UK Newswire Archive
UG#606 - Flight From Meaning 1 (The Superior Human, Debt in The Axial Age)
12-01-2013 12:21

UG#607 - Flight From Meaning 2 (Money = Competition = Psychosis)
12-01-2013 12:17

UG#608 - Flight From Meaning 3 (Science, Chimpanzees and The Monongahela)
12-01-2013 12:12

RSPCA staff ignored many calls in August/Sept 2012 to stop attacks on animals
12-01-2013 12:08
The news that David Cameron's pals have reported the RSPCA to the charity commission can be out in context by pointing out that far from being all keen to protect animals RSPCA staff can ben routinely negligent. As has been found out in East London recentlyUG#609 - Flight From Meaning 4 (Crazy Like Us,Instructed Organism,Peace Pilgrim)
12-01-2013 12:07

Archive Material on Paris Assassinations
12-01-2013 11:53
This document covers the recent history of the cold war legacy death squads that have been named by the Kurdish comrades, and takes an attempt to identify the originating agency from the known facts about death squad capabilities in Europe. At this stage it seems remarkable that the Turkish state is speculating about minority infighting as the cause of the deaths in a very similar way as it has happened regarding the series of murders of Turkish immigrants into Europe which then turned out to be a death squad operation. These obviously political assassinations are not only an attack against the Kurdish people and their hopeful but against all struggles of emancipation and the past targets of these death squads whose memory is being defiled by fresh bloodshed of the same inferior motives.vedanta protest in london today - reports and pics
11-01-2013 22:46

Storming The Heavens !
11-01-2013 19:55

Storming the Heavens (open forum for anti capitalists)
is series of meetings for reds and greens to discuss and explore
alternatives to the current economic system.
G4S vans attacked
11-01-2013 16:55
In the very early hours of Wednesday morning we carried out a couple of swift acts of love and self-defence. Two G4S vehicles had their tires slashed, paint stripped and windows smashed. We did this as signal of solidarity to our friends in Nottingham HMP and as special message to our friend in Rome Elisa Di Bernardo whose courage and devotion is inspiration to us.
G4S are a global corporation which profits from the torture and caging of the working class throughout the world. They imprison and torture in order to maintain the capitalist order of things, and in our view should be attacked at every opportunity. The men and women murdered by G4S and the industrial prison complex it is inseparable from increases every day. The numbers whose lives are ripped apart by G4S every hour. Our hatred for G4S and our love for our brothers and sisters increases every second. Our gesture on Tuesday night was small, but it was repeatable, and we will repeat it and others like it.
Fuck the prisons.
For freedom, for friendship.
Syrian Army hits gunmen around Syria
11-01-2013 16:02
The Syrian Air force and artillery have targeted several dens of Free Army militia in several areas in Damascus countryside, Aleppo countryside and Edlib countryside, causing large losses of the gunmen and the destruction of their vehicles. Our correspondent in Damascus Countryside confirmed that more than 50 insurgents got killed in targeting their dens by the Syrian Arab Army in Saqba, Duma, al-Sheifounia, Duma and Marj al-Sultan, where other militants were killed during clashing with the Syrian Army units in Zamalka, al-Ziabia and Hijjira.We'll all be Greeks
11-01-2013 15:29
What is happening in Greece - and can it happen elsewhere?Video ripped from Meridian News about the Combe Haven Defenders action:
11-01-2013 15:16

Three Kurdish Women activists were shot dead in Paris
11-01-2013 11:16

Kurdish activists said the killings were carried out by forces in the Turkish state itself who wanted to derail the talks.
Stop G8 meeting in Brighton, Monday
11-01-2013 10:53
Sussex Stop G8 will be meeting at the Cowley Club in Brighton on Monday Jan 14, 7pm.Britain's military adventures have cost us all so much
11-01-2013 10:49
This article was first published on Iraq Solidarity News (Al-Thawra)How Not to Handle a Rape Allegation: the Case of the SWP
11-01-2013 06:44
With a political backdrop of horrific rapes in India and Ohio, and the unfolding coverup of British entertainer Jimmy Savile’s decades of raping and molesting minors, Andy Newman of the Socialist Unity blog published the 27-page transcript of the British Socialist Workers Party’s (SWP) internal debate surrounding its Disputes Committee report that found that rape, harassment, and abuse charges against ousted Central Committee (CC) member Martin Smith to be “not proven.” This report was accepted by a razor-thin margin of 231 votes for, 209 votes against, and 18 abstentions.
BNP demo re-direction point revealed
10-01-2013 18:55
The BNP will be meeting at The Victoria on Wainfleet Road for their Day of Action against Skegness' Muslims from 11.30-12.00 this Saturday. According to our source, the landlord knows about the event and is supportive. The pub is not far from the halal slaughterhouse on Heath Road.
The Victoria can be contacted on 01754 765124.
Don't forget to let the BNP know you're coming: 07714009285.