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**New venue** Doris Banham Dog Rescue Benefit Gig - Sheffield - Sat 12th Jan

10-01-2013 18:08

A night of punk, acoustic and spoken word, along with vegan pizza and cake to raise much needed funds for the awesome Doris Banham Dog Rescue.
This charity works tirelessly to save abandoned dogs awaiting death at council pounds each day in the UK.
Come and help raise funds for the Doris Banham dogs!

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The EZLN Announces Next Steps

10-01-2013 17:25

Communiqué from the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee – General Command of the Zapatista National Liberation Army
December 30 2012.

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The Zapatista's Silent Message

10-01-2013 17:19

It is a huge demonstration of force–the largest in the entire history of the Zapatista movement–just days before the 19th anniversary of their first public appearance and 30 years since their founding.

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Calais Migrant Solidarity Benefit, London, Friday 11 January

10-01-2013 15:03

When: 7 pm til late 11 January 2013
Where:Library Street Social Center // Colorama 2 (44-50 Lancaster Street,
LondonSE1 close to Elephant and Castle)

Entrance by donation, everyone welcome!

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outside their walls

10-01-2013 14:55

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Austerity: Another Word For War.

10-01-2013 14:49

The article equates global austerity to a condition of large-scale 'war' by the upholders of the capitalist mode of production - against the rest of society. The article considers two possible lines of resistance and defence which could put ordinary people onto a self-reliant and defensive war footing.

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Boycott Duchy Originals

10-01-2013 13:50

According to the campaign group Republic, the heir to the throne, Charles Prince of Wales pays zero corporation tax on his Duchy empire. Boycott Duchy Originals until he pays his fair share of tax.

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Letter of solidarity with tree-occupations against road-buildings

10-01-2013 13:05

During the last weeks, at two different locations in Europe, trees have been squatted that would fall prey to the construction of motorways. On December 22nd, activists in Bexhill, England occupied trees against the construction of the Bexhill-Hastings Link Road and have erected an entire camp now. In Berlin, free-spaces-activists, together with environmental-activists occupied trees against the A100 that is to be built through the middle of Berlin. We, the squatters from the Hambach Forest stand in solidarity with these struggles and call for a practical support and for the creation of a network of these emerging spaces of resistance with each other and the creation of many new spaces like these.

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Digging The Dirt!

10-01-2013 11:33

Sitting on yer botty action..whilst others on the front-line are getting nicked!

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G8 Foreign Ministers to meet in London, April 2013

09-01-2013 17:43

The location for the G8 Foreign Ministers meeting has now been announced.

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BNP to hold Day of Action in Skegness

09-01-2013 16:55

Lincolnshire Coastal branch of the BNP have announced that they will be holding a "Day of Action" against the Skegness halal abattoir this weekend. They are meeting at 11.30am on Saturday 12th and advise interested parties to call 0771 4009285 to receive re direction point details.

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History: Greek riots 1991 - photos and videos

09-01-2013 14:37

Anarchists vs. police

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Report from J8 Bradley Manning solidarity at U.S. embassy.Updates from Ft. Meade

08-01-2013 20:52

Photos from Jan. 8th. Bradley Manning solidarity at U.S. embassy/ London. The pretrial will run from Jan 8-11th at Ft. Meade, Maryland USA

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State Using ‘Secret Evidence’ To Try And Keep John Bowden Behind Bars

08-01-2013 20:51

For the past 30 years John Bowden has been at the forefront of the British prison struggle, and is by far our most prolific prisoner writer. Time and again, John’s articles have shone a searchlight into the State’s murky dungeons, exposing brutality and repression, and challenging the very nature of prison. For many years now, John has been held in jail because of his political views and his willingness to challenge injustice. That has never been clearer than now, as the State attempts to use ‘secret evidence’ to keep him behind bars.

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Fracking will help America take down OPEC

08-01-2013 19:06

The drive behind extreme energy is extreme concern over the loss of western economic power in the next two decades as demonstrated by new research from the US intelligence community.

The most recent US National Intelligence Council Global Trends report predicts the possibility by 2030 of 'a major impact on oil-export economies' as a result of US energy independence through fracking.

