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UK Newswire Archive

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Electric Cars are available in the UK

23-04-2004 15:17

Pictures of Electric Vehicles
Getting off the sauce

I was listening to a song called “self-evident” by female singer/songwriter Ani Difranco the other day. It was about the tragic events of September 11th 2001 and some issues related to that day. The song covered a wide range of issues, and focused particularly on levels of violence in the world today, and also the damage that we are doing to the environment. There was one particular line that stuck in my head … “we must vow… to get off… of this sauce”. The sauce she was talking about being the sauce that most of us pump into our cars on a weekly basis.

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ISM in Biddu get Shot at!

23-04-2004 14:11

ISM'ers get shot at during non violent protest

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safety patrols...MUST READ

23-04-2004 13:20

Residents who pay $*2.95p a week Will receive swift response to any Reported disturbance as new safety Patrols works alongside the police

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End "Scientific" Whaling

23-04-2004 13:08

One of the earliest environmental movements was the effort to save the whales of the world. We made progress with the creation of the International Whaling Commission (IWC).

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I have questions

23-04-2004 12:50

Whats going on, on Mayday. Some of you must be planning something for lazy old me to join in with?

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Iraq Procurement: Tuesday's Gala Dinner to be held at New Connaught Rooms

23-04-2004 12:16

I have just visited Windrush Communications, who are organising next week's 'Iraq Procurement: Meet the Buyers' event. The door was open, so I invited myself in.

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England, Your England: A St George's Day Message From Lenin's Tomb

23-04-2004 12:15

On this most holy of patriotic days, I send a blessing to all you chubby inhabitants of this spectred isle...

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23-04-2004 12:12

ocset rockz every1 come along to da art exhibition free! or just come and chll out @ 220 cowley rd ocset(tesco backwards)

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Manchester Critical Mass

23-04-2004 11:31

Critical Mass - Last Friday of the Month - Next one Friday 30th April - 5pm - Leaving from Central Library Manchester

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Human Rights Charges Still Gnaw at Coca-Cola

23-04-2004 11:14

Last year, Coca-Cola Co. seemed to have put to rest allegations of complicity in human rights violations in Colombia when a federal judge threw out a lawsuit filed by an international labor group. But at yesterday's shareholders meeting, it became evident that the issue remains a problem for the soft-drink giant.

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fact and fiction about the israeli wall

23-04-2004 10:47

Like almost everything in the Middle East, the Wall/Fence/Barrier under construction by Israel has become the subject of partisan politics. The truth is inconvenient for most political puproses, because too often it favors nobody and makes everyone look bad. Thus,the raw material truth product must be reworked and reshaped by experts until it suits the purpose of those marketing it as "truth." Consequently it is impossible to determine the truth except from first hand accounts, and as these are inconvenient, they are not believed.

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Japan May be Next Victim of Depleted Uranium in Iraq, Claims DU Expert

23-04-2004 10:31

An exclusive interview with Dr. Asaf Durakovic, one of the world's leading experts on depleted uranium, how Japan now faces the DU danger in Iraq, the continuing threats on his life, and the "conspiracy of silence" the world over surrounding DU.

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Victory at M&S Protest

23-04-2004 10:04

After last weeks arrests protesters gathered on Oxford St outside Britains biggest sponsor of Israel - Marks and Spencer.

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Cannabis Festival - Emergency Appeal!

23-04-2004 09:11

Cannabis Festival - Emergency Appeal To All Supporters and Sympathisers!

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23-04-2004 08:19

MEDIA LENS: Correcting for the distorted vision of the corporate media

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last chance to protest against closure of maternity hospitals

23-04-2004 07:50

Lobby of Board Meeting, Tuesday 27th April, 9.30 am, Southgate House, Pan's Lane, Devizes

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Happy May Day from Savannah, GA / USA

23-04-2004 03:08

Happy May Day 2004
May Day greetings from Savannah, GA / USA
Home of the the G8 2004 Actions

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23-04-2004 00:57

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Spain, Netherlands, Russia, China, and Cuba.

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A Working Link To Voices In The Wilderness

22-04-2004 19:34

Working link
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