Report from J8 Bradley Manning solidarity at U.S. embassy.Updates from Ft. Meade
Free Brad! | 08.01.2013 20:52
Photos from Jan. 8th. Bradley Manning solidarity at U.S. embassy/ London. The pretrial will run from Jan 8-11th at Ft. Meade, Maryland USA

British veterans of the Iraq and Afghan wars, former anti-war prisoners, an activist recently returned from Afghanistan joined other anti-war activists outside London's U.S. embassy as Bradley Manning was brought to a military tribunal in Ft. Meade Maryland today. The international grouping included folks from Australia, England, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia Netherlands, New Zealand, Scotland and the U.S. The grouping initially lined up silently facing the U.S. embassy demanding the immediate release of Bradley Manning as the audio of the rang out.
Video (15 secs) of vigil
Video (15 secs) of British veterans of Afghanistan and Iraq wars standing in solidarity with U.S. veteran Bradley Manning
The anti-war activists then formed a circle to hear speeches regarding the nature of Bradley's pre-trial hearing underway at Ft. Meade/ USA and reflections on the ongoing wars on the people of Iraq and Afghanistan, the need for solidarity for Bradley Manning and Julian Assange. Following networking, activists then proceeded to the Ecuadoran embassy where they joined the daily (2pm-5pm) vigil in solidarity with Julian Assange surrounded by Met Police for the past 6 months.
Briefing on the nature of this week's Bradley Manning's pre-trial hearing
Twitter feed from 17 Free Brad journos at the Ft. Meade hearing
Information on further Bradley Manning solidarity in London

Video (15 secs) of vigil

Video (15 secs) of British veterans of Afghanistan and Iraq wars standing in solidarity with U.S. veteran Bradley Manning

The anti-war activists then formed a circle to hear speeches regarding the nature of Bradley's pre-trial hearing underway at Ft. Meade/ USA and reflections on the ongoing wars on the people of Iraq and Afghanistan, the need for solidarity for Bradley Manning and Julian Assange. Following networking, activists then proceeded to the Ecuadoran embassy where they joined the daily (2pm-5pm) vigil in solidarity with Julian Assange surrounded by Met Police for the past 6 months.
Briefing on the nature of this week's Bradley Manning's pre-trial hearing

Twitter feed from 17 Free Brad journos at the Ft. Meade hearing

Information on further Bradley Manning solidarity in London

Free Brad!
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