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19-05-2016 04:51
We talk with refugees coming to the Greek island of Samos. They have much to say about the crazy and cruel world around us. It pays to listen!
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17-05-2016 16:00
It was a quarter of a century ago, on March 7th, 1991, when the proletarian uprising in Iraq against war showed to the world proletariat the only way forward to eliminate wars forever. As always, on the other side of the social barricade, all the global forces of Capital acted as one body to liquidate the autonomy of our class.
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17-05-2016 13:49
Saakashvili did not receive Hahn's assurances that 'interim' Groysman's Cabinet resigns in 2017...
Many Ukrainians and their foreign partners have been dissatisfied with a new Cabinet of Ministers appointed after Yatsenyuk's resignation. The main critic of the government is Mikheil Saakashvili who currently holds office of Odesa Region's Governor.
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17-05-2016 13:46
Saakashvili did not receive Hahn's assurances that 'interim' Groysman's Cabinet resigns in 2017...
Many Ukrainians and their foreign partners have been dissatisfied with a new Cabinet of Ministers appointed after Yatsenyuk's resignation. The main critic of the government is Mikheil Saakashvili who currently holds office of Odesa Region's Governor.
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16-05-2016 13:05
"We should be extremely careful in dealings with such post-Soviet politicians. Because of their claims to represent or even dominate in EU institutions, stubborn denial of obvious things and unwillingness to accept real life, they pose a serious threat to the balance of interests, established in Europe."
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16-05-2016 11:26
New 18 min film about Lucy Allan's doctoring of constituent's e mail with an apparent death threat.
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13-05-2016 10:55
Looking for a holiday destination that can boast the following ?
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12-05-2016 15:42
In a video broadcast censored by major commercial platforms, anti-democracy human rights activist Valentin Caspar von Grimmelshausen and pro-democracy human rights activist Om-Lai Tung have presented a device programmed to detect content forgeries deriving from government abuse of security-tagged personal data. The IFD is a software program loaded upon the device, which instructs its handler with regard to the handling of such contamination in case it is being tested as a possible solution against unresolvable side-effects resulting from fake content. Likely threats include entrapment tactics by governments along the human rights rhetoric food chain, of which the two activists said they are always wrong regardless of geopolitical orientations. Users are being encouraged to discard fakes on heuristic suggestion and hold government responsible for unsolicited production thereof. A mission statement said authenticity meant that of a thousand flowers blossoming, not a single one was allowed to be a forgery in order for the species to be called authentic.
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12-05-2016 09:16
America's efforts to create a certain base in Russia for advancing its own, sometimes very inconsistent political posture is not being disputed by, perhaps, anyone now. For sure, a candidacy for a role of a liberal saviour for authoritarian Russia generates most interest! No need to be Snowden to detect a political pawn after filtering out the information fields that soon is destined to become a weighty chessman.
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11-05-2016 12:12
MARK COLLETT, lover of Adolf Hitler and AIDS, and hater of black and Jewish people, is back, and out campaigning in the streets of Leeds for Vote Leave's Brexit campaign. Having left the BNP a good few years ago, following paedophilia allegations from fellow BNP members, the Leeds-based former BNP Youth Leader from Leicestershire is back in public life, as a Brexit campaigner, with full approval from Conservatives in the Vote Leave campaign, handing out leaflets along Briggate in Leeds. Describing Adolf Hitler as a "great man", his swastika-tattooed partner Eva Van Housen was also participating at the stall. It says a lot for the Brexit campaign when they allow hardcore neo-nazis to do their bidding......
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11-05-2016 12:04
MARK COLLETT, lover of Adolf Hitler and AIDS, and hater of black and Jewish people, is back, and out campaigning in the streets of Leeds for the Brexit campaign, on behalf of Vote Leave. Having left the BNP a good few years ago, following paedophilia allegations from fellow BNP members, the Leeds-based former BNP Youth Leader from Leicestershire is back in public life, as a Brexit campaigner, with full approval from Conservatives in the Vote Leave campaign, handing out leaflets along Briggate in Leeds. Describing Adolf Hitler as a "great man", his swastika-tattooed partner Eva Van Housen was also participating at the stall. It says a lot for the Brexit campaign when they allow hardcore neo-nazis to do their bidding......
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10-05-2016 16:17
WELCOME TO THE WORKHOUSE, merry Brexiteers. Your sadomasochistic, self-oppressive and ill-thought out wishes about to come true, prepare to turn back the clock to the Victorian times that the Daily Mail made you long for, the pseudo-halcyon days of a quaint but patriotic that never really existed. From the chilling moment a perma-drunken Nigel Farage goosesteps onto the BBC news studio arm in arm with Ian Duncan Smith and Boris Johnson, and celebrates the final and lasting destruction of Britain's poor, indoctrinated working class Sun, Express and Mail turkeys will have lastingly voted for Christmas. Punchdrunk on jingoism, xenophobia and racial hostility, you might feel inclined to join the permanently inebriated Farage and pop open a bottle or three to celebrate the Brexit Reich, thinking you have long since become upwardly mobile ever since completing that self-satisfying little survey about class status in the Mail on Sunday, however, unfortunately for you, earning just over minimum wage, with bills to pay, does not make you upper class.
