in Colombia, & calls for an end to the collusion between the Colombian government, the armed forces & the paramilitary death squads."
b) 'CHE GUEVARA' TALK & DISCUSSION : Thu 11th November
Organisers Link:

Date: Thu 11th Nov. Time: 7:00-8:45pm. Free Entry.
Venue: Cafe Orozu (ex-Bristolian), Picton St, Montpelier. Map:

Title: 'Che Guevara - From Rebel To Icon'. "Now that Bush has declared Cuba part of the
'Axis of Evil', this events is all the more pertinent. Che Guevara's image is prominent on placards, posters & t-shirts. He has once again become an icon of resistance for the anti-capitalist movement north & south. However, can we simply appropriate his ideas? What did Che stand for? What did he achieve? What is his legacy? Do his ideas & methods
have relevance today for the movement's resistance to the neo liberal agenda?" More Info:

c) 'IRAQ PEACE' BENEFIT NIGHT : Sat 13th November
Organised By Southville Stop-The-War. For advance tickets: 0117 963 1330
Date: Sat 13th Nov. Time: 7:00pm - Close. Tickets: £10 / £5 concessions.
Venue: Holy Cross & Southville Social Club, Dean Lane, Bristol BS3. Map:

MUSIC: 'The Mysterious Wheels'+ 'Avon (Karvavena Records)'+ 'Electric Dog' +
Disco hits hour. SPEAKER: Jo Wilding - Bristol based peace activist & independent
journalist who was in Iraq for 6 months from Nov 2003 to mid May 2004. BENEFIT FOR:
'Union of the Unemployed of Iraq' (UUIRAQ) & 'Organisation for Women's Freedom in Iraq'
(OWFI). OWFI: "Women are victims of violence & backward religious traditions in Iraq, &
in desperate need of shelter & protection." ' UUIRAQ: "Facing widespread unemployment,
deprivation, hunger & indifference of the US, on 1st May 2003 the UUIRAQ was founded.
Over 150,000 have joined."

Organised by the Sedgemoor Peace Group & the Bristol Quakers

Date: Mon 15th Nov. Time: 7:30-9:15pm. Free Entry.
Venue: Broadmead Baptist Church, The Horsefair, Bristol. Map:

"Peggy Gish is co-ordinator of the Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) in Iraq. The CPT has been working in Iraq since October 2002, & focussing on the issue of detainees since July 2003. Peggy has spent more than 11 of the past 18 months there."
Tea, coffee & biscuits will be available from 7:00pm.
e) WDM - ESF REPORT BACK : Tue 16th November
(WDM) World Development Movement. Link:

Date: Tue 16th Nov. Time: 7:30-9:15pm. Free Entry. (Non-Members Welcome)
Venue: Victoria Methodist Church (Bottom of Whiteladies Rd.) Map Below:

"Report back on the European Social Forum (ESF). Includes preparation for next year's
campaigning around the Global Week of Action (April 10-16), the UK Presidency of the
EU, & the G8 meeting in Scotland in July 2005."
More Info: Tel. 01275 462083. Email:

Related Link:

"A day of events aimed at bringing awareness to the issue of violence against women,
whether committed through war, or domestic & criminal violence."
CANDLELIGHT VIGIL: "6.30pm - Candlelight vigil from The M32 Junction 3 Roundabout
(aka the Time Tunnel) to the Cube Cinema - chosen because it is the site of violence
against women including rape & a death recently." Map:

CUBE CINEMA EVENTS: Dove Street South. Kings Square (Off Jamaica St.) Map:

"7.30pm onwards. £3 / £2 (nobody turned away due to lack of funds). Short Films +
speakers: Women from Nicaragua speak on their lives & concerns. Including a selection
of uplifting & inspring shorts to finish the night off in style!"
For more info:

g) 'THE MYTHS OF ZIONISM' MEETING : Thu 2nd December
Organisers Link:

Date: Thu 2nd Dec. Time: 7:30-9:30pm. Free Entry.
Venue: Training Rm 1, Youth Hostel, Farrs Lane (nr Arnolfini). Map:

