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Sweden: antifascism in the elections

Mikael Altemark | 08.09.2002 23:08

Several different "nationalist" or openly nazi parties are trying to
seize the opportunity given by the parliamentarist circus to make their
racist, sexist and homophobic views acceptable to the public. Many
local SUF (Syndicalist Youth Federation) clubs and other libertarian
organizations have made it a priority to stand up against them and
denounce their message of hate, wherever they turn up to try to
spread it.

Sweden: antifascism in the elections
Sweden: antifascism in the elections

The Sverigedemokraterna ("Sweden democrats") have their roots in the
racist movement "Bevara Sverige Svenskt"-movement of the 80's ("Keep
Sweden Swedish") and have for a long time had very close ties to both
Swedish and international nazi and extreme right groups.

- The 1998 elections

During last election year, 1998, they received large economic
contributions from Front National in France and have for some time
tried to cultivate an image of a "nice" party, cleaning out the more
questionable and obvious nazi-connections from their organization -
but still keeping their original xenophobic, sexist and
anti-working class ideals.

The attempts at gaining a support and voter base amongst regular people
during the 1998 elections resulted in failure for the racists -
everywhere they tried to have their meetings, resistance from
anarchists, syndicalist and anti-racists also turned up. In their
internal strategical evaluation of the campaign, they concluded that
square meetings no longer was an option, because the party only became
all the more associated with trouble and marginalization.

The few seats in the few municipal councils they managed to conquer
(sometimes with help from coalitions with established parties of the
right like the Christian Democrats and the Moderates) soon were often
lost due to either pure incompetence or internal factioning.
Nationally the party received a total of 19624 votes.

- Polishing the outside of the toilet, but keeping the brown shit inside

In October 1999, the syndicalist Björn Söderberg was shot to death
by fascists in Stockholm. The reason was that Söderberg had revealed
that the nazi Robert Vesterlund had been elected to the local union
board at a union at his workplace, a warehouse. Vesterlund had been
the chairman of the youth organization of the Sverigedemokraterna in
1993 and later was on the national board for the party.

Events such as these are what prompted the party's new direction -
to establish "respectability" by partly purging members with the most
obvious ties to the nazi movement. This provoked a split in the party,
resulting in about half of the members leaving to form the
Nationaldemokraterna, who wanted to pursue the original strategy of the
early 90's. They now consider Sverigedemokraterna as race traitors and
not "real nationalists". Both parties are running in the national
and many local ones this year.

- Antifascists on the offensive

This year most of the populist parties and alliances of the right
have totally disintegrated (for example the political clowns in
Ny Demokrati, "new democracy", which managed to take a few seats
in the parliament during the early 90's) and this now leaves the
field open for the pure extreme right.

Also the success of similar parties in many other European
countries has helped the relatively small extreme nationalist
movement, as well as "good-intentioned" liberal attempts at "defeating
the racists in a national debate". This in effect only provided them
with more legitimacy which in turn provided a good excuse mainstream
right parties to ride the populist wave of blaming everything on
"the bloody foreigners".

Not only the support that Sverigedemokraterna
got from the mainstream right because it's wanting to form a
right majority shows how capitalism breeds racism. Another speaking
example is the defection of the member of the Moderates (2nd
largest party, liberal/conservatives) and member of parliament,
Sten Andersson to Sverigedemokraterna.

But as the activity on the dark and racist extremes has been
increasing during this years elections the radical left continues
to pursue our decided strategy of not letting them stand without
answer. It is as simple as this: racism, sexism and homophobia -
not OK! No Pasaran!

- Expose the racists wherever they turn up!

The seventh September Sverigedemokraterna spoke to the people of
the fourth largest city of Sweden - the southern Malmö. Only it
turned out the people of Malmö didn't quite seem to like the message
they were bombarded with. The loud boo-ing of 200 persons drowned the
racist gang - amongst others the party leader Mikael Jansson.

Police on horse tried to remove the crowd several times, only
to find more activists taking the places. A person with connections
to their party was arrested because of having physically attacked
a bystander.In the end the racists gave up, packed their stuff and
left with police escort.

The 31 of July both Sverigedemokraterna and Nationaldemokraterna got
the OK from the Gothenburg board of culture to spread their propaganda
for more than a week at the largest library in the city at an
exposition in connection to the elections. It is a catastrophe that
commune of Gothenburg can allow public premises to racist shit. It is
also quite oxymoronic that according to library policy, it is not
allowed to use the library's computers to view racist materials on
the Internet when it is readily available at the entrance!

The fifth of September about 500 young syndicalists and other
antifascists walked to the library in a decided and orderly
demonstration shouting the slogan of "inga fascister på våra gator"
(no fascists on our streets!). "It is important to clearly mark who
is for democracy and what kind of people are against it", a
representative of the Syndicalist Youth Federation of Gothenburg
commented the event to national media.

The 17 of august the rascist epidemic of Sverigedemokraterna hit the
city of Lund - but it was not allowed to roam freely - regular people
banded together to stand up against the fascists. The area was roped
of with disaster-tape and human shields isolated the racists at a the
town square.

As the Syndicalist Youth Federation of Lund commented the action in
a statement, we cannot only fight the symptoms of racism, sexism and
rift between the classes, but we must also fight the reasons behind
them - we must destroy the capitalism which breeds racism!

In the capital of Stockholm the racist have proven to have a
stubbornness matching their stupidity. Several times the racists,
under different organizational incarnations, have instead of the
grand "speeches to the people" announced on their webpages found
themselves speaking to only a loud and overwhelming opposition of
anticapitalists and rows of riot police on an otherwise empty square.

Other actions againsts the fascists has been held in numerous
other cities, such as Gävle, Lidköping (where an openly
nazi party is candidating), Höganäs etc.

Mikael Altemark
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Display the following 3 comments

  1. Duh! — Tommy P. (Malmoe)
  2. Hello — Erik
  3. Better facts please — Erik