UK Newswire Archive
Words of solidarity with Conspiracy Cells of Fire from Russian FAI-IRF cells
04-11-2011 10:43
two letters in response to the open letter of the Imprisoned Members Cell of the Conspiracy Cells of Fire-Informal Anarchist Federation (Greece) by Informal Anarchist Federation \ International Revolutionary Front, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire: Russian Cell and Earth Liberation Front (Russia) / Informal Anarchist Federation - International Revolutionary Front....Letter of Solidarity with Informal Anarchist Federation by Walter Bond
04-11-2011 10:33
by ALF Prisoner of War from the USA in response to open letter of Imprisoned Members Cell of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire - Informal Anarchist Federation (Greece)Victory for Edinburgh unemployed over A4e
04-11-2011 00:55
Tribunal overturns sanction and upholds right to representation
Claimants in Edinburgh have won a potentially crucial victory in the battle for the right of unemployed people to be represented at DWP provider A4e – thanks to the courageous stand taken by brave ex-miner Peter. An independent Tribunal has ruled that a claimant cannot have his benefits stopped because he “felt the need to have the representative of his choice.”
Occupy LSX – We are the 99% rally & march to Parliament
04-11-2011 00:55

5th November: No Gunpowder. No Treason. No Hidden Plot.
Rally at 2pm on the steps of St Paul’s followed by a peaceful March to Parliament. We will be distributing thousands of leaflets with our 8 point statement in central London.
We stand for progressive alternatives to making the majority pay for a crisis they did not create.
Harsh and psychological torture unit
03-11-2011 23:58
Here I am in the harsh and psychological torture unit (aka Close Supervision Centre CSC) at HMP Woodhill, in a high control cell with a six-officer riot unlock. You will have been reading about CSC recently in MOJUK and FRFI articles by John Bowden, Kevan Thakrar, which are all true.Save squatting exhibition last 3 days visit 2-4 Tufnell park rd.
03-11-2011 23:12
Save squatting exhibition last 3 days visit 2-4 Tufnell park rd. open 3-9pm/ 11 sometimes,ring caretakers number on gate for entryWharf Chambers Licence Misery
03-11-2011 22:55
On Monday the 10th of October Wharf Chambers, a new workers co-operative based in Leeds, had its entertainment license hearing and now the result of the hearing has been made public. The three councillors granted the not-for-profit space a license on the grounds that they closed at 11pm, had two registered door staff and full CCTV throughout the building, full conditions are by seaching the council website or the minuets from the hearing. According to the councillors, "proportionality is just a word".
This is a very regulated entertainment license compared to the license that The Common Place was granted (where sale of alcohol was allowed until 5am). The councillors have imposed very harsh restrictions, in part due to threats right-wing groups had previously made to The Common Place and so punishing the new co-operative.
Lots of clubs in Leeds on a Friday or Saturday night are filled with drunken people and fights are common. There are many times when there is trouble outside Tiger Tiger or Oceana that requires police intervention. The Common Place, which is located in the same building as Wharf Chambers, received a license in 2006 and since that time there was no incident that resulted in police intervention. Many residents of Leeds feel unsafe at the mainstream clubs and spaces such as Wharf Chambers are designed to offer a safer alternative; the council is denying this to the residence of Leeds.
Pragmatic suggestions for improving security at Occupy protests
03-11-2011 22:35
Pragmatic suggestions for improving security at Occupy protests, and a common-sense response to feminist critique/s of Occupy protestsAbout Chabil Utzaj and Polochic Valley
03-11-2011 21:35
Taken from Nuestro Diario, GuatemalaLetters of solidarity to GDC from antifascist prisoner and Irish political prisoners
03-11-2011 20:56
The Glasgow Defence Campaign and Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! are privileged to have received messages of solidarity from some of the many political prisoners incarcerated for their struggle against injustice and the British state.
Dale Farm Audio Report
03-11-2011 20:55
The Dale Farm eviction was the first large time that a large group of settled and traveling people worked together to resist an eviction. At a talk in the Space Project on Wednesday the 2nd in Leeds some of the settled people who went to support give an account of their time at Dale Farm. There was then a phone interview with Perl who is one of the Irish Travelers at Dale Farm.
The first speaker talked about the long legal pcoess and building up friendships with the people living at Dale Farm. Then ending with a discription of the eviction where inculding the police climbing bashing protester's heads against scaffold. (~12 mins long)
Next is an explaination of the legal aspects and planning laws. The laws were such that there were two sisters who lived at Dale Farm where one had to remove her caravan but the hardcore the caravan was on could stay and the other could stay but would have to live on a muddy hole in the ground. (4 mins)
Pearl from Dale Farm explains her fellings about the supporters. Is very grateful and thankful for all the support that the residents at Dale Farm had and how Camp Constant cheered her. (~15 mins)
VIDEO: University of Birmingham Occupation
03-11-2011 20:25