"John Rose, author of 'The Myths of Zionism' (Pluto, £14.99) will be speaking. This book
examines how cultural myths have been used to justify the expulsion & persecution of
Palestinians. There will also be eye-witness reports from Palestine."
"Bethlehem Link was established in Bath in 1998 following a visit by Nina Beaven to the
West Bank in 1997. She met the Director of the Children's Cultural Centre in Bethlehem
who asked if she could make a link with a school in Bath. Bethlehem Link' now provides
the opportunity for cultural exchanges between Palestinian children (many of whom live in
refugee camps), & school children in the West Country. The organisation has no religious
affiliation & is non-political."
CHRISTMAS CARDS: "This years Christmas card, illustrated by a child from Bethlehem
Children's Cultural Centre, in packs of 10 with envelopes. The picture is a view of Manger Square from the Church of the Nativity. This year we are asking for donations rather than specifying a price. (1st class post for a pack of 10 cards is 60p)." For more info: Tel. 01225 314517 / 329659 Mob: 07761 097 324.
Or write to: Bethlehem Link, 21 Innox Grove, Englishcombe, Bath BA2 9DX
Or email:

a) *~ Report: Welsh Councillor Jailed For Actions
b) *~ 12th Nov : Coventry 'Child Victims' Benefit
c) *~ 15th Nov : Swansea 'Palestine Aid' Benefit
d) *~ 16th Nov : Dorset 'Iraq Detainees' Tour
e) *~ 18th Nov : Swansea CND Public Meeting
f) *~ 21st Nov : Plymouth 'Stop Trident' Meeting
g) *~ 21st Nov : Reading 'Iraq Detainees' Tour
h) *~ 23rd Nov : Somerset 'Women In Black' Talk
i) *~ 26th Nov : Aberystwyth 'Impeach Blair' Tour
j) *~ 27th Nov : Exeter University 'Palestine Day'

he refused to pay the fines, Ray - a member of Trident Ploughshares - said: 'To pay these
fines would be to condone the deaths of 100,000 Iraqi civilians, & the deaths of British & American soldiers." Ray is in Cardiff prison. Mail can be sent to: Ray Davies, HMP
Cardiff, Knox Rd.
Organised By Coventry Peace House. Email:

Tel: 02476 663031. Related Link:

Date: Fri 12th Nov. Time: 8:00-11:30pm. Tickets £5 / £3.
Venue: West Indian Centre, Spon St. CV1 3BB. Map Below:

"Seize the Day will be playing. 'Child Victims Of War' work with local communities to
monitor children's rights; research environmental effects of war; support advocacy
campaigns, & to help equip medical & rehabilitation centres."
Supported by Welsh Writers Against War. Email:

Date: Mon 15th Nov. Time: 8:30pm onwards. Venue: Taliesin Arts Centre, University of
Wales, Swansea. The main campus lies within Singleton Park along the sweep of Swansea Bay. Box Office 01792 602060 / 296883. For Directions:

"Gilad Atzmon & the Orient House Ensemble will be playing to raise funds for medical aid for Palestine. For info, or to make a donation, contact 01792 842441.
Contact: 01300 345 109. Related Link:

Date: Tue 16th Nov. Time: 8:00-9:45pm. Free Entry.
Venue: Methodist Church Hall, Cheap St, Sherborne, Dorset. Map:

"Peggy Gish is co-ordinator of the Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) in Iraq. The CPT has been working in Iraq since Oct 2002 & focussing on the issue of detainees since July 2003. Come & hear the testimony of one inspiring woman."
e) SWANSEA CND PUBLIC MEETING : Thur 18th November
Title: 'The Abolition Of Nuclear Weapons'. Link:

Date: Thur 18th Nov. Time: 7:30-9:15pm. Free Entry.
Venue: Gloucester Room, Brangwyn Hall, Guildhall, Swansea, SA1 4PE. Map:

Anti-nuclear campaigner Bruce Kent, & Jill Evans - MEP & Chair of CND Cymru.
Organised By:

Date: Sun 21st Nov. Time: 2:00-4:00pm. Free Entry.
Venue: Unitarian Church, Notte St, Plymouth. Map:

"This meeting will be attended by the Chair of CND, Kate Hudson, and is intended to
organising in Plymouth against the Trident nuclear submarine programme."
Related Link:

