Atomic Testing in the Digital Age
Internationalist Observer | 13.08.2014 16:08 | Analysis | Anti-Nuclear | Technology
There are several reasons why an atomic bomb may be used in the background rather than at the front. It might not yet be proven to function as desired and wreckage cannot be taken up from there. The effect of it is intended to be all strategic with no tactical elements, to reprimand the opponent against false speculations. The conflict is of stark asymmetric nature, hence the information on the relative role of the side by which this instrument is being employed is a message to external observers. The conflict is rather symmetric and the outside message is indifferent but there are just too many atomic bombs. At this point the circle closes, as the same thing cannot happen both out of scarcity and out of abundance, only the same kind of thing. Hence every atomic test in the quantitative sense is a proof of proliferation, and in the qualitative sense an expression of conflict topology. It is a seismic signal whose occurrence cannot be denied by consensus of any current oligarchy of atomic bomb owners, and as it contextualises with the rest of the conflict it is a lightning on its strategic composition. The more asymmetric a conflict does become, the more decisive for its resolution the transparency blitz can be, and in contrast to conventional forms thereof its effect entirely depends on which side of the asymmetry it is originating from.
In the analogue era that had been different, mostly because these weapons were limited to symmetric conflicts, and in asymmetric ones only were present on the imperialist side. That gradually changed with proliferation, and at least with the first atomic bomb test in India the original symmetry of the constellation as whole was lost, as from now on the asymmetric conflict resulting from the incomplete independence and subsequent national partition of the subcontinent was included in it. As a parallel development, the digital technology proliferated and the amount of atomic bomb testing shrunk, partially because with the establishment of stockpiles the first reason became obsolete, but also because the weight of the information which side of the asymmetry the signal came from changed.
To a significant extent this is resulting from the imperialist habit to respond to every independence of a former colony with an atomic bomb test, yet not in the colonialist mainland, but all concentrated in one former colony that had been denied the same. It can be speculated whether the cessation thereof is to be interpreted as a result of increased awareness that became technically possible, or of the fact that in the world of today there are few instances of fresh independence – even Crimea had to find the backing of an atomic bomb stockpile owner in order to be able to declare independence. The friction between these is the material for successful exploits that bring about such achievements. On the other hand, due to the armament of digital totalitarianism, the political effect of tests has greatly increased, to the extent that the imperialists have scaled down theirs to “mini-tests” in order to push ahead their mutual friction without huge side-effects. After the known record of proliferation, and the digital side-effects thereof, any atomic bomb test is a huge shock for the atom-bomb-based system, all the more so when it comes out of a strong asymmetry.
The Korean High Noon Test of February 11, 2013 highlighted the Babylonian captivity of the Catholic church as much as nothing else had done for 719 years (see Jan 9, 2014 + Jan 16, 2014). Now with ongoing provocations in the Pacific, the North Americans have dragged the respective option on the table, and as their vassal armies are attempting to blur the line between training and combat to the extent that they might be turning against populations, the opportunity to mark the moment in which they will remain for the rest of their lives is an integral part of the asymmetric conflict. It might be that the manoeuvre going one step too far in hurting civilians is sufficient to trigger a chain reaction of fissile material, and even though the imperialist provocation appears to be limited in duration, the threshold its occurrence establishes remains valid beyond.
Presumably any definition at which point the fission flash option is being used in order to cut off an imperialist propaganda grab depends on the conduct of the troops involved in the provocations, in order to create incentives for them not to touch any civilians in their way. At the same time, the atomic bomb testing does only then push the entire conflict towards the threshold if its is driven by the second half of reasons mentioned, respectively is coming from the wrong, that is much larger side of the asymmetry. Although an empire may be prepared to respond to such testing with large scale convulsions of its military-industrial complex, the strategic effect thereof is being scaled through the asymmetry of the conflict, so that it remains relatively small. It is a subtle irony that exactly when it comes to this, the asymmetry of the conflict is being turned around, and the tactically strong side is strategically weak while the tactically weak one is strategically strong.
The imperialist has made a fundamental mistake which it can never correct. In its militarist death spasm, it does not heed to the wisdom of being itself, presumably because it has or is no healthy personality, but instead is interested to put itself behind the opponent. While in symmetric conflict, this is possible at least in principle, in a steep asymmetric conflict such as this one it is itself a suicidal move, because it is a strategic constellation which in the lightning of the atomic bomb is going to be seen as a follower, and therefore subject to the treatment for unsolicited followers once the situation allows for. When the rich kid mimics the appearance of the poor person, and then the balance of power shifts, its fate is in his hands. Besides the fact that imperialism is not a natural being but an organised crime, its fate is in fact in the hands of these it puts itself behind, respectively is found to do so at the time the atom bomb test freezes an image from the constellation.
As a result imperialism putting itself behind declared enemies out of a self-deceptive expectation to be able to spontaneously entangle them with specifically tailored deceptions is obviously suicidal, since these do not even need to be asked what they expect to happen with it. The tactical speculation that such a position could be orderly abandoned in case of miscalculation is being cancelled by the test lightning effect, removing any remaining ambiguity between lethal outcomes and the preventive avoidance thereof. In a nutshell, the strategic extension of the situation through the possibility of testing or mentioning thereof cuts off the possibility of the tactical speculation of fraud under asymmetry. The “stay behind” tactic, or more precisely the political backstabbing that it is aiming at, at the same extent it is made attractive by the descent of the asymmetry it is made unattractive by the possibility of atomic testing, because the latter is the ultimate culmination of that tactic and hence can derail any instance thereof into absurdity
