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Interview with John Holloway, published in Shift#13, now available online

05-11-2011 15:36

Shift Magazine interview John Holloway, author of Change the World Without Taking Power and Crack Capitalism, about anti-capitalist politics, the state, and the recent uprisings across the world. Read the full text on the Shift website:

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Occupy history: Luddite uprising began in Nottingham 200 years ago last night

05-11-2011 13:00

BCfm’s weekly politics show
At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers

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Protest Against Royal Bank of Scotland

05-11-2011 10:15

Saturday, November 5 · 12:00pm - 1:00pm
(meet at the camp earlier, or at the bank by 12)
Birmingham, United Kingdom

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Sole military Super-Bloc: NATO Issues Daily Reprieves To The World

05-11-2011 00:34

A Stop NATO feature in August provided an, admittedly incomplete, list of nations that NATO, actuated by its first Strategic Concept for the 21st century adopted at the bloc’s summit in Lisbon last November and its initial implementation in Libya this year, could attack or otherwise intervene in next: Algeria, Belarus, Bolivia, Central African Republic, Chad, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cyprus, Ecuador, Eritrea, Iran, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Moldova-Transdniester, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Palestine, Somalia, the South Caucasus (Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh, South Ossetia), Sudan-South Sudan, Suriname, Syria, Uganda, Venezuela, Western Sahara, Yemen and Zimbabwe.

The time is ripe and in fact long overdue for issuing a call for an international anti-NATO initiative addressed to individuals, organizations, political parties and governments to convene an extraordinary session of the United Nations General Assembly to demand the disbanding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as a – as the gravest – threat to world peace.

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Solidarity with March 26th Anti-Cuts Prisoner Omar Ibrahim

04-11-2011 20:56

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Omar Ibrahim, from Glasgow, has been given an 18 month sentence for violent disorder following his arrest outside Topshop in Oxford Street in London on March 26th during the anti-cuts demonstrations.

read more

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Like father like son...???? ??? ??????...???? ???

04-11-2011 20:55

Like father like son...


  Any similarity with the current situation in Greece is NOT accidental!
  The above headline of the Greek newspaper "Ta Nea"(26th of June 1979) hosts a statement of the father of current Prime minister of Greece G. Papandreou, Andreas, saying that there is no way that Greece will enter EC-back then- without the consultation of The Greek people on a referendum! Cheers, Ta!

   Οποιαδ?ποτε ομοι?τητα με πρ?σωπα και καταστ?σεις δεν ε?ναι συπτωματικη!!
Δημοσ?ευμα της εφημερ?δας "ΤαΝ?α",(26 Ιουν?ου 1979;) με δηλ?σεις του πατ?ρ Τζεφρι, Ανδρ?α Παπανδρ?ου, οτι η Ελλ?δα δεν θα μπει στην τ?τε ΕΟΚ, χωρ?ς την διεξαγωγ? δημοψηφ?σματος!! Με τις υγε?ες μας!!


Picture and first paragraph was taken from Facebook post of Eve.

Η φωτογραφ?α δανε?στηκα καθ?ς και την πρ?τη παρ?γραφο απο το facebook pat της Ε?ας


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This Week in Palestine Week 44 2011

04-11-2011 17:37

Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, from October 29th to November 4th 2011.

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Occupy Bradford on the edge

04-11-2011 16:55

The occupation of Bradford faces the threat of eviction. Solidarity is called for as celebrations of a week of occupation begin...

At 1pm on Friday the 28th of October, a small but determined band set up camp in Centenary Square, the social hub of Bradford's town centre. They camped out in the freezing cold and rain, in solidarity with the occupations happening all across the globe, and in disgust at the system which grinds the majority into ever more despair. 

A week later and the council have rushed through a possession order through the court. Amazingly they have popped an eviction order through as well, though at present the occupation has not received the order. This is allegedly due to the intervention of Marsha Singh MP's office. The Labourites in the council presumably think it would look bad if a peaceful camp that is highlighting the horror of the Con-Dem cuts were to be forcibly dismantled.

