UK Newswire Archive
'Terror Suspects Dad' Wednesday 26th January, 10pm, BBC2
26-01-2005 11:02
Case of Babar Ahmed to be broadcast on national televisionHelp light 3,000 virtual Candles online for Tsunami Candlelight Global Vigil
26-01-2005 10:54

GM action: Sainsbury's visited
26-01-2005 10:45
There was a night-time visit to Sainsbury's, part of continuing activity against bio-technology.CIPO-RFM (Mexico): Latest info on repression
26-01-2005 10:02
Press release explaining who and what The Consejo IndÌgena Popular de Oaxaca ìRicardo Flores MagÛnî CIPO-RFM is, along with current and uptodate information about Raul Gatica, whos life is currently in danger due to the mexican governments desire to silence our voice. See also our wbsight: we desire besides spreading general awareness about our movement, is contacts in other nations, in NGOs, activist groups, solidarity networks, and media to put immediate pressure on the Mexican government in case of an
imminent human rights crises. So tell a friend, write a song, call your MP, please help us build a support network for this very important movement.
We would like to have you on our list of contacts to keep you informed of any developments and to have as an emergency contact for urgent information.
Luke Woodyard (

CIPO - RFM (English corespondent)
A Taste of Palestine III
26-01-2005 08:54

Glasgow Anarchist Dayschool 29/01/05
26-01-2005 02:03
Anarchist Dayschool happening in GlasgowEyewitness Report from Fallujah by an Iraqi Doctor - urgent
26-01-2005 01:44

Pictures of NO2ID Public Meeting
26-01-2005 00:24

Kyoto Climate Demo London (Sat 12th Feb) + Regional Meetings
26-01-2005 00:23

Campaign against Climate Change

Greenwash Guerrillas struggle to stem tide of Shell greenwash
26-01-2005 00:11
Hi-tech Greenwash Guerrillas struggle to stem tide of greenwash oozing from Shell Chairman's Greenpeace Business Lecture, London, 25.1.05Tree Protest Cardiff
25-01-2005 23:45
Bovis are trying to knock down a wild area in Cardiff to build more luxury homes and wipe out a colony of slow worms. Grangetown residents have their first campaign meeting.Tat List for Linslade
25-01-2005 21:51
Tat needed at Linslade - But most importantly people who can stay for a night or two...even longer if you canReclaim The Streets: San Diego Against Bush J20
25-01-2005 21:17

Wireless World: Tracking pets with RFIDs
25-01-2005 21:12
Great story about tracking pets using RFIDs.Blairs Housing Crisis
25-01-2005 19:18
Livingstones Extended Congestions Charge proposals and Prescotts buttressing of private building companies aim to achieve what? The Japanese expereience where millions will leave in shoeboxes...GROUPS ISSUE G8 WARNING: Right questions, wrong solutions!
25-01-2005 19:03
MEDIA RELEASE on behalf of
- World Development Movement Scotland
- Friends of the Earth Scotland
- War on Want
- National Union of Students
Palestinian musicians and dancers stranded at border
25-01-2005 18:04
Major cultural event scuppered by border restrictionsSpicer quits SOAS talk
25-01-2005 18:03
The mercenary due to speak on Thursday at SOAS has quit. This maybe because it was publicized in a piece in the Guardian today, as well as in schnews wasnt worth his while..."shadows of occupation": third film from Palestine
25-01-2005 17:41
Shadows of Occupation [2005; 3min]"Balata camp children prepare a shadow puppet theatre production. During the performance, the characters of their imagination move from the screen onto the streets."
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