Date: Sun 21st Nov. Time: 7:00-8:45pm. Free Entry. Venue: Friends Meeting House, 2
Church St, Reading. Phone For Directions. Contact: 0118 967 1362.
"Peggy Gish is co-ordinator of the Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) in Iraq. The CPT has been working in Iraq since Oct 2002 & focussing on the issue of detainees since July 2003. Come & hear the testimony of one inspiring woman."
h) SOMERSET 'WOMEN IN BLACK' TALK : Tue 23rd November
Organised By South Somerset Peace Group. Tel: 01460 53165

Date: Tue 23rd Nov. Time: 7:30 onwards. Free Entry. Venue: Minster Rooms, Court
Barton, Ilminster TA19 0DU (behind the Dolphin Pub). Map:

"Women in Black is a network committed opposed to injustice, war, militarism & other
forms of violence. Come along to this evening of Talks, video & discussion."
Organised By Plaid Cymru. Related Link:

Date: Fri 26th Nov. Time: 7:00-8:45pm. Free Entry.
Venue: Old College, King Street, Aberystwyth, SY23 2AX. Map:

"A group of MPs have declared their intention to bring a motion of impeachment against
the Prime Minister for High Crimes & Misdemeanours in relation to Iraq."
Organised By Exeter PSC. Related Link:

Date: Sat 27th Nov. Time: 10am-4pm. Free Entry. Venue: Arabic & Islamic Studies
Institute, Stocker Rd (on the University campus). Map:
"A full day event looking at the culture, products & crafts of this troubled region.
There will also be poetry, music, food, films, children's activities. There will also be
workshops on peace activism, issues of the conflict, & EU Trade sanctions."
Adapted from an article to Rahul Mahajan, Counterpunch, 6th Nov 2004
Full Story:

"The assault on Fallujah has started. It is being sold as liberation of the people of
Fallujah; it is being sold as a necessary step to implementing 'democracy' in Iraq. These
are lies. I was in Fallujah during the siege in April, & I want to paint for you a word picture of what such an assault means. Fallujah is dry & hot; like Southern California, it has been made an agricultural area only by virtue of extensive irrigation. It has been known for years as a particularly devout city; people call it the City of a Thousand Mosques. In the mid-90's, when Saddam wanted his name to be added to the call to prayer, the imams of Fallujah refused.
U.S. forces bombed the power plant at the beginning of the assault; for the next several
weeks, Fallujah was a blacked-out town, with light provided by generators only in critical places like mosques & clinics. The town was placed under siege; the ban on bringing in food, medicine, & other basic items was broken only when Iraqis en masse challenged the roadblocks. The atmosphere was one of pervasive fear, from bombing & the threat of more bombing. Noncombatants & families with sick people, the elderly, & children were leaving in droves.
After initial instances in which people were prevented from leaving, U.S. forces began
allowing everyone to leave except for what they called 'military age males,' men usually
between 15 & 60. Keeping noncombatants from leaving a place under bombardment is a
violation of the laws of war. Of course, if you assume that every military age male is an
enemy, there can be no better sign that you are in the wrong country, & that, in fact, your war is on the people, not on their oppressors, not a war of liberation.
The main hospital in Fallujah is across the Euphrates from the bulk of the town. At the
beginning the Americans shut down the main bridge, cutting off the hospital from the
town. Doctors had to leave the hospital, with only the equipment they could carry, & set
up in makeshift clinics all over the city; the one I stayed at had been a neighborhood
clinic with 1 room that had 4 beds, & no operating theater; doctors refrigerated blood in a soft-drink vending machine. This hospital closing (not the only such that I documented)
also violates the Geneva Convention.
In addition to the artillery & the warplanes dropping 500, 1000, & 2000-pound bombs, &
the murderous AC-130 Spectre gunships that can demolish a whole city block in less
than a minute, the Marines had snipers criss-crossing the whole town. For weeks,
Fallujah was divided by the no-man's-lands of sniper fire paths. Snipers fired
indiscriminately, usually at whatever moved. Of 20 people I saw come into the clinic I
observed in a few hours, only 5 were 'military-age males.' I saw old women, old men, a
child of 10 shot through the head; terminal, the doctors told me, although in Baghdad
they might have been able to save him.
The best estimates are that 900-1000 people were killed directly, blown up, burnt, or
shot. Of them, my guess, based on news & observation, is that 2/3 were noncombatants.
But the damage goes far beyond that. You read about precision strikes, & it's true that
America's GPS-guided bombs are very accurate. The 80-85% of the time that they work,
their targeting radius is 10 meters. Even the smallest of them, however, the 500-pound
bomb, has a blast radius of 400 meters; every single bomb shakes the whole
neighborhood, breaking windows & smashing crockery. A town under bombardment is a
town in constant fear.
The first assault on Fallujah was a military failure. This time, the resistance is stronger, better-armed, & better-organized; to 'win', the U.S. military will have to pull out all the stops. There will be international condemnation, as there was the first time; but our government won't listen to it; aside from the resistance, all the people of Fallujah will be able to depend on to try to mitigate the horror will be us, the antiwar movement. We have a responsibility, that we didn't meet in April & we didn't meet in August when Najaf was similarly attacked; will we meet it this time?"
a) THE DAILY BRISTOL PEACE VIGIL: The Independent Bristol Peace Vigil is an open
space for discussion, as well a crucial focus to Bristol's campaigns. We've kept vigil
every night (except Sundays) since a few days after 11th Sept 2001, & we'll keep Vigil
onwards into the future, but we do need your support to keep our flame alive. If you can
only make it for 15 minutes, or a couple of times a month, please still come. Everyone's
welcome at the Bristol Peace Vigil.
TIMES: MON-FRI 5:30-6:30pm & SAT 3:00-4:00pm. PLACE: City Centre.
(Opposite The Hippodrome. St. Augustines Parade). MAP BELOW:

