Dissent! at WSF
xxxxxxx | 25.01.2005 14:24 | World
Resist the 2005 G8 Summit: World Social Forum Events
People involved with the Dissent! Network (www.dissent.org.uk), organising
anti-capitalist resistance to the 2005 G8 Summit to be held in the UK, are
organising a number of events in Porto Alegre during the World Social Forum (WSF).
Here are the details of our workshops. We hope to see you there!
People involved with the Dissent! Network (www.dissent.org.uk), organising
anti-capitalist resistance to the 2005 G8 Summit to be held in the UK, are
organising a number of events in Porto Alegre during the World Social Forum (WSF).
Here are the details of our workshops. We hope to see you there!
orkshop I
Mobilisations Against the 2005 G8 Summit and Free Trade of the Americas Agreement
A meeting to discuss resistance to the G8 Summit (UK, July 2005) the Free Trade of
the Americas Agreement (FTAA) (Argentina, July 2005), the WTO in Hong Kong,
December. The meeting aims to discuss how we can use the opportunities presented by
these summits to strengthen and develop local and global anti-capitalist networks?
How we can connect, co-operate and co-ordinate?
Location: Caracol Intergalacktica, Salle 1 ,
Time: 13:30-16:00, January 27th
Workshop II
G8 2005: Developing Strategies for Global Resistance
An opportunity for people involved or interested in building resistance to the 2005
G8 Summit to meet, discuss and strategise. A short introduction to the mobilisation
against the Summit by some people involved with the Dissent! Network
(www.dissent.org.uk), followed by a practical discussion about how we can
(potentially) realise the full potential of the mobilisation. How can the
limitations of previous anti-summit mobilisations be overcome? How can we go beyond
fulfilling the roles expected of us as ‘summit resisters’? How can the idea for a
Global Day of Action on the opening day of the summit complement on-going, perhaps
more local, struggles? How can those resisting the G8 Summit co-ordinate and
co-operate with those building resistance to the Free Trade of the Americas
Agreement and World Trade Organisation meetings? And, importantly, which modes of
organising, means of communicating and forms of action can best be adopted to allow
us to begin solving some of these problems?
Location: Carackol Intergalaktica, Youth camp
Time: 9-12am, January 30th
We’d also like to meet throughout the week with individuals, groups and networks
interested in co-ordinating global resistance around the G8, Free Trade of the
Americas Agreement (FTAA) and World Trade Organisation (WTO) Summits in 2005. Come
along to the workshops above, or email us and arrange a time to meet up. Email:
Mobilisations Against the 2005 G8 Summit and Free Trade of the Americas Agreement
A meeting to discuss resistance to the G8 Summit (UK, July 2005) the Free Trade of
the Americas Agreement (FTAA) (Argentina, July 2005), the WTO in Hong Kong,
December. The meeting aims to discuss how we can use the opportunities presented by
these summits to strengthen and develop local and global anti-capitalist networks?
How we can connect, co-operate and co-ordinate?
Location: Caracol Intergalacktica, Salle 1 ,
Time: 13:30-16:00, January 27th
Workshop II
G8 2005: Developing Strategies for Global Resistance
An opportunity for people involved or interested in building resistance to the 2005
G8 Summit to meet, discuss and strategise. A short introduction to the mobilisation
against the Summit by some people involved with the Dissent! Network
(www.dissent.org.uk), followed by a practical discussion about how we can
(potentially) realise the full potential of the mobilisation. How can the
limitations of previous anti-summit mobilisations be overcome? How can we go beyond
fulfilling the roles expected of us as ‘summit resisters’? How can the idea for a
Global Day of Action on the opening day of the summit complement on-going, perhaps
more local, struggles? How can those resisting the G8 Summit co-ordinate and
co-operate with those building resistance to the Free Trade of the Americas
Agreement and World Trade Organisation meetings? And, importantly, which modes of
organising, means of communicating and forms of action can best be adopted to allow
us to begin solving some of these problems?
Location: Carackol Intergalaktica, Youth camp
Time: 9-12am, January 30th
We’d also like to meet throughout the week with individuals, groups and networks
interested in co-ordinating global resistance around the G8, Free Trade of the
Americas Agreement (FTAA) and World Trade Organisation (WTO) Summits in 2005. Come
along to the workshops above, or email us and arrange a time to meet up. Email:

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