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A Million Women Rise - march against gender based violence

StarFiyah | 29.01.2008 18:11 | Anti-racism | Culture | Gender | World

Wimmin strike back - Shout-out - National Action on 8th March 2008 in London to raise awareness and generate action around gender based violence that devastates the lives of wimmin, children and their communities.

On International Women's Day - 8th March 2008 - a wimmin and children only march will be taking place in London.
Womyn from all over the Britain will converge at Hyde Park to commence a rare national action to shout out 'enough is enough' as we act up and demand and end to violence against wimmin.

Are you aware that:
Every year, 2 million girls between the ages of 5 years and 15 years are coerced, abducted, sold or trafficked into the illegal sex market.
2 million females are killed before or at birth simply because of their sex.
One woman dies every minute from pregnancy related causes, most of which are preventable.

The 'Million Women Rise' action aims to draw attention to the ever present institutionalised discrimintaion faced by womyn, particularly sistas of colour, differently abled and other marginalised wimmin. Confronting patriarchal, racist domination the march and rally will bring womynist/feminist focus to bear on:
state sanctioneed violence - that war and other such 'conflicts' impact us massively. Three out of four fatalites of war are women and children.
the 'no recourse' requirement for abused women who have insecure immigration status. This legislation denies women who leave abusive partners access to benefits/financial support.
the traffiking/commodification of women - increasing numbers of women are being traffiked into and out of the uk for sexual expliotation.
the ever diminsihing rape conviction rates - the uk has one of the lowest rates in europe.
the corporate media's misrepresentation and objectification of wimmins bodies throughout all media forms.

We will voice our outrage and collectively develop strategies for protection and defence of ourselves.

We need wimmin to help organise a million women rising from cities and towns in and out side london

We need support with transport,speakers,creche/playworkers, stewards,cooks,information stalls, artists. Share with us your passion and creativity.

For an information pack email us at
or call Rahni on 0115 9881 414

For updates and more information check out

Men who would like to support this action chould check out White Ribbon campaign.

In solidarity and sistahood

- e-mail:


anarchist presence would be good...

29.01.2008 22:29

...According to the UN, 20% of women around the world will be raped or subject to attempted rape in their lifetime, and violence against women causes more casualties today than war...

Would be good to have a v. militant, uncompromising anarchist/anticapitalist presence there.

anarcha fem


Display the following 2 comments

  1. Nottm — Notts IMC
  2. White Ribbon Campaign — Pat