It is probably an insignificant side-note that truth can kill people, such as pure natural water although an element of life can do so when wrong dosed. Such as this publication already has triggered mutiny inside the military-industrial complex (see Oct 3, 2013), it now seems to have done the same in the propaganda industry thereof. Actually it is not the truth that is lethal but the contrast to the propaganda narrative that is so stark that ignorant people may be shocked what they have been (ab)used for. Such as for these military suicides, or more precisely revolts lost to the dominating feeling of guilt, a posthumous personality diagnosis is being fabricated that can only be post mortem because otherwise it would be so weak that it could include anyone there. While it is remarkable how much of a role the propaganda industry plays in Unitedstates (see May 29, 2013), its mental condition is all the more so with second generation celebrities revealing their traumata from the violence in the scripts their fathers worked with.
It is now not longer merely the “hard power” of the empire that is decaying in its own meaninglessness, but its “soft power” as well. If it was in fact suicide and not death squads alarmed by an internet access. This does not suggest that the common reader should be scared of such unwelcome intruders, but rather that the intruders be scared and the reader be aware thereof. There is no reliable border between a society constructed in a way where any contact with truth would have to be expected to result in lethal shock on one side, and deliberate assassination on the other, and any imaginable outline thereof is further being blurred by the hitherto instances.
Beyond the peculiar propaganda reassertion and defunct distraction efforts, the current reality of imperialist irritation displays a message worth of deeper analysis: The so-called “democracy” does not respect its own declared principles, and deliberately overrules election results where even the narrow expression of the will of the people transported thereby is incompatible with the interest of empire. The case of the puppet regime in Baghdad is not only relevant to neighbours who refuse any such interference, but well beyond the region because if the manipulation is tolerated once, then it might occur again elsewhere, besides the fact that any such bogus straw man can never rise beyond just that.
Actually that has already been proven in Kiev where the imperialist-nominated straw man resigned over foreign policy issues it does not like to explain to the country, after a merely conventional short-cut gave it a glimpse of the extent of the fraud it is part of (now spiralling into the farce of another MS St. Louis scandal at the Russian-Ukrainian border). And even if the imperialist picked straw man were to remain that would not solve anything, as can be seen in the situation of the Palestinians who certainly would not be any better off if they were allowing themselves to be pushed in their direction.
North America, specifically the peculiar institution of the Washington regime, is not a serious political partner of anyone, not of its client states and occupation regimes, and neither are they. Instead, that part of the world is a medical case and its regime a disease. To recognise that it does not even need an atom bomb test with all the difficulties of handling fissile material and local contamination, all it takes is a look at the Ebola map to identify the wound the Atlantic slave trade tore into the vulnerable underbelly of Africa (see Aug 8, 2014 + Sep 26, 2013 + Jun 3, 2013). Unless the significance of that fact is recognised, anything is a placebo. But even if it is not yet healed from imperialism and the probability thereof remains questionable compared to other possible outcomes, the sudden expansion of consciousness by the perception of the wider constellations of cause and consequence behind the disease is a “test of a test”, or a model of the lightning effects such a test at the suitable point in time might display.
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See also:
- Why is the Nonproliferation Treaty Failing? (9.1.) -
- The Death of the Inclusion Policy in the East Asian Shelf Waters (16.1.) -
- Triple Treason in the Caucasus (23.1.) -
- NATO. Obituary to a Nukepool (27.1.) -
- Obey or Die - The Pathology of Organised Treason in Europe (21.2.) -
- The Suicide Attack Against indymedia and its Cause (28.2.) -
- What does the Invasion of Yalta Mean for the European Peninsula? (8.3.) -
- Why is Poland a Nazi Client State? (15.3.) -
- Palestine, the United Nations and the Refugees (21.3.) -
- The External Cost of Spying (28.3.) -
- How Deep Is the Atlantic Divide Really? (8.4.) -
- Boko Haram – An Image From The Future (4.5.) -
- The Pacific Fata Morgana and its Imperialist Origins (12.5.) -
- The German Sustainability Scam and its Fascist Purpose (21.5.) -
- Hindu Supremacism – A Spent Force of Casino Capitalism (30.5.) -
- Birth of an Independent Hope – the Revolution in West Asia (26.6.) -
- Macropolitical Side-Effects of the Imperialist Occupation of the Philippines (4.7.) -
- Gaza – Vivisection of a Death Cult (20.7.) -
- The Japanese Occupation Legacy – A Defining Ingredient of Totalitarian Democracy (28.7.) -
- The Gaza Massacre – Implications and Consequences (5.8.) -
- Double Emergency Alert: Ebola Acceleration, Internet Smokescreen (8.8) -
- Must Christians in the Islamic State Suffer Another Bloodbath? (11.8.) -
To a significant extent this is resulting from the imperialist habit to respond to every independence of a former colony with an atomic bomb test, yet not in the colonialist mainland, but all concentrated in one former colony that had been denied the same. It can be speculated whether the cessation thereof is to be interpreted as a result of increased awareness that became technically possible, or of the fact that in the world of today there are few instances of fresh independence – even Crimea had to find the backing of an atomic bomb stockpile owner in order to be able to declare independence. The friction between these is the material for successful exploits that bring about such achievements. On the other hand, due to the armament of digital totalitarianism, the political effect of tests has greatly increased, to the extent that the imperialists have scaled down theirs to “mini-tests” in order to push ahead their mutual friction without huge side-effects. After the known record of proliferation, and the digital side-effects thereof, any atomic bomb test is a huge shock for the atom-bomb-based system, all the more so when it comes out of a strong asymmetry.
The Korean High Noon Test of February 11, 2013 highlighted the Babylonian captivity of the Catholic church as much as nothing else had done for 719 years (see Jan 9, 2014 + Jan 16, 2014). Now with ongoing provocations in the Pacific, the North Americans have dragged the respective option on the table, and as their vassal armies are attempting to blur the line between training and combat to the extent that they might be turning against populations, the opportunity to mark the moment in which they will remain for the rest of their lives is an integral part of the asymmetric conflict. It might be that the manoeuvre going one step too far in hurting civilians is sufficient to trigger a chain reaction of fissile material, and even though the imperialist provocation appears to be limited in duration, the threshold its occurrence establishes remains valid beyond.
