Reclaim The City, October the 18th London.
Another Anarchist | 15.08.2014 11:40 | Social Struggles | London
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This year on October 18th the TUC has called for a mass march through the center of London. This will be the biggest demonstration of the year with possibly over 100,000 people taking to the streets.
2011 saw in excess of over 500.000 people taking to the streets with a diverse day of direct action. but since then many piss poor events and marches have been and gone.
How can we make this one different from a lot of the ones that have been and gone with little to no impact ? and how can we get loads of people on the streets.. not just being colourful drumming obedient trendy protesters but really making and impact where its necessary ?
but voicing your opinion is encouraged IE if you think peaceful protest is a waste of time then speak up and explain why ! :)
The masses are systematically brainwashed by the state to oppose opposition to the Status quo and to obey, any dream of building an alternative can not be conceived under the shadow of this oppression, simply trying to ignore the system and build an alternative simply can't work unless the influence of the tyrannical opponent is dismissed
Despotic governments can stand ‘moral force’ till the cows come home; what they fear is physical force.”
At this very moment life on this planet is being threatened
Power is held by the government the state, large companies and corporations
Through them they direct and control mass poverty
The pollution of land, seas and the torturing to death of many animals
The financing and support for wars and the arming of countries
There is no end to the suffering they create in the pursuit for profit
The city of London is one of the headquarters of capital
Remember while we passively resist they are killing
When we try to talk and reason there is only lies and silence or lock up our voices in there prisons when we speak out
We cannot accept their authority to shut us up
There are thousands of us and we need to direct our fight to the city
The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.
See all of you on the streets for direct action and a good party.
(note from Class War )
Class War On October 18th the trade unions are coming out onto the streets of London in their hundreds and thousands to march and demonstrate under the slogan "Britain needs a pay rise." According to the rich -the bankers, bosses, politicians and business elite, we are out of recession, the economy is growing and they are getting fat pay rises on top of their already high salaries. But why are the rest of us not getting any better off? Workers who are in unions are demanding a piece of the pie, a pay rise as well. We support their demands and will come out and march with them. But the slogan "Britain needs a pay rise" alone does not meet the needs of the rest of the working class.
For the unemployed, we are told to get a job but the jobs we would like, where we are not exploited for long hours and underpaid are not out there. This is because a certain amount of unemployment is necessary and normal in a capitalist system. For us, the system needs to change.
For those in precarious work, not in unions and working part time, over time and night shifts on minimum wage, how can we demand a pay rise when this would get us sacked as there are many others out there who would do our job for the pay we are currently getting. But we're not getting paid what we should be getting for the work we put in, instead the money that we work for is being taken away as profit by the boss-class. For us the system needs to change.
Our bosses need to all be sacked, along with the bankers and politicians, and the profit and taxes they get, which we work for, needs to be redistributed amongst the working class. We need a world where you don't pay rent, free from police brutality and too high prices for things you need and want but can't afford and free from all forms of oppression and exploitation. The system needs to change. This is what we will come out and demand on October 18th
(Quote) from a blogger)
Class Warriors will “Reclaim the Streets” in 2014
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So next year, most people will march back and forward again in the hope that we can somehow overthrow or change the system in some way. This will include a few new conspiracy nuts, a few hippies, and a few people affected by the cuts. They will sing songs like power to the people, the people have the power, they will argue with police, then they will go home and carry on watching Big Brother.
The rest of the people, do not give a fuck. we are talking about 70% of the population, who have absolutely no reason to protest whatsoever. In fact statistically speaking, in 2014 more people will go to festivals , attended football matches and take cocaine.
What does this tell us? …..not that they are asleep, not that they lacking an alternative, in actual fact this tells us quite simply, that “WE” are doing it wrong. We shouldn’t be organizing protests, we shouldn’t be organizing anything yet because we cannot speak for the 99% of people, only for ourselves.
So what we need is a mass community outreach project, not to give a few crack heads sleeping bags, not to hand out flyers in central London locations in huge groups to guarantee a good day out. What we need is for people to be motivated to work in groups as small as 2-3 handing out a flyer that says one thing and one thing only. RECLAIM THE STREETS IS BACK…….. We will no longer comply with protest regulations by asking for permission to protest because we are not protesting any more. Now, we are merely the symptom of the problem. We are the Great wave speech, We are the children with no hope, the chaos before the order. Anarchy is order. The banks declared Class War on the people,. now we have found a way to fight back, its time for civil disobedience.
A guy with nothing to lose
SEE BELOW FOR ARTWORK TO BE USED FOR, POSTERS, STICKERS AND FLYERS ect .. please help promote and spread the word.. invite all your friends on Facebook aswell
bring sound systems and expect party's ;)


This year on October 18th the TUC has called for a mass march through the center of London. This will be the biggest demonstration of the year with possibly over 100,000 people taking to the streets.
