UK Newswire Archive
Against conspiracy theories: Why our activism must be based in reality
03-11-2011 16:28

Benefit For Antifascist Prisoners In Leeds
03-11-2011 16:09

Libya's Contribution To The African Revolution
03-11-2011 15:36
Imperialists, puppet lies cannot mask its crimes and struggles for genuine liberationU.N., NATO War Crimes In Libya Sparks Anger And Continuing Resistance
03-11-2011 15:26
New alliance of imperialist-led states plot theft and repressionIn the aftermath of the brutal assassination of Libyan leader Col. Muammar Gaddafi and the destruction of his hometown of Sirte, the United Nations Security Council voted unanimously to end its so-called “No Fly Zone” over this North African state. The Security Council voted during March to impose an arms embargo and the “No Fly Zone” which resulted in a massive naval blockade and aerial bombardment that killed thousands and caused tens of billions in property damage.
Palestine Today 11 031 2011
03-11-2011 14:58

Latest sparks #siteworker demos from 2nd nov
03-11-2011 14:55
The latest in a series of protests and action by electricians and their supporters took place on wed 2nd Nov. Assembling at 6.30am for a blockade of the site at 110 Cannon Street run by Gratte Brothers, they found the site already shut. Whilst the cops declared their protest illegal and threatened arrests the sparks entered Cannon st tube station and held a short rally, before marching to the OccupyLSX protest camp by St Paul's Cathedral.
A major national day of action has been called in London for 9th November [2] with plans to shut down several high profile construction sites. The National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts (NCAFC) has also called a national demonstration in London "Defend Education - Fight Privitisation" on the 9th with the financial centre of the City of London as the target. NCAFC said they "stand 100% behind the sparks, and want to work with electricians to make sure that the protests converge".
See: Police could arrest sparks at Pinnacle protest
VIDEO: Sparks protest - Canon Street November 2 2011
London sparks break media black out
See also:
Sparks protest forces Balfour Beatty off Carrington site
Text produced by London Anarchist Federation and distributed to construction workers:
The Cautiously Pessimistic blog takes a look at the current struggle of electricians in the UK and puts it in the context of struggles against austerity around the world:
See also Wed 19th Blocakde Report / Wed 26th Oct blockade report
Balfour Beatty, who run the Blackfriars construction project, are not only the driving force behind the 35% pay cut and withdrawal from the JIB National Agreement. They are also one of the main culprits in the blacklisting of construction workers for taking part in trade union activities. Other employers are Bailey Building Services, Tommy Clarke, Crown House Technologies, Gratte Brothers, SES and Spie Matthew Hall.
Fascists Attack Occupy Newcastle
03-11-2011 14:26
On Saturday 29 October Occupy Newcastle came under attack, first verbally during the day, from a combined mobilisation of several fascist organisations, and later that night physically, from an unidentified group of racistsFull article | 1 addition | 12 comments
Mark kennedy to appear in public for documentary screening in copenhagen
03-11-2011 13:36
Mark Kennedy (mark stone) who was the undercover cop outed in the UK this year will appear in copenhagen next week for the screening of a documentary about him. many in the UK and also copenhagen have some serious beef with this guy, and comrades from the UK are invited to copenhagen to pay him a visit as they see fit. the film will be screened the 12th and 13th of november in copenhagen, and he along with the filmmaker will be making an appearance. more info about the movie at
Prospect union ridiculed over defence of Atos members
03-11-2011 13:29
Disabled activists have ridiculed a union’s claims that its members have been unfairly criticised for the way they test disabled people’s “fitness for work”.Occupy Birmingham vacates Victoria Square
03-11-2011 13:18
Around the 27th October, occupiers were handed a notice to vacate the Victoria Square site by Council officials. Birmingham City Council claimed they were preventing members of the public using and enjoying the square. They also claimed their presence would adversely impact on the switching on of the Christmas lights and the German Market. See
Two Dramatic Hours at Occupy Bournemouth
03-11-2011 13:14

OccupyLSX’s reaction to Canary Wharf injunction
03-11-2011 12:55
Occupy London was intrigued to learn this morning that Canary Wharf Group plc has obtained a high court injunction preventing “any persons unknown remaining on the Canary Wharf estate in connection to protest action.” We understand that this court order will remain in place indefinitely.
We would like to take this opportunity to reassure Canary Wharf Group plc.
Occupy London has visited Canary Wharf on two separate occasions over the course of the occupation to date, organising public debates as part of its Tent City University about the state of our economic system with speakers from across the political spectrum, including James Meadway of the New Economics Foundation and Jonathan Portes, a former advisor to Gordon Brown.
On our visits to Canary Wharf, we have found it to be an absurdly over-securitised place, lacking all social amenities, save those of work and consumerism. Like much of London, Canary Wharf is privately owned, but its character is the result of a deliberate attempt to create a “public space” in which the public is not welcome.
Over the course of this week, Occupy London has engaged in productive discussion with St Paul’s Cathedral and the City of London Corporation, both of whom have recognised the vital role free speech and political participation play in a democratic society. We have conducted ourselves with order and dignity throughout, as has been recognised by all sides. Like their counterparts on Paternoster Square, the owners of Canary Wharf appear to be deeply afraid of legitimate debate: it is worth asking why this is so.
Animal Freedom - a new organisation for animal rights
03-11-2011 11:47

Vandalism and the Protesters’ Response at Occupy Oakland (+ PICS)
03-11-2011 10:15

Report on Solidarity with Julian Assange at High Court Extraditon Appeal Ruling
03-11-2011 10:08
Members of Catholic Worker communities, Anonymous, Veterans for Peace, anti-war, freedom of information and Occupy London activists gathered outside the High Court/ London in solidarity with Julian Assange on Wed. Nov 2nd.PHOTOS

City Police covering up paedophile ring
03-11-2011 09:56
City of London Police are covering up a paedophile ring after arresting a man in connection with an indecent imageOccupy Patriarchy! A feminist critique of the protests
03-11-2011 08:55
A post which appeared on Scotland Indymedia entitled “Open letter from Glasgow Women's Activist Forum to Occupy Glasgow” is the latest addition to an increasing number of articles which draw attention to inciden
The Guardian: Britain prepares to take part in US strikes against Iran
03-11-2011 08:47

Nepal :Police crackdown on the peaceful assembly of Tibetan exiles
03-11-2011 05:42