UK Newswire Archive
Israeli "Peace" Plan (by Latuff)
03-04-2010 08:55

Coventry University Closes Animal Labs
02-04-2010 22:44
Coventry University Closes Animal LabsThe order has been already executed
02-04-2010 22:15
Second editorial by www.antifaresistance.orgBoycotting H&M over Israel stores #2 (by Latuff)
02-04-2010 21:54

Black and White:

Full colour:

Chagos Islanders Need Our Solidarity
02-04-2010 20:11

Ian Tomlinson Vigil – Pix-&-Vidz – Thu 01 Apr 10
02-04-2010 18:04

Q: What happens to Citizen A?
A1: If it were you or I, no doubt we'd be banged up in jail.
A2: But if Citizen A is a body-armoured, weapon-carrying, riot cop... he gets away with murder, for over a year.
One year after their loved one was slain by unprovoked police assault, the family of Ian Tomlinson, their friends and supporters mourn his death with a vigil at the location where he died.
Dissident Island Radio - another radio riot on April 2nd
02-04-2010 14:58

02-04-2010 14:55
Are there any actions planned this Easter weekend to protest against the bombings on Gaza?A Moment of Shame, You Scum (Greece)
02-04-2010 13:41
Translated from the Greek original circulating on the streets of Athens, by anarchist comrades.Rising Tide disrupt Shell in Bristol
02-04-2010 12:13

Presidential Violence!
02-04-2010 11:30

Black Wood protest camp disappears over night to fight another mine, another day
02-04-2010 09:24

The Camden "superlab" architects plans are criticised by Camden Council.
01-04-2010 22:29
The plans for the Camden Biocontainment facility and animal testing lab have been set back today as plans to redesign the exterior of the lab were announced. HOK the architects behind the "superlab" [and Arsenal stadium] have been told by Camden Council "Your plans are not good enough". PLP have been asked to redraft the lab design plans. Gordon Brown has pledged a further £250 million.Calais solidarity Demo UKBA Brighton
01-04-2010 21:01

Ethiopians Protest Bloodthirsty Tyrant at Downing St
01-04-2010 18:27

Lydd Primary Headmistress reinstated
01-04-2010 18:04
A Kent headmistress who resigned after raising and slaughtering a sheep has been reinstatedFord/Visteon Workers March For Pension Justice
01-04-2010 17:29

20th Anniversary of the Poll Tax Riot
01-04-2010 17:22

Centre MK: Cruel Petting Zoo
01-04-2010 16:53
The Grand Arcade Easter Farm cancelled. Now its Centre MK!Guantánamo/extraordinary rendition:questions for candidates before the election
01-04-2010 16:40
Local candidates in national elections: they want your vote, they want your adoration, they want your X in the box on the ballot paper… but what are they going to do about Britain’s involvement in Guantánamo Bay and extraordinary rendition?