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UK Newswire Archive

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Queen, other world figures to travel to Baghdad on ''extended vacation''

09-02-2003 00:10

Cold fury in Washington as group of respected world leaders plan travel to Baghdad to prevent war.

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White says he will return after PSNI take out current UDA leadership

08-02-2003 23:47

Exiled 'C' company member John White, has vowed to return to the Shankill, soon, after the PSNI bring down the current UDA leadership. White has been assured that the PSNI will begin a crackdown on current UDA leaders

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Secret project 'MIRAGE'

08-02-2003 23:06

Secret project 'MIRAGE'
The Secret plan to block out and to thwart the abnormal war ambition of the Bush administration

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Powell stumbles, the world balks, plagiarism exposed...and ...

08-02-2003 21:57

from the u.s., with hope

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750 naked women for peace

08-02-2003 21:43

750 naked women for peace
Saturday February 8, 2003, Australia
More than 750 women lie nude on a hillside at Byron Bayon, on the New South Wales north coast about 200 km ( miles) south of Brisbane, in the shape of a heart with "no war" spelled inside on Feburary 8, 2003. The women are urging Australian Prime Minister John Howard not to follow US President George Bush into a war with Iraq.

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Blair hoping for the "spoils" of War says Pravda

08-02-2003 21:11

The fact that the UK and the USA can base a causus belli, a cause for war, knowingly, on such blatantly contrived, biased and false information is utterly incredible. It is the governments of the United States of America and the United Kingdom which are cheating the international community, or in the words of George Bush, “stiffing”.

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Gassing his own people?: What happened in Halabja?

08-02-2003 21:07

Who gassed the Kurds at Halabja? Was it Iraq (as Bush and Blair allege, without admitting that Saddam Hussein was at the time being armed by Ronald Reagan and Donald Rumsfeld) or was it in fact Iran? New York Times articles have reopened the question at the time it has become a key justification for war

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Old Europe could block Iraq attack

08-02-2003 20:29

Stationing UN peacekeepers in Iraq could force Blair & Bush to choose: kill Europeans or pursue the inspections.

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SECRET SERVICE 911 PLANS LEAKED AGAIN (reference to picture)

08-02-2003 19:53

Bush and Rumsfield were deprived in this week's rhetorical carpet bombing of the world from using the old "hides among children" quote that Albert Kada was screaming on the streets of Houston shortly after the infamous attacks.

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320 march against war in Worthing

08-02-2003 19:01

320 people marched against war on Iraq in Worthing, West Sussex, today, Saturday.

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15 Feb: No anti-capitalist meet-up point?

08-02-2003 18:43

Anarchist youth have suggested a meeting point - is anyone going to suggest one for general non-youth anti-capitalists, radicals, anti-authoritarians?

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The next stage of Facism in the United States

08-02-2003 18:17

The 'war on terror' has been the justification for an unprecedented attack on American civil and constitutional rights. The next stage of that attack is now in train. A second 'Patriot Bill' will give the state extraordinary new powers including a catch22 right to strip citizens whom the state decides belong to 'terrorist organizations' of their citizenship (thus suspending their right to the protection of the US Constitution)

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Germany, Home of Peace?

08-02-2003 17:00

How did Germany´s government turn pacifist? As it turns out, there are some
very "good" reasons for this...

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08-02-2003 16:44

Young anti-capitalists, anarchists and anti-authoritarians are being invited to gather in London at 12 pm on the South Bank on February 15th for the anti-war demonstration.

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Farnborough Airport officially opened

08-02-2003 16:16

With a host of self-important guests, Farnborough Airport, the business airport for Europe, a key component of globalisation, was officially opened on Wednesday 5 February 2003. The fact that it lacks full planning consent was a minor consideration, easily overlooked.

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Bush's attacks on womens rights

08-02-2003 14:14

Bush's attacks on womens rights are the greatest threat to womens rights in more than 30 years.
Por choice organisations in Amerika are very worried about what a second term for Bush would mean to the reproductive rights of women.

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"An appeal for justice from a black man in Baghad"

08-02-2003 14:10

Rest under the stars of the martyrs, great tired beast,
And don't worry
they died so you can sleep and not worry
So sleep great beast
While the rest of the world waltches over you
And the people of Iraq
Everlasting peace

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Dodgy dossier 2- Government's weapons dossier shaky too.

08-02-2003 12:30

1st government publishes an iraq dossier claiming it to be up to date information, when in fact it's mostly 12 years old.
Now Blair makes claims about incorrect info in september wepons dossier. Either he's incompetent or he's lying.

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Iraq v America: Football Match For Peace: tomorrow

08-02-2003 12:22

Sunday 9th Feb at football match for peace between Iraqis and Americans in London at Market Road Astroturf N7

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08-02-2003 12:10

This was written 3 years ago and nothing has changed. Care or don't. Either way, it's up to you. But don't say I didn't warn you. If you ignore what I'm saying and let your government drag us into another Vietnam, then we'll really see this society tear itself apart. And in the long run, maybe that wouldn't be so bad after all. Because this time, we'll go all the way. If enough American bodies come home in boxes, the Colombian War will be the straw that will break the Prohibition's back. It will break it in the streets. Or we could take another route and settle this peaceably. Either way, it's up to you.
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