UK Newswire Archive
Sweden: antifascism in the elections
08-09-2002 23:08

seize the opportunity given by the parliamentarist circus to make their
racist, sexist and homophobic views acceptable to the public. Many
local SUF (Syndicalist Youth Federation) clubs and other libertarian
organizations have made it a priority to stand up against them and
denounce their message of hate, wherever they turn up to try to
spread it.
Petition to legalise terrorism.
08-09-2002 19:12
Petition to the European Parliament: "recognise the historical inevitably of violence in geopolitics". Translated from the Dutch original text.Saddam, I want your OIL (by Latuff)
08-09-2002 16:13

Japanese may join the US/UK war on Iraq!
08-09-2002 15:39
It seems the Japanese may get involved on the war on Iraq along with the UK and USA. Looks like Japanese militarism may return!Why we should invade Iraq - flash movie 138k
08-09-2002 15:32

08-09-2002 12:37
The policy of the University of Haifa seeks to end Palestinian student political activismon campus. This policy will continue unless massive protest persuades the University
that it is unacceptable for an institution of Higher Learning. We therefore call on members
of the academic community - students and professors - as well as others, to protest the
suppression of political activities of Arab students at the University of Haifa and demand
that the University revoke the suspensions imposed on the student activists and respect
students' basic democratic right to express their political views.
the plot thickens as zionist David Katz is exposed for betraying the USA
08-09-2002 05:09
The Taliban emissary went first with the warning to the Americans, travelling across the border to meet the consul general, David Katz, in the Pakistani border town of Peshawar, in the third week of July 2001. They met in a safehouse belonging to an old mujahedin leader who has confirmed to The Independent that the meeting took place.Another US official was also present possibly from the intelligence services. Mr Katz, who now works at the American embassy in Eritrea, declined to talk about the meeting. But other US sources said the warning was not passed on. The excuse that doomed thousands: "warning fatigue".
15% Canadians blame US totally for 911; another 69% partly blame US
08-09-2002 04:59
A vast majority of Canadians believes the United States bears at least some responsibility for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks because of U.S. policies in the Middle East and around the globe, according to a Globe and Mail/CTV poll. In the Ipsos-Reid survey — which polled 1,000 Canadians last week — 69 per cent of respondents said the U.S. shares some of the responsibility for the attacks, while 15 per cent said all of the responsibility sits on American shoulders.September 11 - US Government accused
08-09-2002 02:13
A Portugal-based investigative journalist has presented THE NEWS with version of the September 11th attacks that has to date failed to attract the attention of the international press. The report, compiled by an independent inquiry into the September 11th, World Trade Centre attack, warns the American public that the government’s official version of events does not stand up to scrutiny.Save Crystal Palace Park: The Battle Begins Again
07-09-2002 23:56
Crystal Palace Park is once again under threat from developers. Bromley Council has fenced off the site pending development. The combination of local opposition and the activist community saved the park last time, let's do it again.And you shall blow the Shofar... (by Latuff)
07-09-2002 23:12

EU cancels financial aid to Swaziland
07-09-2002 17:42
"The European Union has withdrawn its financial aid to Swaziland following the government's decision to buy a multi-million dollar private jet while thousands of Swazis are dying of starvation." By Bhekie MatsebulaJohn Pilger: Palestine is Still the Issue (Film on MONDAY!)
07-09-2002 14:05
The world premiere of John Pilger's powerful new documentary, with a talk by Pilger and his producer.UN Weapons Inspectors: under CIA control
07-09-2002 12:43
The UN needs to re-invent its weapons inspection regime. UNSCOM is riddled with spies. It should not become the arbiter for whether we invade Iraq1500 persons in Copenhaguen: constant updates
07-09-2002 12:29
We are covering LIVE the demonstration against EU Economy Secretaries (constant updates).No Sweat Getting Nekid on the Nike Fun Run
07-09-2002 12:24

No Sweat will meet up at Barnes Train Station at 9am on Sun Sep 22 for some fun direct action at the run. We need as many people as possible to maximise the impact we can make, bring your mobile and leave your inhibitions at home.
Who's STIFFING the World?
07-09-2002 12:06
Without interviews of SCOTT RITTER (and others) there will be NO real "debate" presented to the American people who will soon have the DRAMATIC WAR they seem to want, a great bloodbath to report to Americans, who will be riveted in fascination. Too bad so many innocent civilians need to be slaughtered to give TV networks high ratings!Attention New Labour Apparatchiks: A call to real patriotism and honour
07-09-2002 10:32
"Consultation among grown-up nations has to mean not just consultation about the how and the when, but also about the whether"MOST HATED BY IRAQI: Saddam Hussein profile
07-09-2002 09:23

07-09-2002 07:01