2011 saw in excess of over 500.000 people taking to the streets with a diverse day of direct action. but since then many piss poor events and marches have been and gone.
How can we make this one different from a lot of the ones that have been and gone with little to no impact ? and how can we get loads of people on the streets.. not just being colourful drumming obedient trendy protesters but really making and impact where its necessary ?
but voicing your opinion is encouraged IE if you think peaceful protest is a waste of time then speak up and explain why ! :)
The masses are systematically brainwashed by the state to oppose opposition to the Status quo and to obey, any dream of building an alternative can not be conceived under the shadow of this oppression, simply trying to ignore the system and build an alternative simply can't work unless the influence of the tyrannical opponent is dismissed
Despotic governments can stand ‘moral force’ till the cows come home; what they fear is physical force.”
At this very moment life on this planet is being threatened
Power is held by the government the state, large companies and corporations
Through them they direct and control mass poverty
The pollution of land, seas and the torturing to death of many animals
The financing and support for wars and the arming of countries
There is no end to the suffering they create in the pursuit for profit
The city of London is one of the headquarters of capital
Remember while we passively resist they are killing
When we try to talk and reason there is only lies and silence or lock up our voices in there prisons when we speak out
We cannot accept their authority to shut us up
There are thousands of us and we need to direct our fight to the city
The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.
See all of you on the streets for direct action and a good party.
(note from Class War )
Class War On October 18th the trade unions are coming out onto the streets of London in their hundreds and thousands to march and demonstrate under the slogan "Britain needs a pay rise." According to the rich -the bankers, bosses, politicians and business elite, we are out of recession, the economy is growing and they are getting fat pay rises on top of their already high salaries. But why are the rest of us not getting any better off? Workers who are in unions are demanding a piece of the pie, a pay rise as well. We support their demands and will come out and march with them. But the slogan "Britain needs a pay rise" alone does not meet the needs of the rest of the working class.
For the unemployed, we are told to get a job but the jobs we would like, where we are not exploited for long hours and underpaid are not out there. This is because a certain amount of unemployment is necessary and normal in a capitalist system. For us, the system needs to change.
For those in precarious work, not in unions and working part time, over time and night shifts on minimum wage, how can we demand a pay rise when this would get us sacked as there are many others out there who would do our job for the pay we are currently getting. But we're not getting paid what we should be getting for the work we put in, instead the money that we work for is being taken away as profit by the boss-class. For us the system needs to change.
Our bosses need to all be sacked, along with the bankers and politicians, and the profit and taxes they get, which we work for, needs to be redistributed amongst the working class. We need a world where you don't pay rent, free from police brutality and too high prices for things you need and want but can't afford and free from all forms of oppression and exploitation. The system needs to change. This is what we will come out and demand on October 18th
(Quote) from a blogger)
Class Warriors will “Reclaim the Streets” in 2014
Leave a reply
So next year, most people will march back and forward again in the hope that we can somehow overthrow or change the system in some way. This will include a few new conspiracy nuts, a few hippies, and a few people affected by the cuts. They will sing songs like power to the people, the people have the power, they will argue with police, then they will go home and carry on watching Big Brother.
The rest of the people, do not give a fuck. we are talking about 70% of the population, who have absolutely no reason to protest whatsoever. In fact statistically speaking, in 2014 more people will go to festivals , attended football matches and take cocaine.
What does this tell us? …..not that they are asleep, not that they lacking an alternative, in actual fact this tells us quite simply, that “WE” are doing it wrong. We shouldn’t be organizing protests, we shouldn’t be organizing anything yet because we cannot speak for the 99% of people, only for ourselves.
So what we need is a mass community outreach project, not to give a few crack heads sleeping bags, not to hand out flyers in central London locations in huge groups to guarantee a good day out. What we need is for people to be motivated to work in groups as small as 2-3 handing out a flyer that says one thing and one thing only. RECLAIM THE STREETS IS BACK…….. We will no longer comply with protest regulations by asking for permission to protest because we are not protesting any more. Now, we are merely the symptom of the problem. We are the Great wave speech, We are the children with no hope, the chaos before the order. Anarchy is order. The banks declared Class War on the people,. now we have found a way to fight back, its time for civil disobedience.
A guy with nothing to lose

SEE BELOW FOR ARTWORK TO BE USED FOR, POSTERS, STICKERS AND FLYERS ect .. please help promote and spread the word.. invite all your friends on Facebook aswell
bring sound systems and expect party's ;)
Another Anarchist
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