So, the camp continues with the threat of the ballifs arrival at any moment. The spirits are high as a birthday celebration of music is set to wash away the dubious clouds of council crap. The Art Farmers, Serious Sam Barrett and Gerrard Bell-Fife among others will be making appearances.


The occupation is calling for all support possible, by coming down or by contacting your elected representatives, councillors, MPs, deities etc...



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Open call out Suppot for new squatted social cente

04-11-2011 16:55

There is an open call out to  support the new international squatted social center in barcena

For more than a century the castle on top of the mountain of les planes, Barcelona has remained in disuse, abandoned, and deteriorating, changing hands to hand from different owners since there never has been any real plan of usage for this building since its original plan as a leper en tuberculosis  asylum was never completed. During the Spanish civil war it was taken by the antifascist resistance and used as a guerrilla hospital that even treated George Orwell when he was shot. Later in 2000  it was squatted and evicted to return into  forgotten. Today it we have liberated it again! we ave taken the castle, and now we open it to create a space for meeting, for creation, for debate, and political dissidence against speculation, and capitalism. we make an open call out to come and build together with us, to bring to us your projects and ideas..all is welcome to come, visit, and to get to know the new social center.

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Hackney Squatter's Outing

04-11-2011 16:55

This morning we took to the streets to resist the evictions of two squatted homes in Hackney. Following successful resistance we took a neighbourhood stroll to Hackney Town Hall and local branches of Tesco's, drawing attention to their role in evictions in Hackney.

Our first stop on Well Street was due to be evicted by bailiffs acting for a Church trust claiming to act in the interests of the "poor of the area". The trustees support the poor of the area by putting their rents up by 200%, evicting shop keepers and tenants and replacing them with live in security. The sitex company was first to arrive, met by a crowd of around 50 people, two sound systems, several dogs and banners reading "Resist Evictions" and "Homes Not Jails". The bailiffs and owners poked their heads around the corner before retreating back to their cars. 

We then went to Mare Street where Tesco are planning to demolish buildings on Mare Street to pave way for their "development" of rich flats and a huge store. As should be clear, corporations and charities have a lot in common, including the same choice in bailiffs. Having been forced to change their plans once this morning, the bailiffs again trudged back to their car defeated. 

Taking our banners down Mare Street to the Town Hall, the street and junction were blocked to prevent a Serco prison transport van from passing. Hackney Council's housing office behind the town hall was briefly occupied as protest against Hackney Council's, and their Hackney Homes front organisation, use of eviction as a weapon against the poor and disenfranchised. These issues affect tenants, licensees, those in temporary accomodation, squatters and particularly those under threat of post-riot reactionary evictions. The entrance to Tesco on Morning Lane was also taken as protest against their plans for expansion and their role in the attempted eviction this morning. The road was blocked against another Serco van (it's true, once you start noticing them you see how many there are) with banners and messages of support held up to those inside. 


Then everyone went home. It was a lovely morning and it was great to see squatters acting together in solidarity and we should do it again. Soon. 

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Stephen Pinker Talk in Bristol

04-11-2011 16:55

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Solidarity with March 26th Anti-Cuts Prisoner Omar Ibrahim

04-11-2011 15:50

Omar Ibrahim, from Glasgow, has been given an 18 month sentence for violent disorder following his arrest outside Topshop in Oxford Street in London on March 26th during the anti-cuts demonstrations.

Please read the statement below, written before he was sentenced.

Please write to him and send stamps and envelopes:

Omar Ibrahim
HMP Wandsworth
Heathfield Road
SW18 3HS

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World War 3 A Foregone Conclusion?

04-11-2011 14:43

The hypno-induced psychotic public can't even hear the war drums any more, no matter how loud. They've become background music, white noise or something to tap your foot to. With sadistic glee still warm over Gadhafi's public torture and execution through the streets of Libya, the bloodthirsty mind-controlled western public will count a Syrian overthrow a nice after dinner mint, while monstrous illegal death drone attack reports on innocent civilians in Pakistan and Somalia are savored pastries while sipping their morning coffee.