Presumably any definition at which point the fission flash option is being used in order to cut off an imperialist propaganda grab depends on the conduct of the troops involved in the provocations, in order to create incentives for them not to touch any civilians in their way. At the same time, the atomic bomb testing does only then push the entire conflict towards the threshold if its is driven by the second half of reasons mentioned, respectively is coming from the wrong, that is much larger side of the asymmetry. Although an empire may be prepared to respond to such testing with large scale convulsions of its military-industrial complex, the strategic effect thereof is being scaled through the asymmetry of the conflict, so that it remains relatively small. It is a subtle irony that exactly when it comes to this, the asymmetry of the conflict is being turned around, and the tactically strong side is strategically weak while the tactically weak one is strategically strong.
The imperialist has made a fundamental mistake which it can never correct. In its militarist death spasm, it does not heed to the wisdom of being itself, presumably because it has or is no healthy personality, but instead is interested to put itself behind the opponent. While in symmetric conflict, this is possible at least in principle, in a steep asymmetric conflict such as this one it is itself a suicidal move, because it is a strategic constellation which in the lightning of the atomic bomb is going to be seen as a follower, and therefore subject to the treatment for unsolicited followers once the situation allows for. When the rich kid mimics the appearance of the poor person, and then the balance of power shifts, its fate is in his hands. Besides the fact that imperialism is not a natural being but an organised crime, its fate is in fact in the hands of these it puts itself behind, respectively is found to do so at the time the atom bomb test freezes an image from the constellation.
As a result imperialism putting itself behind declared enemies out of a self-deceptive expectation to be able to spontaneously entangle them with specifically tailored deceptions is obviously suicidal, since these do not even need to be asked what they expect to happen with it. The tactical speculation that such a position could be orderly abandoned in case of miscalculation is being cancelled by the test lightning effect, removing any remaining ambiguity between lethal outcomes and the preventive avoidance thereof. In a nutshell, the strategic extension of the situation through the possibility of testing or mentioning thereof cuts off the possibility of the tactical speculation of fraud under asymmetry. The “stay behind” tactic, or more precisely the political backstabbing that it is aiming at, at the same extent it is made attractive by the descent of the asymmetry it is made unattractive by the possibility of atomic testing, because the latter is the ultimate culmination of that tactic and hence can derail any instance thereof into absurdity
It is probably an insignificant side-note that truth can kill people, such as pure natural water although an element of life can do so when wrong dosed. Such as this publication already has triggered mutiny inside the military-industrial complex (see Oct 3, 2013), it now seems to have done the same in the propaganda industry thereof. Actually it is not the truth that is lethal but the contrast to the propaganda narrative that is so stark that ignorant people may be shocked what they have been (ab)used for. Such as for these military suicides, or more precisely revolts lost to the dominating feeling of guilt, a posthumous personality diagnosis is being fabricated that can only be post mortem because otherwise it would be so weak that it could include anyone there. While it is remarkable how much of a role the propaganda industry plays in Unitedstates (see May 29, 2013), its mental condition is all the more so with second generation celebrities revealing their traumata from the violence in the scripts their fathers worked with.
It is now not longer merely the “hard power” of the empire that is decaying in its own meaninglessness, but its “soft power” as well. If it was in fact suicide and not death squads alarmed by an internet access. This does not suggest that the common reader should be scared of such unwelcome intruders, but rather that the intruders be scared and the reader be aware thereof. There is no reliable border between a society constructed in a way where any contact with truth would have to be expected to result in lethal shock on one side, and deliberate assassination on the other, and any imaginable outline thereof is further being blurred by the hitherto instances.
Beyond the peculiar propaganda reassertion and defunct distraction efforts, the current reality of imperialist irritation displays a message worth of deeper analysis: The so-called “democracy” does not respect its own declared principles, and deliberately overrules election results where even the narrow expression of the will of the people transported thereby is incompatible with the interest of empire. The case of the puppet regime in Baghdad is not only relevant to neighbours who refuse any such interference, but well beyond the region because if the manipulation is tolerated once, then it might occur again elsewhere, besides the fact that any such bogus straw man can never rise beyond just that.
Actually that has already been proven in Kiev where the imperialist-nominated straw man resigned over foreign policy issues it does not like to explain to the country, after a merely conventional short-cut gave it a glimpse of the extent of the fraud it is part of (now spiralling into the farce of another MS St. Louis scandal at the Russian-Ukrainian border). And even if the imperialist picked straw man were to remain that would not solve anything, as can be seen in the situation of the Palestinians who certainly would not be any better off if they were allowing themselves to be pushed in their direction.
North America, specifically the peculiar institution of the Washington regime, is not a serious political partner of anyone, not of its client states and occupation regimes, and neither are they. Instead, that part of the world is a medical case and its regime a disease. To recognise that it does not even need an atom bomb test with all the difficulties of handling fissile material and local contamination, all it takes is a look at the Ebola map to identify the wound the Atlantic slave trade tore into the vulnerable underbelly of Africa (see Aug 8, 2014 + Sep 26, 2013 + Jun 3, 2013). Unless the significance of that fact is recognised, anything is a placebo. But even if it is not yet healed from imperialism and the probability thereof remains questionable compared to other possible outcomes, the sudden expansion of consciousness by the perception of the wider constellations of cause and consequence behind the disease is a “test of a test”, or a model of the lightning effects such a test at the suitable point in time might display.
* * *
See also:
- Why is the Nonproliferation Treaty Failing? (9.1.) -