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Universal Jobmatch leafletting

08-01-2013 08:55

Notts Unemployed Workers Club were out leafletting both the Station Street and the Lower Parliment job centre this morning.. Getting positive reactions from both those signing on and job centre workers as we handed out information relating to Universal Jobmatch. 

Nottingham Unemployed Workers Club JSA claimants are being told that they 'must' use the Universal Jobmatch to look for jobs and create an account in it. However, there are increasing worries about this system.  Monstrous confidentiality problems... The Jobcentre reassures you that your details and CV, if put on the UJM, can be only accessed by 'authorised employers'. This sounds safe, but is it? Anyone who is an ‘authorised employer' can access your details: they may include neighbours, present or future landlords, abusive ex-partners etc.  And how are those who sign up as 'employers' authorised before they are allowed to see your details? This is a good question. We tried registering ourselves as employers and were authorised automatically! In fact, Jobcentre Plus does not even claim to be able to guarantee security:  'We... cannot guarantee that people or organisations without permission will not gain access to this database'. Will it happen? Probably yes: the business which runs the UJM is none other than Monster Worldwide, an online recruitment company with a long record of scandals for monstrous data losses! In 2009 hackers snatched personal details of 4.5 million jobseekers who had put their CVs and other information in Monster’s hands, and was reported in the Guardian: 'Hackers steal jobseekers' details from Monster recruitment website' Channel 4 news online revealed that a fake job ad posted by a group of hackers seeking to draw attention to the security flaws was able to harvest the personal details of over 70 jobseekers, including passwords and scanned passport details! Techno surveillance... Besides issues of confidentiality, you may be worried about potential IT surveillance. With the government's new smart idea that job seekers should be job seeking for 35 hours a week, your activity within the Universal Jobmatch could in principle (and in the future) be monitored, plunging you into an Orwellian nightmare. Cuts to services and staff... Last but not least, the Universal Jobmatch is the government's latest attempt to make the service 'leaner' through the inconsiderate use of IT, and is an attack on both claimants and Jobcentre workers. The service will have less staff you can speak to face to face, and, at the same time, more workers will themselves end up on the dole. If you are a keen Jobcentre adviser, and do your best to convince (or force) people into joining the UJM, please think twice: the UJM can eventually make you redundant! What to do? Worried about confidentiality? We have received reassurances that joining the Universal Jobmatch is not mandatory and that you can discuss alternative and effective forms of job search with your adviser. Only if you are obliged through a formal order called ‘Direction’ can you be sanctioned for not joining the UJM. Do you want a job and don't want to miss out on something? You can always use the Universal Jobmatch anonymously as a job search engine. You can type a list of skills and the machine will match them with jobs: you do NOT need to create an account for this service. You do NOT need to use the UJM to store or circulate your CV. You can apply for any job by contacting employers directly.  However, we have tried out the UJM and found out that its job selection is not great. Other job search engines may give you more of a chance! Who are we? Nottingham Unemployed Workers Club meets every thursday afternoon between 11 and 2 for cups of tea and coffee, some lunch and sharing of ideas. We meet at 245 Gladstone Street, Forest Fields.

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Burning the Future

08-01-2013 07:03

Fires in Tasmania, extreme heat Australia, typhoons in the Philippines, Mexican coal criminals - another work week for Radio Ecoshock. Environmental journalist for the Nation, Mark Hertsgaard on book "Hot: Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth". Robert M. Hirsch of U.S. Geological Survey on real cause of floods.

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Can of Worms Opened: The EDL Conspiracy Theories Start Here

08-01-2013 05:04

The judge sentencing in the Tommy Robinson false passport case today opened a wriggling, purified can of worms. Stephen Yaxley Lennon of Luton was, as expected, sentenced to a jail term as almost everybody had expected (albeit a short and unsatisfactory one). That is no surprise, as passport fraud involving the United States, meant the UK felt compelled to act. What was not not expected, was the judge's strange but honest remarks about Tommy's actual identity.

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Plea of imprisoned youth sentenced to death by Islamic regime

07-01-2013 23:34

stop hanging Loqman

Is this world so cruel, to watch both my cousin and I be hanged in public from a crane on the street? and say nothing? Or not to do anything?

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