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Blairs Housing Crisis

Vngelis | 25.01.2005 19:18 | London

Livingstones Extended Congestions Charge proposals and Prescotts buttressing of private building companies aim to achieve what? The Japanese expereience where millions will leave in shoeboxes...

Only to hand over all controls in building to private building companies...

Despite the bullshit about lowest unemployment, lowest mortgage rates for decades Prescott recently announced that most houses are out of the reach of ordinary working class people. So being on the immigraion racket or the housing benefit one is the ONLY realistic option for millions of people who have been priced out of 9/10 areas in the UK.

The left having bought the mythology of of ever expanding capitalism and a never ending boom, hence the necessity of millions of cheap labourers to come to the UK saw no crisis, not because there wasn't one, but because no one spoke about it. For their line comes straight out of the government.

Now the question is why is Prescott speaking about a housing crisis now? Alongside the deregulation of rules regarding the building of houses, the creation of multiple housing units where before the were only a few and a future which will be more akin to Japans where millions are crowded into shoe boxes, the Labourites want to hand over everything to the private building companies. Their motto is build build build. Not for the working masses of course. But for millions of those who will newly arrive in the ever expanding globalisation project which aims to relocate millions from Eastern Europe or the third world into the developed imperialist countries in order to break all connections with the traditions of the past.

Hence Livingston, New Labours henchman in London, the darling of the SWP at the recent European Forum calls for a congestion charge zone for the whole of London so anyone with a car will have to pay the government £30 a week to drive it. handed over to the Texas gangsters who control most of the parking companies in London an American ex-CIA union buster runs Livingstons transport protfolio in London...
