UK Newswire Archive
Glenrothes march and rally for Gaza Saturday August 16th 2014.
18-08-2014 01:24

Chelsea Manning, NATO & the Long March on Newport
16-08-2014 21:43

A day of action in solidarity with Welsh-American whistleblower Chelsea Manning was held on Tuesday 12 August as the Long March on Newport stopped off in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire where Manning attended the local Tasker Milward school as a teenager and has many family connections. On Wednesday 13 August the march passed Brawdy military base where Manning's father, then a US Navy intelligence analyst, was stationed in the 1970s.
The march is one of many protests against the NATO Summit which will be held in Newport on 4 & 5 September. A week of action, workshops and a counter-summit are planned in Newport and Cardiff from 30 August. See Stop NATO Cymru, No NATO Newport and this feature for more details. Many of the documents released by Manning, for which courageous act she is now serving 35 years in a military jail, expose NATO's wars and corruption.
What Does It Profit A Man? (Moneyless Living, The Canadian Genocide)
16-08-2014 17:23

Grow Heathrow eviction Resisted Successfuly!!
16-08-2014 15:23

Reclaim The City, October the 18th London.
15-08-2014 11:40

Photos from march and rally for Gaza Edinburgh Saturday August 9th 2014
14-08-2014 23:14

Philippines - On the arrest of “The Butcher” Jovito Palparan
14-08-2014 13:28

Philippines: Vocal DAP critic Bayan Muna Neri Colmenares also got P25M from fund
14-08-2014 11:52

Atomic Testing in the Digital Age
13-08-2014 16:08
There are several reasons why an atomic bomb may be used in the background rather than at the front. It might not yet be proven to function as desired and wreckage cannot be taken up from there. The effect of it is intended to be all strategic with no tactical elements, to reprimand the opponent against false speculations. The conflict is of stark asymmetric nature, hence the information on the relative role of the side by which this instrument is being employed is a message to external observers. The conflict is rather symmetric and the outside message is indifferent but there are just too many atomic bombs. At this point the circle closes, as the same thing cannot happen both out of scarcity and out of abundance, only the same kind of thing. Hence every atomic test in the quantitative sense is a proof of proliferation, and in the qualitative sense an expression of conflict topology. It is a seismic signal whose occurrence cannot be denied by consensus of any current oligarchy of atomic bomb owners, and as it contextualises with the rest of the conflict it is a lightning on its strategic composition. The more asymmetric a conflict does become, the more decisive for its resolution the transparency blitz can be, and in contrast to conventional forms thereof its effect entirely depends on which side of the asymmetry it is originating from.Capture of Philippine fugitive General Palparan hailed as victory for Aquino
13-08-2014 11:39

When did we give the police permission to patrol our communities while armed?
12-08-2014 19:58

How my view of Israel and Palestine evolved
12-08-2014 15:11

Cambridge Hiroshima Day Annual Rememberance (10/08/2014).
11-08-2014 20:40

Free Palestine Demo in Cambridge Market Square.
11-08-2014 20:17

Must Christians in the Islamic State Suffer Another Bloodbath?
11-08-2014 14:46
Before arguing: Nothing of this must happen. And of course all it would take to avoid it is nuclear disarmament. If not of the entire world tomorrow, then at least of that geographical region next week. The Islamic State, or Islamic state, to make clear that it is not as much of a name than of an item, after all is merely a response to the shadow of massive destruction which the region has been suffering since the Islamic empire – actually a Christian empire gone Islamic – is over. It is this perpetuated apocalyptic threat which has made the nation states projected and the national borders drawn by the European and American empires obsolete. There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but they could enter the airspace any time. The Islamic state however produces the second most sustainable and fastest growing challenge against imperialism that is available in this day and age because it does, in the Marxist sense, have nothing to lose except being a target of weapons of massive destruction (see June 26, 2014). As the morbidity of the dying empire has exceeded the threshold of medical attention, the latter once again did fail a significant test: Faced with the essential health facts bare of any accusation, it resorted to suicidal aggression without explicable perspective. All but surprising and in fact earlier predicted as imminent (see Aug 30, 2013) this reaction and the propaganda burst coming with it provide a striking image of the North American psyche: The genocidal apparatchiks are humiliating the status quo artists into smashing the abandoned idealism of the megalomaniac hawks. The Islamic state may be incalculable, but the capitalist empire of suicide suffers more such death than combat killings every day, and its suicide army scares the population into still higher rates.Oxfordshire knitters and campaigners join their peace scarf between the nuclear
10-08-2014 23:44
60 Oxordshire peace campaigners and knitters helped to join the two nuclear bomb factories with a giant peace scarf.World War One and 100 Years of Counter-Revolution
10-08-2014 17:09

In 1871, Karl Marx wrote that governments use war as a fraud, a ‘humbug, intended to defer the struggle of the classes’. In 1914, that fraud was so effective that not only most workers but also most Marxists supported their respective nation’s rush to war. Ever since then, governments have used war to defer class struggle and prevent revolution, but this strategy cannot last forever.
10-08-2014 15:58

Faceless Palestine Protestor Arrested at Tower of London
10-08-2014 12:55

Wrexham: Remembering Nagasaki & protesting Gaza slaughter
09-08-2014 23:40

Saturday 9 August 2014: 69 years since the US obliterated up to 100,000 innocent lives in Nagasaki and a day since the slaughter Israel has been visiting on the innocents in Gaza resumed.
Four of us met at 10.30 and set up an anti-nuclear stall to remember Nagasaki. From 1.30pm we began to chalk outlines, names and ages of a few of the children killed over the past month by Israel in Gaza, and at 2pm we were joined by 40-50 others to protest the ongoing attacks. The gathering culminated in an occupation of Barclays Bank in protest at its links with the arms trade and investments in Israeli companies.