Citizens Speak:public consultation on sanctuary in the UK
Mike Dobson | 29.01.2008 10:16 | Anti-racism | Migration | Repression
CITIZENS SPEAK has been launched by the Independent Asylum Commission to make sure that ordinary citizens get a say in the biggest independent public consultation on sanctuary in the UK in recent times.
Sanctuary for those who come to the UK asking for protection is one of the most contentious issues in contemporary politics. The Independent Asylum Commission is conducting a citizens’ enquiry into the UK asylum system. Our aim is simple: an asylum system that treats those who come to the UK and seek sanctuary from persecution humanely, but also commands the confidence of the British people.
The Commissioners want to know your views on this controversial subject. There will be CITIZENS SPEAK events in every region of the UK and anyone can respond to the consultation online, watch video shorts on our partner site,, or write
The big question to begin with is: how should we treat people who come to the UK and claim sanctuary from persecution?
It's time for ordinary people to have a say on sanctuary in the UK - so make sure you have yours!
Email your views to
or mail them to:
Independent Asylum Commission,
112 Cavell St, London E1 2JA
The Commissioners want to know your views on this controversial subject. There will be CITIZENS SPEAK events in every region of the UK and anyone can respond to the consultation online, watch video shorts on our partner site,, or write
The big question to begin with is: how should we treat people who come to the UK and claim sanctuary from persecution?
It's time for ordinary people to have a say on sanctuary in the UK - so make sure you have yours!
Email your views to

or mail them to:
Independent Asylum Commission,
112 Cavell St, London E1 2JA

Mike Dobson
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