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Bradley Manning Hearing: Notes from the courtroom 5 December

06-12-2012 22:55

Defence shows another video from inside brig - Illustration by Clark Stoeckley

5 December: Bradley Manning's unlawful pretrial punishment hearing continues with testimony from MSG Papakie (see Tweets below) and Chief Warrant Officer Abel Galaviz - see Tweets below and reports from Nathan Fuller and Kevin Gosztola [ 1 | 2 ].

For other court reports from this 'unlawful pretrial punishment' hearing, see: Bradley Manning's Testimony and these articles: 1-2 Dec, 30 Nov and 27-29 Nov.

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Scottish Indy Podcast Episode 14 – with Veronika Teudhope from Scottish CND

06-12-2012 20:55

For the 14th episode of The Scottish Independence Podcast Michael Greenwell spoke with Veronika Teudhope of Scottish CND.They talked about their recent decision to join the Yes campaign , about the history and [...]

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small but loud protest and direct action at india house - report & pics

06-12-2012 18:39

main banner
london activists, 'foil vedanta', helped organise the protest this afternoon outside the indian high commission in aldwych, london. they were there in solidarity with thousands of indians protesting outside their supreme court while waiting to hear a decision on a controversial mining application in eastern india.

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London ABC letter writing and christmas card afternoon- this Sunday!

06-12-2012 17:17

1990 strangeways riot - 2012 LDN ABC xmas card
Seasonal solidarity – London ABC letter writing and christmas card afternoon.

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Hambacher Forst: Police destroys almost all the stuff from the forest occupation

06-12-2012 13:22

Yesterday activists from the evicted forest occupation gathered for the 4th time in front of the police station to reclaim their stuff which was left in the forest during the eviction.

They destroyed all of this because in their view it was „rubbish“. While the police is saying that they have to save the private property of RWE (the energy company that owns the forest), they give a damn about other property like ours. We need this stuff for the cold winter time and sure they knew this. This is another example for the obiediance of the police to RWE. They ensure the profits of a greedy few against the needs of most of the people which is land, warm clothes, sleeping-bags in winter and a planet to live on. RWE is destroying all of this.

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Bristol Subvertizer - Starbucks

06-12-2012 12:55


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New Years Eve: International Anti-Prison Demos & Actions

06-12-2012 07:46

New-years-eve to the prisons!
Everywhere to the deportation and detention centers!

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8 & 9 December - Stop G8 Bristol Meetings

06-12-2012 00:42

The next Stop G8 meetings will be held on 8 & 9 December in Bristol at Kebele Social Centre (14 Robertson Road, Easton, BS5 6JY)

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ATH Resources goes into Administration

05-12-2012 20:55

Scotlands second largest open cast coal company bit the dust today. ATH Resources, based in Doncaster England but with all it’s mining operations in Scotland, suspended its shares this afternoon, then two hours later called in the administrators.

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Dark Mountain Writing: Inching A Claw’s Length Closer Towards Understanding Interrelationship

05-12-2012 20:55

by Em Strang It’s winter on the edge of Dartmoor. A steady downhill slope into rain and wind and sleeping flora. No green growth. It’s the ideal time to get [...]

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The Energy Bill: Will It Bring An End To Opencast Mining?

05-12-2012 20:55




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Patrick Harvie MSP responds to UK Chancellor’s Autumn Statement

05-12-2012 20:55

by Patrick Harvie MSP “George Osborne continues to wage his war on reality, creating ever greater poverty and inequality in our society and backing the wrong fuel for our energy needs [...]

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Israel’s Doomsday E-1 Settlement

05-12-2012 18:44

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has definitely crossed an international red line to vindicate a swift and firm rejection from Israel’s closest allies when he announced plans recently to build a new settlement on a corridor of occupied Palestinian land in East Jerusalem, which will render any prospective Palestinian contiguous state territorially impossible.

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Plebs occupy offices of "plebgate" MP Andrew Mitchell

05-12-2012 18:29

Earlier today a group of angry plebs occupied the offices of "plebgate" MP Andrew Mitchell in response to the continuing cuts and austerity measures and also to coincide with today's Autumn Budget Statement.

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Day of action against SodaStream, Monday 10th of December

05-12-2012 18:27

On Monday the 10th of December there will be another twitter and phone blockade on SodaStream's shop EcoStream in Brighton. You can participate from wherever you are. Or, even better, do a SodaStream picket at a target near you.

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Does the Energy Bill Herald An End To Opencast Mining?

05-12-2012 15:29

LAON's 17th Press Release analyses what the effect of implementing the 2012 Energy Bill will be on the UK Surface Mine Coal Industry. The prognosis is that it faces medium to long term decline. As a consequence, over time, the strength of the current 'Need for Coal' arguments will slowly weaken. However, it may not come soon enough to prevent two new 9 and 10m tonne surface mines from being developed, one in Scotland and the other in Wales.

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Boycott Israeli Goods Stall

05-12-2012 14:55

boycottbanner.jpgIn Bristol Saturday 8th December
Boycott Israeli Goods Campaign Stall

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Interview With Militant Prisoner John Bowden by From Here On In

05-12-2012 11:11

Recent interview with John Bowden by Bristol-based publication 'From Here On In' to be published in the next issue (

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Fascists played twice at Ye Old Salutation

05-12-2012 06:55

Fascist bands played twice at Ye Old Salutation. Not oi!, really, fascist. Evidence included.

Ye Old Salutation has been hosting fascist gigs for music label Pure Impact Records, which is associated with the former label of fash band Screwdriver, among others, since at least 12.05.2012, most recently last month. Sometimes they dress it up with "leave your politics at the door" crap, but it's all just for show. Ye Old Salutation has also hosted a love music hate racism gig recently, so maybe the owners are unaware. Obviously fascists should not be hosted by any venue, and definitely not in the centre of Nottingham.

There was a recent concert on 10.11.12 with Skinfull and other extreme right bands. There was also an earlier concert on 12.05.12 with known openly neo-Nazi bands Skinfull and Citizen Keyne. The other bands I didn't look into or instantly recognise. Sometimes far right bands play alongside "grey zone" bands (bands that will play with both extreme right and left wing bands), however in this case it doesn't look like any of the bands are even grey zone. As an example, Skinfull have Nazi tattoos, Citizen Keyne have a photo on their main page where one is wearing a "white and proud" shirt.

Source is a German indymedia equivalent. The brief mentions of Nottingham and the flyer images should be self-explanatory:

Other Links:
Fascist music label puts on event at Ye Olde Salutation, Facebook page with a glance at some lovely attendees

Flyer for the most recent event in image format

Flyer for the previous event in image format

Please stop this happening again.

Please also note there are upcoming gigs in Bedford (this weekend) and Coventry (13 Jan). Any forwarding of the above info to relevant parties greatly encouraged.


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