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Bush's attacks on womens rights

prochoice | 08.02.2003 14:14

Bush's attacks on womens rights are the greatest threat to womens rights in more than 30 years.
Por choice organisations in Amerika are very worried about what a second term for Bush would mean to the reproductive rights of women.

Since Bush is in power he has worked on destroying womens rights by
*reducing access to family planning
*building the platform to outlaw abortion
*redefining the legal right of the foetus ( and by doing that giving it more status than the right of the woman)
*packing the courts to overturn Roe van Wade ( nominating 9 anti choice jurists for court of appeals.O ja: Roe v. Wade is spoken out in 1973 to make abortion legal)
* replacing science with right wing ideology.
* censoring free speech.

George Bush openly gave his support to an anti choice demonstration last 22-1-2003. This demonstration openly supported James Kopp, who murdered a doctor who worked in a reproductive health care clinic.
Allso the army of God was present there, hard core anti choice and anti homo terrorists.
They send anthrax letters to abortion rights organisations and clinics in nov. 2001. They demanded responsibility for bombing a clinic ( 1 victim dead, 1 critically wounded).
they have declared themselves at war with everyone who fights for keeping abortion legal.

Regarding Amerika's position in the world we have to look upon Bush's anti equality agenda as a threat to all women of the world.
His actions are aimed at eliminating access to reproductive health care and abridging womens fundamental freedoms.
He pushes abstinence only sex education too.

I hope women and their fellow feminists all around the world will continue resisting anti choice ideologues like Bush.
We best support the struggle of pro choice Amerika to fight forward into law the fundamental principle that women have the right to make our own childbearing decisions.

lets keep working on that.

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