- The Death of the Inclusion Policy in the East Asian Shelf Waters (16.1.) -

- Triple Treason in the Caucasus (23.1.) -

- NATO. Obituary to a Nukepool (27.1.) -

- Obey or Die - The Pathology of Organised Treason in Europe (21.2.) -

- The Suicide Attack Against indymedia and its Cause (28.2.) -

- What does the Invasion of Yalta Mean for the European Peninsula? (8.3.) -

- Why is Poland a Nazi Client State? (15.3.) -

- Palestine, the United Nations and the Refugees (21.3.) -

- The External Cost of Spying (28.3.) -

- How Deep Is the Atlantic Divide Really? (8.4.) -

- Boko Haram – An Image From The Future (4.5.) -

- The Pacific Fata Morgana and its Imperialist Origins (12.5.) -

- The German Sustainability Scam and its Fascist Purpose (21.5.) -

- Hindu Supremacism – A Spent Force of Casino Capitalism (30.5.) -

- Birth of an Independent Hope – the Revolution in West Asia (26.6.) -

- Macropolitical Side-Effects of the Imperialist Occupation of the Philippines (4.7.) -

- Gaza – Vivisection of a Death Cult (20.7.) -

- The Japanese Occupation Legacy – A Defining Ingredient of Totalitarian Democracy (28.7.) -

- The Gaza Massacre – Implications and Consequences (5.8.) -

- Double Emergency Alert: Ebola Acceleration, Internet Smokescreen (8.8) -

- Must Christians in the Islamic State Suffer Another Bloodbath? (11.8.) -

Internationalist Observer