A Working Link To Voices In The Wilderness
mark r | 22.04.2004 19:34
Please remove the idiot troll.
Here is a link that is working for voices in the wilderness. The one on the main feature does not appear to be working at the moment.
Bush Senior ( Gulf War 1 / Iran Contra ) is visiting London on May 18th to a fundraiser at the Landmark Hotel, 222 Marylebone Rd.
With other dodgy contra figure Negroponte also crwawling out of the woodwork my thoughts wandered to that other arms dealing lunatic, Oliver North. It appears Ollie has been writing columns about the Iraq war for braindead pro-war anti environmental reactionary website townhall.com. including Fallujah where he manages not to mention anything about civillian casualities and contradicts eyewitness reports ( marines only fire when fired upon ).
Here is a link that is working for voices in the wilderness. The one on the main feature does not appear to be working at the moment.

Bush Senior ( Gulf War 1 / Iran Contra ) is visiting London on May 18th to a fundraiser at the Landmark Hotel, 222 Marylebone Rd.
With other dodgy contra figure Negroponte also crwawling out of the woodwork my thoughts wandered to that other arms dealing lunatic, Oliver North. It appears Ollie has been writing columns about the Iraq war for braindead pro-war anti environmental reactionary website townhall.com. including Fallujah where he manages not to mention anything about civillian casualities and contradicts eyewitness reports ( marines only fire when fired upon ).
mark r