b) EASTON PEACE VIGIL: Every Friday. 5:00pm-6:00pm.
Corner of Robertson Rd & Stapleton Rd. MAP BELOW:

c) BATH PEACE VIGIL: Every Saturday 11.30am-12.30pm. Bath Abbey. (Off York
Street. From the Station walk up Manvers St). Please come & support this regular, long-
established & powerful witness to the futility of war. MAP BELOW:

d) THE BRISTOL-STOP-THE-WAR PLANNING GROUP: Everyone's welcome. We hold
a Bristol-Stop-The-War meeting every week, as a forum for local groups to inform each
other of their intentions, of finding people to work together on projects, & as a venue
where large scale Bristol Demos are agreed & planned. We don't vote at these meetings,
as we're not here to force adherence to a consensus view. We do instead discuss issues
until we reach broad consensus.
DATE: Every Thursday. TIME: 7:00-8:30pm. PLACE: St. Mary on the Quay
Hall. City Centre. Colston Ave. (Opposite War Memorial). MAP BELOW:
e) BATH-STOP-THE-WAR: Hold Regular Meetings. For Details Tel: 01225 315480

Each month we will give you a link to a website that we hope you will find interesting.
These links won't be repeated, so if you like the site save the link somewhere. If you
would like to suggest a link email:


A group of MPs have declared their intention to bring a motion of impeachment against
the Prime Minister in relation to the invasion of Iraq. This website gives details of the case they are compiling. Some may think this sort of legal challenge doesn't stand much
chance of success, or doesn't do much for the beleaguered citizens of Iraq. But anything
that ensures that the issues are kept in the public eye is worthwhile. Especially if it helps harass Blair & prevents him getting away without paying the political price for this adventure.
MESSAGE BOARDS: There's also at least 7 public forums, & an Indymedia in Bristol.
Please make use of these forums, & please also visit our Links Pages:


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Submit your own news of relevance to Bristol & the South West.

To join email:


To join email:


You don't need to join to post messages. Just email the above address.


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You do need to log-in to post. Post articles, events, or have discussions.

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"The corporate revolution will collapse if we refuse to buy what they are selling - their
ideas, their version of history, their wars, their weapons, their notion of inevitability. Remember this - we be many and they be few. They need us more than we need them. Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing." Arundhati Roy.
Bristol Stop-The-War