WW3 Conditioning Complete - They Won't See It Coming

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Coincidence? Not a chance.

04-11-2011 14:35

Europe now looking for a bailout from China – just as the United States is drowning in debt to China.

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To my friends: on #OccupyLSX

04-11-2011 14:24

To my friends:

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November Programme of Events: Space Project LEEDS

04-11-2011 13:31

talks, films, walks, discussions etc at The Space Project in Leeds

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Occupy London call for welfare assistance

04-11-2011 12:55

After just over two weeks, our tented city standing in the protective shadow of St Paul’s Cathedral is a becoming a real community. But we are still part of London and we share some of the problems of that great city.

London is the 5th wealthiest city in the world and one of the world’s major financial centres – yet, despite this apparent prosperity and technological progress, there are still Londoners without homes, structure and support. What happens in London every day is merely a reflection of the increasing global disparity between rich and poor and unfair distribution of wealth.

At the same time, the austerity measures imposed in the UK where tax revenues have been used to fund bonuses have led to a further decline in the quality of our society. Essential services are being cut or privatised and those with real and complex needs are being left out in the cold. Now more than ever, those who are homeless or have mental and physical health problems or addiction issues need support from the communities they live in.  We are all part of the 99 per cent.

OccupyLSX is trying be a welcoming space. We hope that people will take the time to talk to each other, help each other out and overcome their differences to create a better society.

This means that our camp is becoming a beacon for those who feel that they do not have a stake in society, for vulnerable and marginalised people. They and we are all part of the 99 per cent.

It is often said that you can judge a society by how it treats its most vulnerable members; Occupy London aims to create a better society, but we need your help.

We will not abandon or ignore the most vulnerable members of our society. We are aware that many vulnerable people are coming to the camp (including people with mental health issues, alcohol and drug problems) and we believe that we have to address these problems head on rather than the ad hoc fashion we have to date. If this camp is to aim to be part of creating a better and more just society we need to tackle these issues pro-actively.

What we intend to do:

  • We will found a Welfare Centre within the bounds of our camp at St Paul’s, staffed and supported by volunteers with specialist expertise
  • We will provide access to and signpost mental health advice services, alcohol and drug addition services, rehousing services and more

What we need:

  • We appeal to all those with relevant skills and experience in social work, counselling, drug and alcohol services, welfare, housing and mental health issues to donate whatever time they can
  • Also, if you have more time available and would like to help out on a daily/nightly basis, please contact us to offer this crucially required support
  • We encourage those who are affected by the issues we are discussing to use this as an opportunity to share your own experiences, express your ideas and organise together for a better future. We will be hosting events, discussions and debates looking at the important issues through our Outreach and Tent City University

How can you get involved?

  • Phone – 0845 299 6175
  • Email:
  • Leave a message for Welfare in our Information Tent at OccupyLSX

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Bristol Indymedia/Bristol Radical History Group Film Night: The August 'Riots'

04-11-2011 10:55

The August 'riots' were portrayed by the media and politicians as the actions of 'greedy feral youth' within a 'criminal underclass'. Most of these politically loaded explanations were presented before what had happened was even known. Using hard research and the voices of participants, this event will provide an analysis of the 'riots' of August.
featured image
Who looted the most? Rioters or bankers?
The August 'riots' were portrayed by the media and politicians as the actions of 'greedy feral youth' within a 'criminal underclass'. Most of these politically loaded explanations were presented before what had happened was even known. Using hard research and the voices of participants, this event will provide an analysis of the 'riots' of August, considering what (actually) happened, who was involved and how they did it. It will also critique the representation of the events in the media and mainstream politics.

A joint event hosted by Bristol Indymedia and Bristol Radical History Group at the Cube cinema, Dove St, Bristol. BS2 8JD, on the 7th November 2011 at 8pm and entry is £3/£4 but nobody refused for lack of funds. Includes a showing of the film 'Rebellion in Tottenham 2011'. All welcome! Full article |
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