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You say “national unity”, we say “loot”! Robin hoodies strike again in Athens | 03.11.2011 19:01 | Social Struggles

You say “national unity”, we say “loot”! Robin hoodies strike again in Athens

Today, 3d of November, comrades looted a supermarket chain in the Athenian suburb of Zografou and distributed the looted goods in a nearby open air popular market (laiki).

A translation of the text distributed during the action follows:
Let’s not kid ourselves. Behind the easily digestible rhetoric about the scammers and the golden boys, the bad Germans and the -generally and abstractly- merciless markets, hides our timeless exploitation and looting of the produced wealth by the clique of the bosses. And it is crystal-clear that for as long as they dominate their lives, they will continue devaluing us and they will extinguish us in order to maintain their profits. And the consecutive blows we are receiving, no matter how disparate they present them to be, all serve their own, unified class interests. At the same time, they spread fear to preserve their authority: increased policing, chasing of migrants, lifting of the asylum, fomenting of racism and patriotism.

No more idleness. Let’s take our lives into our own hands.

The prospect of the class of the repressed is neither the struggle for survival, nor the squeezing into a position of surrender and impoverishment. This prospect is compiled here and now, in the small and big moments of denial and of our struggles. In everyday confrontations with bosses and in general strikes; in demonstrations, popular assemblies and structures of mutual aid; in occupations of public buildings, schools and universities; in the rage against the cops and the solidarity against repression; in aggressive acts against capitalists-state targets; in the movements refusing payment, from electricity bills to road tolls; in collective looting of goods from supermarkets, and their public redistribution.

Let’s grasp our collective strength.

Let’s weave the plan for social and individual emancipation.

War to the bosses’ war.

Everyone to the General Strikes!