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1500 persons in Copenhaguen: constant updates

La Haine | 07.09.2002 12:29

We are covering LIVE the demonstration against EU Economy Secretaries (constant updates).

14.15 - Copenhague: About 1500 people have just left Enghave Square towards Radhus Square. According to a member of Stop Unión 2002, 3000 people from abroad are expected to attend the December 12-14 movilisations. Apparently, the Copenhaguen Mayor office has not offered any place to lodge these people, so the organisers will be looking on their own for schools and similars to solve this matter.

13.45 - Copenhague: Nearly 100 people are performing as "Peace Guardians". According to an activist from Globbale Rodder talking to La Haine: "we understand this security service is positive because it is of our own, and does not provoke demostrators". About the matter of the money given by the government for the performance of various activities, he said: "this has allowed us organising concerts, as much as an activity like this demonstration. It does not mean any control from the government, because we are saying what we think and demostrating freely".

13.35 - Copenhague: Half a million people are gathered at the square. Police p`resence is low. Most visible organisations are Ungdoms Front (Youth Front), Internationell Socialist (Socialist International), Globbale Rodder (Global Roots) and the Young Communists of Norway.

12.55 - Copenhague: Around 100 people stick around Enghave Square. Some flags from ATTAC and Rod Ungdom (Red Youth). About 15 "Peace Guardians" with orange pullovers, along with the motto "Stop the Violence" are settling at the square. Supposedly, these people belonging the organising network "Stop Union 2002", will forbid action to radical protesters.

12.40 - Copenhague: According to the network "Stop Union 2002", today's demonstration will aim towards rejecting Denmark entrance into EMU.

11.40 - Copenhague: A police chief has declared: "we are sure today's demonstration will go off peacefully". He assures there will be 1200 policemen watching the surroundings, taking care of everything to remain calm.

11.10 - Copenhague: Corporative media displays the debate on the yearned Dansk incorporation to Euro. They inform about the arrival of thousands of demostrators to the capital city and, therefore, about the hazard of riots. Police is already running a special security display.

La Haine
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