UK Newswire Archive
20-02-2004 01:08
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.2MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, Spain, and Cuba.hans blix talks in edinburgh! free entry!
20-02-2004 00:08

Bushes Legacy
19-02-2004 22:09
This is like a picture collage of Bushes presidency but its a movieHoward's Myth: "The Way to Deal With Racism is to Clamp Down on its Victims."
19-02-2004 21:50
The Tory leader was giving it welly in Burnley today, pretending to be a devout anti-racist. But what was his real agenda?Fairford Judicial Review : Judegement Online
19-02-2004 20:03
The full text of the judgement is onlineAldermaston Bike Ride 2004
19-02-2004 19:40
9-12 April 2004, Cycling London to AldermastonAldermaston Bike Ride 2004
AWE Aldermaston in the context of the military-industrial complex
No new nukes, no new military interventions
(linked to the Aldermaston March 2004)
19-02-2004 19:29
I am sick of cars biting at my heels for trying to walk across a friend Beth came up with some wild tactics to deal wtih this, that include spitting, sharp rocks and walking over hoods of cars in crosswalks...far-right in Cumbria
19-02-2004 17:46
"Party 'right of BNP' to stand in Cumbria" EFP are putting candidates up for the June european parliament elections.Fairford Judicial Review - Corporate Press Coverage
19-02-2004 12:47
Collecting corporate media coverage of the Fairford Coach Judicial ReviewThe New South Africa? two anti-privatisation students shot in back!
19-02-2004 12:30
it ses that it is a case of 'Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss' as the state sanctions murder of activists in S.AfricaFairford - A Hollow Victory?
19-02-2004 12:20
...the court did back the police's contention that they were entitled - and obliged - to take preventative action as they "reasonably and honestly" believed that breaches of the peace would have occurred if the coaches reached Fairford.Leaving Labour
19-02-2004 12:19
Interesting article by a Union Rep on the RMT's decision to leave the Labour Party, a party they helped found one hundred years agoEye witness from Iraq public meeting
19-02-2004 12:19
Ewa Jasiewicz, fresh from her return from Iraq, gives an eyewitness account of the occupation at a public meeting in Essex on Monday. She will be joined by CND national chair, Kate Hudson. All welcome.GM CROPS GIVEN GO AHEAD
19-02-2004 11:46
The government is to go ahead with genetically modified crops despite what it acknowledges is considerable public resistance, cabinet committee papers passed to the Guardian reveal.Fairford Coaches Appeal - News
19-02-2004 11:39
Press Release by John Halford, solicitor of the Fairford Coach Action:Indymedia - Liverpool can has an impact offline
19-02-2004 11:23
A reply to my posting on the Picket Venue here has helped to get a reply in letter form, I sent a letter to the 'The Peoples Centre' in December and I've just received a reply in letter form, which surprised me and it seems I've rattled some people which I have record of doing.Police 'abused power' during demo
19-02-2004 11:11
Protesters have won their High Court battle over a police decision to detain them on their way to RAF Fairford for an anti-war demonstration.Lawyers for half the 120 passengers, stopped from protesting last March, accused Gloucestershire Police of acting unlawfully.
Feb. 24: Stop the Corporate Invasion of Iraq!
19-02-2004 10:11
Qualified Iraqi businesses say they are shut out of the reconstruction of their own countryESF Organising Committee, comments on official minutes
19-02-2004 09:04
THese are some comments on the Organising committee meeting held on the 13th February. They reveal the extent of the manipulation by the GLA, SWP and certain Unions.