UK Newswire Archive
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ALF Mexico - History in the making
29-01-2008 22:18

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Climate Activists block Copenhagen powerplant
29-01-2008 21:35

Anti-third Heathrow runway campaign in todays Evening Standard
29-01-2008 20:21
The Evening Standard today did a full two page feature on the battle against the new proposed third runway at Heathrow Airport. The majority of people interviewed were strongly against the idea of a new runway. Hundreds of thousands of people will be affected as they are in the flight path.Midsummer House – Diseased Meat, Taking Public Land and Animal Cruelty
29-01-2008 20:15
At the last Midsummer House demo protesters were told about another reason some people dislike the ‘diseased liver restaurant’… they are taking over our common!London Animal Rights Events: Foie Gras, SHAC, Fur, etc.
29-01-2008 18:54
WEDNESDAY 30TH JANUARY - Foie Gras Demo, Chez GerardTHURSDAY 31ST JANUARY - SHAC Demo, AstraZeneca (press conference!)
THURSDAY 31ST JANUARY - PETA Fur Demo, Burberry Head Office
THURSDAY 31ST JANUARY - Anti-McDonalds/Meat leafleting
FRIDAY 1ST FEBRUARY - Foie Gras Demo, Chez Gerard
MONDAY 4TH FEBRUARY - Horse Abuser Demo, Aylesbury Magistrates Court
The Fear Factory
29-01-2008 18:41
The FBI now has more than 100 task forces devoted exclusively to fighting terrorism. But is the government manufacturing ghosts?Monday Love Returns....
29-01-2008 18:27

For the valentine month of February, Monday Love will be bringing you the finest in uptown, underground, raise your spirit and blow your mind live music, film and real life grassroots media.
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A Million Women Rise - march against gender based violence
29-01-2008 18:11
Wimmin strike back - Shout-out - National Action on 8th March 2008 in London to raise awareness and generate action around gender based violence that devastates the lives of wimmin, children and their communities.Cambridge Action Network Gathering, 7th Feb
29-01-2008 17:43
Cambridge Action Network GatheringThursday 7th February, 7pm, Friends Meeting House, 12 Jesus Lane
Map -

the return of the basement - meeting 4th february
29-01-2008 17:16
hooray! this week we will finally know the status of 24 lever street - and can plan how to resurrect an autonomous social centre in manchester - come along to a meeting 4th february to get involvedFull article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Norwich Protesters target Tesco - UK’s ‘market leader’ in biofuels
29-01-2008 16:31

McDegrees from McD's
29-01-2008 16:00
A McDonald's near you will soon be serving McDegrees with their fries.Palestine Today 012908
29-01-2008 15:54

Vienna: militant protest against fraternity gathering
29-01-2008 13:02
A festive gathering of racist and anti-semitic fraternity and student leagues in Vienna's prestigious 'Hofburg' was disrupted by militant antifascist protest last Friday night. An attempt to storm the venue was prevented by riot police, leading to attacks on banks and a police station.Convicted thug in racist outburst
29-01-2008 12:27
Birmingham City Council's Housing chief, Cllr John Lines, reveals himself, once again, to be a thick racist.Supersize My Pay! - Thursday 14th February 2008
29-01-2008 11:23
The story of how young workers in New Zealand took on their bosses, and won...THURSDAY 14TH FEBRUARY, 7-9PM
Citizens Speak:public consultation on sanctuary in the UK
29-01-2008 10:16