You say “national unity”, we say “loot”! Robin hoodies strike again in Athens
03-11-2011 19:01
You say “national unity”, we say “loot”! Robin hoodies strike again in AthensN9 Anarchist Bloc
03-11-2011 18:55
Students · Sparks · Anarchists
Out on the streets for Nov 9th
Anarchists will be mobilising on November 9 in solidarity with the students and the striking electricians.
Get active, get angry, get visible!
The national demonstration against fees, cuts and privatisation will bring together university, further education and school students from across the country to stage the biggest education protest in the capital since last December. Also planned is a mass walkout of schools, FE colleges and universities by students in support of the demo.
Dubbed “march on the city” thousands will be descending on the streets of London, starting at the University of London Union, Malet st through Trafalgar Square and up the Strand, before passing St Paul’s Cathedral to connect with the Occupy London protest camp and ending at London Metropolitan University Moorgate campus next to the City of London, the heart of the financial capital.
The day of protest is aimed at the government’s education reform bill which is a chaotic and regressive attempt to introduce markets and private companies into education. The poorest will have to compete for ever-decreasing places at university while many others will be denied access to education through lack of funding and the rising cost of tuition fees. Students are either being priced out of the market or turned into commodities!
Students will be joined on the day by thousands of striking electricians, who are attempting to prevent the big 8 construction companies from deskilling the industry and overturning long standing agreements, forcing wages down and undermining construction industry workers’ bargaining rights. Sparks across the board are being forced to accept new, imposed contracts by December 7th or face instant dismissal. In true militant style they have responded with a weekly campaign of direct action outside construction sites across the country, blocking entrances and picketing the main gates. Sparks have called November 9th as their big day of action.
Anarchists have been organising to ensure that we have a visible presence on the day, to be an active part of the growing resistance and militant action against the institutions of capital and forces of government, both Tory and Labour, who have sold off our future generations’ right to a free education.
This is our opportunity to join together with those who will not be governed by markets, dictated to by politicians, or accept the conditions being forced upon them.
Solidarity is our weapon!
There will be an anarchist bloc on the march. Meet at Malet Street outside Uiversity of London Union 12.oopm. Look out for the red and black flags and banners. Bring banners, flags, friends, and your best protest gear. Let’s make this a day the government will remember.
Facebook page: N9 Anarchist Bloc on the Student/Education demo
A visit to Plebs' College and photos
03-11-2011 18:51

UG#575 - From Oily Sands to Greasy Palms
03-11-2011 18:44

N9 Anarchist Bloc on the Student/Education demo
03-11-2011 18:31

Out on the streets for Nov 9th
Anarchists will be mobilising on November 9 in solidarity with the students and the striking electricians.
Get active, get angry, get visible!
Occupy Canary Wharf on 30th of November!
03-11-2011 17:23
On the 30th of November there is a massive public sector general strike. There will be massive demonstrations as well in most major British cities. We need to take this opportunity to occupy Canary Wharf and up the ante in the global occupy movement.Fundraiser for the West Midland's Industrial Workers of the World
03-11-2011 17:22
'Benefit For IWW Union'Celebrating Guy Fawkes, the only man to enter the Houses of Parliament with honest intentions.
The Industrial Workers of the World is a non hierarchical union run by volunteers and open to anyone to join.
Saturday at 8:00pm - Sunday at 2:00am
The Wagon and Horses Public House
28, Adderley St Birmingham, B9 4ED Birmingham
£3 B4 10 £5 L8r
Resisting the lure of the Freeman movement
03-11-2011 16:55

Nebulous in its nature, its promise of ways of claiming back power from the state is clearly seductive. Indeed, on a superficial level, it even looks quite like anarchism in action. The aims of the Freemen movement is to use a particular interpretation of the legal system against the government in the name of gaining back freedoms and advantages.
Its mixture of family, moral conservatism and individualism has given it the appearance of an apolitical movement that can easily hook up with both the left and right. So while you can find the Freemen at protests camps, where its apparent anti-government stance will fall on fertile ground, you can just as easily find them being supported by right-wing groups with racist agendas, whose critique of government is more it does not represent their own jaundiced views.
As I will hopefully show, the Freemen agenda is already falling into the sort of bastardized political thinking that gave rise to the likes of anarcho-nationalism. If anything, what it is, is individualist libertarianism, and as such acceptance of this movement needs to be challenged by anarchists.