UK Newswire Archive
British Involvement in Extraordinary Rendition and Torture (20 April, SOAS)
01-04-2010 16:35
A pre-election on British involvement in extraordinary rendition and torture, asking representatives of the four main political parties what they would do about these matters. Come and join us as we discuss these topical issues.I Bike MCR Festival 2010
01-04-2010 16:26

The Rage Factor
01-04-2010 16:25
Rage Against the Machine to play London, 6th june.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
BP ad campaign hoax kicks off the Fortnight of Shame
01-04-2010 14:38

RBS funds Cadbury takeover
01-04-2010 13:23
More proof of taxpayer owned Royal Banks of Scotland, funding destruction.It's hardly Tar-Sands, but still shows the ruthlessness of RBS.
TODAY: Class Struggle in Poland
01-04-2010 10:49

RBS out of order over Tar Sands
01-04-2010 10:23
Royal Bank of Scotland cashpoints have fallen prey to an April fools prank in protest at RBS's investments in Canadian tar sands.The Summer of Rage?: A critical look at the G20 London protests, a year on
01-04-2010 09:50
Did anyone notice the summer of rage? Like all British summers, it was disappointingly non-existent: a few letters in the guardian, a climate camp of Cath Kidston tents and, to top it all, hardly a day of sun.Transition Market Saturday April 10th 10-1 Sneinton Market, Nottingham
01-04-2010 09:26

Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
Eon switch on to community renewables.
01-04-2010 07:25
Surprising news this morning from german energy giant Eon. Apparently they've reconsidered their whole coal and CCS business plan and are now claiming they'll be helping people set up cuunity owned wind farm schemes...Torture in America
01-04-2010 05:44
Contrary to popular belief, Gestapo’s or Secret Police are not phenomena of the past. Activists who dare to hold law enforcement accountable to democracy, freedom and basic human rights are being repressed and imprisoned in the United States, simply for refusing to accept violation and abuse from their own country men.Victory: Grand Arcade Cancels Cruel 'Easter Farm'
01-04-2010 00:32
The Grand Arcade agrees to drop cruel animal show after email/phone campaign!London supermarket occupied in Israel boycott
31-03-2010 22:33

Mark Collett suspended?
31-03-2010 22:21
April Fool or (very) late Christmas present?Mark Adrian Collett no longer in The BNP read on..
31-03-2010 22:19
Mark Adrian Collett (born 3 October 1980) is a former chairman of the Young BNP, the youth division of the British National Party (BNP), and is Director of Publicity for the Party.From Rothley, he was educated at Loughborough Grammar School and the University of Leeds where he gained a 2.2 in Economics.
Climategate Scientists Cleared
31-03-2010 21:34
Climategate' Investigation Clears UK Scientists Of Most Serious Claims
"The House of Commons' Science and Technology Committee said that they'd seen no evidence to support charges that the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit or its director, Phil Jones, had tampered with data or perverted the peer review to exaggerate the threat of global warming – two of the most serious criticisms levied against the climatologist and his colleagues."
Audio of Smash EDO/Bernardine Dohrn Tel Aviv meeting
31-03-2010 21:30
Here are two audio recordings from people in Tel Aviv and International Indymedia. Please post and pass these on. They are not to be used for profit!Party At The Pumps - April 10th
31-03-2010 19:02

Meet 1 PM at Oxford Circus
BP want to start extracting oil from the tar sands, the single most
destructive project on earth - fuelling climate chaos and trampling the
rights of indigenous communities. We want to stop them.
Workers' Fightback - the "Spring Of Discontent" and Beyond
31-03-2010 15:57

We believe... workers know how to run our workplaces far better than business people, the government, or trade union leaders!
We aim for... workers' control over our own jobs and our own lives!