UK Newswire Archive
True reasons of the recent attack on Su-24
14-12-2015 08:36

Meanwhile, the data coming from the Syrian Kurds makes it possible to see the picture as a whole.
After Paris attacks, Muslim people face rising tide of Islamophobia all over Eur
14-12-2015 08:05

After bloody attacks in Paris, anti-Islamic mood emerges all over the European Union countries. In some places the atmosphere is really red-hot: police step up regular mosques patrol while women wearing hijabs are strongly recommended to use personal transport and avoid showing in the public.
A report from 'the Jungle' refugee camp in Calais.
13-12-2015 23:08

13-12-2015 15:14

NYE Prisoner solidarity demonstration beginning at
8:00 pm Pentonville
then moves onto
9:30 pm Holloway
Warming Limitation Treaty a Scam, says VCVG
12-12-2015 16:48
In a nutshell, the diplomatic battle between politicians, scientists and activists can be compared to a dynastic inheritance war of the pre-democratic period, in which there used to be four sides: The monopoly clingers, the innovation rivals, the alarmed neighbours and the suffering people. These four sides would then prevail in that order, structuring the feud into four periods: The rebellion, the intervention, the famine and the restoration. In the climate fight, all these ingredients – the fossil lobby, the scientific community, the activist counter- or perma-culture and the war-weary masses – can be found in the set and setting gravitating around the recent diplomatic event in Paris. But a lion´s share of all four also is alive in the Arab Independence Movement – oil administration privileges, cutting-edge counter-intelligence strategy, regional rooting and popular backing. And yet the elephant in the room was not invited to the table in Paris.Syria: UK now at war with Russia but we haven't been told by the BBC or MPs
12-12-2015 01:17

investigative reports: Interview with Mehrnaz Shahabi, an Iranian Bristolian, on Syria: Roland Dumas and his claim the British started the Syrian civil war on French TV, Wikileaks documents, and regime change in Syria – witnesses in Syria say Jihadis in crowd at early demonstrations were shooting at demonstrators and police. Interview with Dan Glazebrook, author of 'Divide and Ruin, about Syria:
11-12-2015 14:24
ELDERLY & DISABLED ABUSE VICTIM TO STAND AS A CANDIDATEDavid Joe Neilson has said that he is standing as a candidate for Sussex Police Commissioner to bring attention and to expose Organised & Orchestrated abuse in Sussex of the Elderly and Disabled people.
GRINTZ #TROLL REAL IDENTITY @virgilcaine1 @slatfascists @slatedl @loup_dargent
05-12-2015 10:18

GERMAN NAZIS INVADING BRUM @ant1fane #ANTIFA @2ferdi7 @misscheeky666 @SLATUKIP
04-12-2015 16:40

ALERTA #ANTIFA PEGIDA TARGET BIRMINGHAM @slatedl @JLRFB @misscheeky666 @ant1fane
04-12-2015 14:34

EGG ON UKIP FACES @slatukip #ANTIFA @slatedl @misscheeky666 @JLRFB @siegfails
04-12-2015 09:40

Emotional funeral for drowned Iraqi family
04-12-2015 09:26
Tragedy struck one Iraqi Family, who desperate to flee their war ravaged country, found the journey was actually their main enemy..Cambridge Gets Creative Against Syrian Bombing
04-12-2015 00:44

BUCKBY INDENTIFIES "SCOTT" AS TIM ARNOLD @siegfails @edlnews @ant1fane @JLRFB
03-12-2015 22:52

Is this in any way true??? Is his surname Arnold? If so, can his Facebook profile be tracked down and screenshotted???
HEL GOWER RUNNING #PEGIDA @edlnews #ANTIFA @ant1fane @misscheeky666 @hopenothate
03-12-2015 14:15

Badger Welfare Charity Celebrates a Jab Well Done
03-12-2015 12:41 adware pimps an online service of its own
02-12-2015 15:50

CryptoWall virus imposes a money-for-data bargain
02-12-2015 14:41
Over the course of many months that the CryptoWall ransomware has been on the loose, no authority has come up with a way to take the campaign down, nor have security labs elaborated a method or recover the files this virus encrypts.Commissioner to Athens: Meat for Austerity
02-12-2015 14:07
When a hospital goes over the brink of operational sanity into the gutter of the market, it is not that one bed of it shuts down after another, but long before that the average time an employee is available to a patient goes down. The overall picture is not so much the cutting of a bundle of flowers out of a reservoir of abundance, but the cutting of a lawn – you can only pluck those daisies before austerity comes through. It is the opposite of healing, where change is expected to take place whose worth is not entirely consumed by the ensuing side-effects or these of the compensations thereof. Austerity, as the term is being used outside the Himalayas, puts shake-up first and the elimination of side-effects later.ICJ bans hitchhunters
02-12-2015 14:05
It broke out on Tamil Elam, spread through India and Israel, and from there into Europe and the Americas: Hitchhunters – regime agents masquerading as people like you and me taking a hitchhiker. They have long been a threat to social sanity, since no one except a total newbie would enter a car whose driver has preyed on their communications without getting prepared for a fight over their ego´s steering wheel. You know that you have a hitchhunter when it is beginning to mention details from your phone calls with your grand mother, the Pink Fishbowl Guide says. Now international jurisdiction has stopped the practice as incompatible with human rights.