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10-05-2016 16:12
The underground ransomware industry is advancing at a rapid pace. It is targeting personal computers and organizations alike, encrypting data with algorithms that feature high entropy.
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10-05-2016 16:03
WELCOME TO THE WORKHOUSE, merry Brexiteers. Your sadomasochistic self-oppressive wishes about to come true, prepare to turn back the clock to the Victorian times that the Daily Mail made you long for, the pseudo-halcyon days of a quaint but patriotic that never really existed. From the chilling moment a perma-drunken Nigel Farage goosesteps onto the BBC news studio arm in arm with Ian Duncan Smith and Boris Johnson, and celebrates the final and lasting destruction of Britain's poor, indoctrinated working class Sun, Express and Mail turkeys will have lastingly voted for Christmas. Punchdrunk on jingoism, xenophobia and racial hostility, you might feel inclined to join the permanently inebriated Farage and pop open a bottle or three to celebrate the Brexit Reich, thinking you have long since become upwardly mobile ever since completing that self-satisfying little survey about class status in the Mail on Sunday, however, unfortunately for you, earning just over minimum wage, with bills to pay, does not make you upper class.
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10-05-2016 15:55
It has been almost two years since the nasty CTB Locker file-encrypting Trojan first got into the limelight. Not only has it stayed one of the top ransomware threats over this time, but it’s also changing its modus operandi and invading new niches.
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10-05-2016 14:51
John Kerry is, besides many other unpleasant things, a rather ridiculous man, and he has managed to prove that proposition time and time again.
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07-05-2016 15:24
IAN ALDERSON, a leading Bradford UKIP committee member and a senior employment advisor with ethnic minority skills and advice group QED Bradford (set up by Mohammed Ali OBE), and a youth and community organiser for the Church of England-funded youth scheme for Eccleshill, has tweeted to serial bigot Katie Hopkins a racial slur aimed at Bradford's Muslim population, using a "goat" analogy (goats a common theme for the often obscene fabrications of the British far right). On Facebook, Alderson is a supporter of neo-Nazi BNP-offshoot "Lionheart GB" and the English Defence League (EDL) anti-Muslim page "Proud To Be Kaffir", alongside plenty of other rightwing pages, including the libellous anti-Labour far right Facebook page "Labour Party Exposed", which calls Labour Party members "traitors and paedophiles". This story is extremely worrying, for Alderson is a trusted senior youth, community and employment worker in Bradford, who helps co-ordinate projects with Bradford Council. The Church of England will also be extremely unhappy to discover Alderson also wants the meagre British budget of 0.7% foreign aid to cease, so starving and wartorn people around the globe will not access life-saving facilities and emergency aid. Very #unchristian!
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07-05-2016 14:45
IAN ALDERSON, Bradford UKIP committee member and a senior employment advisor with ethnic minority skills and advice group QED Bradford (set up by Mohammed Ali OBE), and a youth and community organiser for the Church of England-funded youth scheme for Eccleshill, has tweeted to serial bigot Katie Hopkins a racial slur aimed at Bradford's Muslim population, using a "goat" analogy (goats a common theme for the often obscene fabrications of the British far right). On Facebook, Alderson is a supporter of neo-Nazi BNP-offshoot "Lionheart GB" and the English Defence League (EDL) anti-Muslim page "Proud To Be Kaffir", alongside plenty of other rightwing pages, including the libellous anti-Labour far right Facebook page "Labour Party Exposed", which calls Labour Party members "traitors and paedophiles". This story is extremely worrying, for Alderson is a trusted senior youth, community and employment worker in Bradford, who helps co-ordinate projects with Bradford Council. The Church of England will also be extremely unhappy to discover Alderson also wants our meagre British budget of 0.7% foreign aid to cease, so starving and wartorn people around the globe will not access life-saving facilities and emergency aid, and will die., which is very #unchristian of Mr Alderson!
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07-05-2016 14:01
IAN ALDERSON, Bradford UKIP committee member and a senior employment advisor with ethnic minority skills and advice group QED Bradford (set up by Mohammed Ali OBE), and a youth and community organiser for the Church of England-funded youth scheme for Eccleshill, has tweeted to serial bigot Katie Hopkins a racial slur aimed at Bradford's Muslim population, using a "goat" analogy (goats a common theme for the often obscene fabrications of the British far right). On Facebook, Alderson is a supporter of neo-Nazi BNP-offshoot "Lionheart GB" and the English Defence League (EDL) anti-Muslim page "Proud To Be Kaffir", alongside plenty of other rightwing pages, including the libellous anti-Labour far right Facebook page "Labour Party Exposed", which calls Labour Party members "traitors and paedophiles". This story is extremely worrying, for Alderson is a trusted senior youth, community and employment worker in Bradford, who helps co-ordinate projects with Bradford Council. The Church of England will also be extremely unhappy to discover Alderson also wants the meagre British budget of 0.7% foreign aid to cease, so starving and wartorn people around the globe will not access life-saving facilities and emergency aid. Very #unchristian!
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