UK Newswire Archive
25-01-2005 16:16

Royal Nazis Hit New Low
25-01-2005 16:02

This fortnight - Herr Harry's Coup D'Etat, Daily Mail Nazis, The lovely Imperial Tobbacco, MP Corston resigns, Cultural fat cat cashing in, More bullshit from RDA, Winston in Bristol: THE TRUTH...
plus much, much, much more... FREE DOWNLOAD
on liberating Auschwitz
25-01-2005 15:52
Whatever we think of Stalin and the awful brutalities of soviet communism, we should not forget it was the epic battles and sacrifice on the eastern front that truly decided the Nazis fate. On this 60th anniversary of the holocaust, an interesting article on the soviet liberation of Auschwitz including the little known relevation it was heavily defended. Very little is published in the western media about the soviet war effort, well done the Guardian for doing so.btw, being self publishing wouldn't it be great if veterans published their memories on here, not patriotic shit, but just what happened.
Tories: The desperation continues.
25-01-2005 15:21

Dissent! at WSF
25-01-2005 14:24
Resist the 2005 G8 Summit: World Social Forum EventsPeople involved with the Dissent! Network (, organising
anti-capitalist resistance to the 2005 G8 Summit to be held in the UK, are
organising a number of events in Porto Alegre during the World Social Forum (WSF).
Here are the details of our workshops. We hope to see you there!
ROMA HOLOCAUST DAY RALLY - outside the Houses of Parliament Thursday 27th Jan
25-01-2005 11:38
Join the rally outside Parliament at 2pm on Thursday 27th January (Westminster Tube)on the occassion of the official Holocaust Memorial Day event STOP 2nd. HOLOCAUST!
UK Mercenary Leader comes to SOAS to publicise Private Military Companies
25-01-2005 10:43
Lt Col Tim Spicer, Chief Executive of Aegis Defence Services Ltd will bespeaking at School of Oriental and African Studies on Thursday 27 January
2005, 18:00. Often described as Britain's most notorious mercenary, Spicer
will be talking about his experiences in Africa. Nearest Tube - Russell
Human rights violations in Guantanamo
25-01-2005 07:10
Not only must the recent FBI-revelations about the torture of prisoners in Guantanamo be seen in the light of the known facts about their treatment, there is also a close connection with the official denying of their elementary human rights, due the refusal of the American government to give them a judicial status according to International Law.Rumours circulate as ruling under banBy Janet Gibson
25-01-2005 05:59
Rumours circulate as ruling under banBy Janet GibsonAnimal Rights Activists Persectued by Furriers
25-01-2005 04:45
Animal Rights Activists Persecuted by Furriers in Argentina. [Solidarity needed]Video: Urban Explorations and Climbing
25-01-2005 03:42

Alleged "terrorist" paraded just before the "elections"
25-01-2005 00:31
"It is safe to venture out vote! Make it look like a democracy .... please!"Treeplanting in Calderdale
24-01-2005 20:22

Report from Palestine with 7 photos.
24-01-2005 20:16

stop the rot
24-01-2005 18:07
communities pushed out of social housing, broken up and shunted round town to privatised landlords. streets of houses boarded up. why not just give derelict properties to local people to renovate as self builds? NVQ training as you build. optimism:
January London Calling
24-01-2005 17:59
January's London Calling gives you all the latest class struggle news from the capital.News includes the latest on the Harry Stanley campaign, the hospitalised cops League table, Cry Baby Blunkett, an article on gentrification from the Hackney Independent and a great British tradition - fascism and the royal family!
G8Alternatives: Main Demo at Gleneagles Train Station 1st Day of G8 (6th july)
24-01-2005 17:16
The last meeting of the G8Alternatives mobilisation in January 2005 agreed to call their main mass demonstration on the first day of the G8 Summit (Wednesday 6th July) with the meeting point at Midday at Gleneagles train station.OutRage!- Tatchell attacks Ken L on al-Qaradawai.
24-01-2005 16:57
Peter Tatchell on Ken Livingstone and his 'support' for fundamentalist muslim clericYusuf al-Qaradawi.